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Victory and a calm peace wash through the Watanabe household.

Penny dances with a babbling Karisa in her arms to celebrate her husband's victory. She plants kisses on her bronze cheeks. "That's your dadda!"

Aiko opens up a bottle of white wine and chugs some down. "Ah! I better save some for later, knowing how he is."

"Save me some too," Penny jests.

"Wah!" Karisa lets out a grunt. The women laugh thinking she was trying to get some alcohol.

Her mom adjusts the pink bow on her hair. "Too young, to paidi mou. I promise that we will drink together."

Aiko walks over and kisses the top of her granddaughter's head. "I can't wait to teach you some drinking games. Oh, let's call the others and-"

She stops herself, thinking it's too early to celebrate. The fact that her son may go through more obstacles on top of Zeus almost cripples her hope. Her right foot can't stop tapping.

The firm grasp of her hand settles her unease.

The bright smile of Taki's bronze goddess solidifies her hope. "He's on his way back. Despite the months apart, I know he won't give up. One of many qualities I love about him."

Aiko gently wraps her arms around her and her granddaughter. "I just wish it would be sooner." Her body trembles. "Hikari doesn't have long," a few tears escape her eyes.

Hearing her grandmother's trembling voice makes Karisa cry out.

"He will make it back in time," Penny embraces them tighter. "I know he will save her."

The three stays in that embrace until Aiko's body becomes as still as a lake. She takes a tissue from Penny before blowing her nose.

A giggle from Karisa's mouth lightens the atmosphere along with her grumbling tummy.

While Penny feeds her, a freezing shiver runs down her spine. She holds her daughter close to her heart.

Taki, what's happening to you?

That same shiver passes onto Greg and Misha. Their hearts almost skip a beat for their beloved friend.

Even Hikari, who's resting in bed, grips the handles of the hospital bed.



Crack! "Faster, slaves!" Crack! "Faster!"

The young and old Trojans continue to toil with their carts of coal. A shackled Avgi pushes her feet against the dirt to push her filled cart. Her toes lose traction, sending her body to the unforgiving ground.

A guard readies his whip. The little girl crosses her bruised arms to protect herself. The Trojans plead him to-



Gasps fill the air. Avgi opens her eyes. The chains around her wrists are gone. The guard is now on the ground with a sword aimed at his throat. Glimpses of the raven-haired warrior pop into her mind like bubbles.

Eyes almost pop out from the Trojans and guards. Three Olympian deities stand tall with two pairs of eyes filled with fury. The belt of the Amazonian queen slaps against the ground. The camp shakes from her action.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Stavros exits his tent before the end of Hippolyta's belt coils around his throat.

With a quick pull, she slams him down near his men. Cracks form from the impact. The scarred slave master's eyes widen from the sight of the three Olympians.

The nymph with a flower crown holds hands with two blue colored women. Auras of land and sea work together. Feet of the guards sink into the ground to trap them.

The bright light of Athena blinds only the guards while wrathful orange fire wraps around Hephaestus like a cloak. He channels it into his open left hand before closing it. The weight of their breastplates exponentially increases. All of the guards topple over like boulders.

His right hand is pointed at the prisoners of war. Their shackles break apart, freeing everyone of them.

The Olympian with poppy flowered feet opens her hands. Small holes swallow all of the evil men. Their screams cut short by her clasping her wheat-colored hands.

The raven-haired warrior turns his face towards the Trojans with a reassuring smile.

Briseis, Helen, Paris, and Avgi can't help but stare at him. A stranger that was all too familiar to them.

Takashi stretches his hand. "You're free, Briseis."

Thanks to her gift, hearing his voice brings it all back. Her eyes well up in happiness.

She wraps her arms around him. "Taki!"

Avgi's little feet rush over to join the hug. "Big brother!"

He scoops her up. "I'm here for you all. I made sure that Aeolia will be safe for you."

The Trojans refuse to take a step forward from Athena's presence.

He looks back at her. "Did King Aeolus receive your message?"

"He did," she shortly responds.

"She won't hurt any of you," he shows them his red bracelet. "She's under my control. And Aeolia will be a safe haven for you."

Scylla the nymph approaches them. Aura of white showers upon them. Dirt is removed along with their sustained injuries. Rejuvenation fills their empty spirits.

She bows to them after it's done.

"I know you have a lot of questions, Briseis. But just know that I'm not responsible for what happened to Ithaca. And I will make sure the one responsible will pay for it."

She nods her head. Her eyes waver before her body shakes as well. A quick moment of a vision enters her mind.

"Did you get another premonition?" Taki holds her by the shoulders.

Her body stills, but the words won't leave her mouth. The immense sight of the vision brings her to tears.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell-"


A stream of water aims at him but is quickly dispelled by the whirlpool of Charybdis. Taki's milk chocolate eyes widen while pushing Briseis behind him.

Ismene's watery arm changes into a crossbow ready to fire at him but stops. Her lips part along with Charybdis. Their eyes waver like the crashing waves. Tears threaten to come out of them from the time lost.

One question has her point her crossbow to the ground. "Sister?"

Another arrow flies. Takashi feels hands pushing him away. He looks back and his heart drops.

Echo's flowers shrink and wither away. Charybdis loses her breath. Hippolyta's jaw drops. Demeter screams out while Hephaestus is stunned. Only Athena is scowling that her plan had failed.

The white bolt arrow of Narcissus pierced through the heart of Scylla.

Takashi catches her to provide healing aura, but her eyes are motionless. A peaceful smile is on her lips from her sacrifice. "Scylla! Come on," his voice breaks.

His eyes turn to see Narcissus in the treetops. Dark emerald aura foams around his body. Before he can act, Demeter waves her wheat-colored hands around.

The tree throws Narcissus down to the ground. He scrambles to use his crossbow, but the bark of the tree spits out its sharp daggers. Painful screams are cut short by the last one going through his perfect face.

Heavy tears cascade down the goddess' face. She removed Scylla's curse only for her new life to be cut short.

A sickle of dark emerald strikes Athena through her breastplate. Gasps of pain leave her lips. The red bracelet prohibits her from attacking her master as he continues.


"Fate determined her end," she laughs with wickedness. "I cannot defy what they had determined."

His aura fizzles out. Every timeline they met her life was ended short. A question rattles his core. She can't be saved?

He sinks to his knees from that horrible realization. Ismene drags her feet after realizing who he really was to her.

"Taki, I'm so sorry," tears fall from her face. "Athena, she tricked me. I know you won-"

His arms latch around her waist. Tears finally leave his eyes. "It's not your fault. It's not your.."

She crouches down to hold him close. Demeter and Echo join in on the group hug to give him more comfort.

While Athena heals, Hephaestus swings his sword at her face. The goddess of wisdom rolls along the ground while screaming. The gash on her left cheek continues to burn.

She grips her spear, but her arm refuses to follow through with the motion. She curses her sibling and the mortal for putting her through this.

"Get over it. Bring them to Aeolia," Demeter's voice digs between her ears.

The Athenian deity's body trembles from the unexpected weight. Her once feathery voice is finding foundation.

Athena obliges with a flash of light. Briseis reaches out to Takashi before her surroundings changed.

The Trojans find themselves on an island with a floating castle above them. Guards from the castle grant them safety and acknowledgment.

"Trojans, welcome to Aeolia."

The familiar sight settles in for them, but Briseis is still crying. Happiness and sorrow mix with her tears.

Paris holds her hands. "What is it, cousin?"

Her lips open, but nothing comes out. As if someone glued her lips shut.

"I need to tell him! He needs to know!" Briseis yells at the top of her lungs. Her feet race to the king. "Your Majesty, Takashi didn't destroy Ithaca! Send him a message right now!"

The king's eyes almost pop out of his sockets. "Who did then?"

"He didn't tell me. But I know it wasn't him. And you know it too. Please send my message."

He snaps his fingers. A fresh piece of parchment paper appears with ink ready to write.

He hands them over to her. Her hands shake as she tries to write it out. The embrace by Avgi settles her. Paris' right hand on her back give her strength. Helen's left hand gives her peace.

But the words don't formulate. What she tries to write ends up turning into different words. Horror rattles her heart that telling Takashi wouldn't change anything. It was meant to be.

Her knees meet with the soft ground. Her family holds her tight,

Damn this gift of mine! Why?! Why?! It's not fair to him!


The afternoon sun of Helios hangs high in the sky.

Charybdis and Scylla wrap their arms around each other. The sisters of Poseidon happy to see each other in their proper forms. But the pain in Ismene's heart doesn't go away as she looks at Takashi watching over Scylla's motionless body.

His hands tremble before picking up the victim of Circe in his arms. A question leaves his lips. "Charybdis, where is Glaucus?"

Her eyes tear up from the sad yet generous offer. They leave the camp to Ismene's river.

Takashi's steps drag from the burden on his heart. Echo goes to help him, but Hippolyta stops her.

I can't stop her fate. He widens his back to soldier through it. I will make sure your death won't be in vain.

Charybdis and Ismene dip their hands into the water. With an outstretch of aura, they send a message to the merman.

He couldn't come quickly enough. Heavy breaths accompany the water running down his face. His beloved Scylla is handed over to him with a heavy heart.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't save her."

The merman strokes her face with care. He clings to her tightly. His mournful wail reaches to the sky. "My love!"

Demeter rubs Takashi's back to ebb away at his guilt. Hippolyta thinks back to how Heracles lost Megara. Hearing his mournful screaming would bring her to tears.

The immortal merman thanks Takashi for bringing her to him.

"I don't deserve your thanks," he manages to utter.

"You do. At least, I can be with her," he turns to Demeter, Hephaestus, and Athena. "Will you make me mortal?"

The god of forges relates to his anguish, but cannot remember a ceremony to take away his immortality.

Athena is still nursing her burning wound while Demeter's eyes shake. She steps forward with mercy. "I won't do that. Here's what I will do instead."

Her wave of colorful aura transforms the tragic couple into a clean pool of water with seaweed thriving in it. She marks the burial place with a beautiful assortment of flowers in dedication to their love.

"To Scylla and Glaucus, your love will remain forever."

The group's silence and tears pay respect to the couple who are now united in death....

Hephaestus' fire crackles from the dinner of fish he prepared for them. Ismene and Charbydis hold each other close a few feet from the fire.

Demeter's hands meet with Takashi's puffy cheeks. "You and I gave her our best. I will make sure she's in Elysium."

He lets out a sigh. "Fate is just so cruel. Why should they suffer because of the acts of others?"

"I wish I knew. Please, eat. We will talk to Hades tomorrow if you want."

He stares at his stick of fish before eating it with care. While eating, he looks up at the moon lit sky.

His right hand reaches out to take strength from Nyx. That things will be brighter for them all.

After finishing his meal, he stands up and looks at Ismene. "Do you want to help me?"

The water nymph nods her head. "I won't let you down."

"Thank you. Everyone, let's rest inside the Underworld for now. Athena, take us there and no more tricks."

The mortal's words hold her hostage before obliging his request. They enter the Underworld along with the skeleton guards that made them step back until they led them inside.

Demeter's feet drag from eventually meeting her daughter. Admitting the horrible past to her would have been a lot, but Takashi's purposeful steps give her grace to continue. The undead lead them into rooms far away from the traveling souls entering the realm.

Demeter tosses and turns from the expectations of the next day. Iasion and Nyx, please give me strength. Help me help him.

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