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He keeps the fluttering of his winged sandals quiet for an "important" task. A slight prank for the mother of his child. The darkness of night settles in as Hermes observes Aphrodite putting on her see through nightgown.

With quickness, he covers her eyes with a hand. She jumps from the surprise. The god of messengers removed his hands, feeling guilty for scaring her.

"Hermes. How is my love doing?", she turned with a smile that relieves him. She puckers her lips, and he doesn't hesitate.

"Sorry for scaring you", as he caressed her cheeks while in the air.

"I'm fine since you're here. I have to admit, I couldn't fall asleep anyway."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know someone named Mnemosyne or Eris?"

"I don't recall those names, but who are they?"

"I heard Mnemosyne's voice and she said her name, Boeotia, and Eris with urgency", she bluffed expertly. "I'm worried, my love."

"I will check it out for you and come back. I won't let you get worried anymore. Wait a second."

He goes through his papers and quickly skims to the one that mentions gods. He finds Eris' name.

"Eris: the goddess of discord and strife. She carries golden apples and-

"Golden apples? Oh, no", as she kept up the act. She sits on the bed and Hermes pats her hand to comfort her.

"She must have started the Trojan War. That golden apple was the cause of it all."

"Mnemosyne is probably calling out to you because of her. Where is Boeotia again? I can't find it here", as he looked at the map. She points to a general area.

"I will report what I found there. Get some sleep while you can."

"So I don't get wrinkles on my forehead?", she joked.

"Even with wrinkles, I will still find you beautiful. I love you, my clam goddess", before kissing her forehead. 

He goes to leave, but she pulls him in for a deeper kiss. His staff clatters to the floor so his hands can be free to touch her. He kisses her neck, and she moans to his liking. He stops the foreplay before he forgets his task.

"We will continue after I give you the report", as he picked up his staff and flies off. Aphrodite beams from ear to ear the calming, loving nature the trickster gives her.

The god of messengers cuts through the air to reach the city of Boeotia to calm his beloved. He collides with something. His body shakes from the disturbance until he shakes his head. He readjusts his glasses several times while blinking. A crack in the sky disturbs him.

A barrier?, the messenger god thought.

He checks the map to find this is the right place, but he doesn't see the city nor its inhabitants. Like someone is hiding it from him. His golden-lavender aura spikes as he transfers it into his staff. The wings of his sandals flutter rapidly as he flies backward for charging distance. He aims his staff at the crack and flies ahead.......

The near light speed helps him crash through the barrier. Like glass, it shatters....to reveal the horror that makes him gasp. The city was littered with corpses resulting from a catastrophic event.

He uses his speed and senses around the area. No survivors. He looks over again for any clues on what had happened. He then gets the feeling that he's in the right place to look. A small spark of divinity calls out to him.

He clears out the rubble with the swing of his staff to find Mnemosyne's crushed body. Hermes checks her body for any clues. Nothing on her back until he turns her over. Three holes in her chest that were close together and he immediately thinks of Poseidon's trident.

"Shit! Uncle could have done this?", he asked himself. He picks up her body as proof and zips over to Mt Olympus.

"Mother! Father! Everyone!", he cried out.

Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hestia with her donkey, and Hephaestus, in a wheelchair, come out and they are shocked by what they are seeing. Hestia clutches onto her donkey for support.

Hermes lays her body gently down on the floor.

"Her name was Mnemosyne and she was found among the dead in Boeotia. I could sense she had divinity in her. Father, do you know her?"

"M-Mnemosyne?", as the king pretended to remember something while clutching his head. He cries tears of sadness as "memories" flood him.

"Who is she, husband?"

"She...is my wife and mother of our children."

Hera is shocked, but she holds back her rage.

"It's all coming back to me. She's the mother of the Nine Muses. Honey, no", his voice "broke" for the act. He takes his former wife into his arms and pretends to weep for her.

The gods give him some time to grieve. Hera knows he would get angry so she holds him as he "cries."

Hephaestus goes to take Hestia away since she doesn't like seeing blood or violence. Hestia doesn't budge.

"I need to be here for him, nephew."

Zeus recollects himself to cross his late wife's arms and close her eyes.

"Father, I'm so sorry."

"Who could have done this to her?!", as sparks form around him. Hera's touch manages to calm him down.

"I don't think that it was that Takashi person", Hermes thought out loud. Athena inspects the body.

"It-It can't be! I need your opinion, brother. Come and inspect her wound."

The god of blacksmithing inspects the wound while utilizing his aura.

"Three prongs. Seems like it was done simultaneously because of the precise closeness of each entry point. It's not a blade. It has to be....no. He couldn't have."

"Poseidon did this?!", Zeus feigns his rage with a thunderous outburst that shakes Mt Olympus down to the base. He clenches his fists and takes a deep exhale to make it stop. It was convincing to everyone.

"Father, we need to be sure. Where is he?", the goddess of wisdom asked.

Hermes runs and returns with Poseidon's totem that has the symbol of a tidal wave.

"Uncle, uncle!"

The totem lights up.

"Yes, Hermes? What is it?", he answered in a snappish manner.

"A god has been murdered."

"What in Tartarus did you say?!"

"We need you to come to Mt Olympus right away."

Minutes later, the Olympians hear the neighing of horses. The sea god jumps off his chariot and notices the corpse of the former goddess. His body then shudders as a glare is directed at him. He knows it's coming from his little brother.

"Brother, what happened?"

"You killed someone I loved!"

Hera places a firm hand on her husband's chest while Hestia summons a flaming wall to separate them.

"That's not true! Who is she?", he pointed his trident.

"She was Mnemosyne and what I can gather is that she was the deity of memories. Hephaestus claims that your trident went through her," as Athena uncrossed her arms to reveal the wound.

"How dare you accuse me!", he bubbled with rage as the gods all stare at him.

He quiets his himself down because of Zeus.

"I didn't kill her. I didn't even know about her."

"Athena, I don't think uncle did it, but can you use your helmet?", Hermes suggested. Her helmet glows before returning back to its metallic color.

"According to my research, she's been dead for more than a couple of months. Definitely over 4 months. Uncle, where were you at that time?"

"I was in Atlantis taking care of a conflict between my people and those on land. I will make sure to provide evidence of this", the sea god speaks carefully.

"I got it."

Hermes waves a hand and wet stone tablets appear in his hands. He quickly skims it.

"He's right. He didn't do this then."

The gods do remember a conflict and know Poseidon isn't one to use clones to do his work. He prefers to handle things personally. He wasn't the killer. Hestia lowers her flames.

"You found her like this? Why hasn't anyone talked about that city?", Athena inquired of her messenger sibling.

"I found a barrier was made to hide the city and the dead bodies."

Athena and the others are surprised.

"I talked with Aphrodite and Eris could be responsible for this. She's the goddess of discord and chaos. She might be working alongside the foreigner", he continued.

Hephaestus grips the wheels of his chair from Hermes mentioning the discussion with his wife.

"That could be it. How does she know that name?", Athena asked with some suspicion.

"She said she had a similar feeling when you, her, and mother fought over that golden apple years ago. She came across that name thanks to a dream she had. Eris is also responsible for starting the Trojan War and could have influenced the ending of the war."

The gods are taken aback from the horror of this news.

"They will both pay for what they have done", Zeus seethed through clenched teeth.

"You mentioned he can travel from place to place instantly. He could have taken Poseidon's trident to do the deed and Eris could have used her powers on the citizens", the goddess of wisdom pieced together.

The sea god scoffs at her.

"He would have to be as strong as me to even wield it properly. If he did work with her, I will personally end him for his crimes. He is nothing more than a cold-blooded murderer", the sea god added.

"Brother, I'm so sorry for being mad at you. Will you forgive me?"

"I have forgiven you. I'm so sorry, Zeus."

The brothers of earth and sky embrace each other.

"Brother, I ask that you don't kill him. When you find him, bring him to me. He has to answer for his crimes."

"I understand. I will provide all the help I can."

"Me too", Hestia interjected. The others look at her as the usually pacifistic deity wanted to get involved.

"Theia, are you sure?", Hermes asked with concern.

"Yes. I want to help my little brother in any way I can. I will fight if I have to keep our family safe from him. How dare he do that to you?", as burning embers dance around her robed body. Her donkey grunted in agreement.

"I don't want you to fight, sister. You can help, but only if you want to", as Zeus laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. The flames dissipate as she takes a few breaths.

"Alright. I will use my powers to find him. What do we do about.....Mnemosyne?"

"Let's arrange a funeral for her as well. Wait. Hades might know what happened to her", the queen of Olympia guessed.

"You're right, my love. Let's consult Hades."

Hermes comes back with the pomegranate totem to call his uncle.

"Uncle Hades!"

"What is it?!", the underworld god startled awake from sleep. Hermes explains the reason behind the call.

"This is awful. I'm so sorry, little brother. When did she die?"

"Athena said a little more than four months ago."

Hades is heard going through his records of souls that came to the underworld. They also hear some indistinct conversation between him and another person.

"I can't find her name nor anyone from Boeotia anywhere. I can't...even find the former Oracle's soul here."

A blanket of dread drops on them.

"I talked with Thanatos based on their descriptions and he nor the furies remember taking either soul down here. He said he will consult his mother to-

"Wait! I have a theory. Don't let him talk to her", Zeus objected. Hades is heard talking with Thanatos.

"He says he won't bother her with this. Why won't you let her help you?"

"I can't concern her with this since she's busy being the warden. We are not even on good
terms to speak with each other", he bluffed to keep the goddess out of his way.

"Brother, please. She can-

"Just listen to me. Please. I'm begging you, Hades."

The gods are further surprised. They have never seen Zeus ask a favor of Hades.

"I will respect your wishes. What is your theory?"

"Based on my research of our father, he could remove anyone or anything if it's within his field of sight or if he looked upon it before. What if Takashi used his ability to remove all their souls from existence?"

A collection of gasps hit the ceiling. Zeus hides the smile that everything is under his control.

"B-But that's impossible even for a mortal! Thanatos would strike down anyone for messing with the natural order of things."

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's the most plausible. It would explain why their souls are not in the Underworld."

"That makes sense. What should I do to help?", Hades asked.

"You will be helpful once we have administered punishment to him. After he's dead, he's all yours to handle."

"I understand. I know you will find him soon."

The totem light goes out. Hera puts Mnemosyne's body into a large flower to preserve her corpse. She embraces her husband in a loving manner.

"Thank you, my love."

She kisses his cheek and they go back to bed. The gods go their separate ways with a determined Hestia ready to help them. She goes to her hearth to enhance her vision. She sits down with her donkey nuzzling against her.

Through the crackling of flames, she finds families cooking dinner, others warming themselves up from the autumn winds, and eventually Ares.

"H-Hestia?!", he almost jumped out of his seat from seeing her face. The volume of his voice alerts Takashi, who's in the tent, to stay quiet.

Hestia notices the god of war's wound.

"Ares! Are you okay? Does it hurt?"

"Don't worry, Theia. I'm just a clone and it's going to take a lot more than that to take the original down. I'm surprised to see you like this. What's wrong?"

Hestia tells him everything that transpired.

"He and Eris did that? That monster! Leave him to me and I will capture him."

"Just be safe. I don't want to see more of my family get hurt", she teared up. The god of war touches the fires gently as if to comfort her face.

"I will be safe. I promise you. Does Aphrodite know about her condition?"

"Hermes is going back to her temple to notify her."

"That might break her heart. At least he will be there for her."

"I'm going to help with finding him. If I see him, I will let you know."

"Alright. Thanks, theia. Try and get some sleep."

"Hestia" nods and leaves his presence. Ares quickly dumps water on the fire and stomps the remaining embers out. He double checks to make sure.

"You heard all that?"


"We have to be more careful now. We can't use fire for anything and we need to stay away from campsites."

"Got it. I just pray that she doesn't die again."

"I know. We will make him pay but we have to do it right. Get some sleep."

Taki goes back to sleep and grabs his pillow out of fear. He hopes that Hestia won't get too involved. He wants her to live at the end of it all.

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