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anika:this is my house

shivaay pov

will she kiss now?

if she kisses how should I respond?

anika:thank you


anika: then I will leave now


anika pov

ok? thats it

no hug nothing


shivaay pov

thats it

she didnt even give me a hug

did she not like me?

anika:will see you tomorrow


anika pov

there is a glimpse of sadness, when he just drove away from me

why cant he do something

shivaay pov

why didnt she stop me

if only she knew my feelings for her

anika pov

if only I could tell him 

my feelings


om:gauri! gauri 

where are you?

om pov

it was very dark , no sound nothing

her laughter which filled the room was missing

I went inside the house and I could hear her puking her guts out

om:gauri what happened open the door

gauri:omi please wait outside

I'm not feeling well

om:what happened to you tell me

gauri:I cooked your favorite dish

om:how many times should I tell you

not to cook

you can die of poisoning gauri

gauri:but I was feeling hungry

om:you could have ordered something


om:you scared the hell out of me gauri

lets go to prinkus hospital

she  will check you and give you some medicine

gauri:its not deeded omi

I'm fine

om:no we are going to see prinku and thats final


shivaay pov

what do you expect me to do anika

I cannot understand you 

do you understand my feelings or not

anika pov

somethings are not said shivaay

you must know them

shivaay pov

I couldnt handle it any more and called her

shivaay:what do you expect from me

anika:what do you mean

shivaay:I took you out for dinner

talked to you and even drank your stupid chai

but you are still not happy


anika: can I ask you 

why ?are you so concerned about my happiness?

shivaay:because I..

anika:because what?

even you said bye rite

shivaay:you said you had to leave

anika:I said we have reached my house

shivaay:what does that imply then?

anika:why cant you take the hint shivaay

shivaay:what do you mean

anika:some things are not said shivaay

you have to feel them

shivaay:feel them?

anika:leave it shivaay

you wont understand me


anika listen to me

shivaay pov

what should I feel ?

I have enough feelings to ......

anika pov

why did you even call?

what do you want shivaay


prinku:om bhai are you sure she is 27?

om:yes prinku I'm sure

why will Iie to you about her age?

prinku:I have my suspicions om bhai

I dont think she is 27

om:what are you saying prinku

does gauri have a disease?

prinku:no bhai 

its not a disease..but

om:but what .prinku

please tell me dont give me a heart attack

prinku:she is pregnant

om:wow! thats a great news

prinku thanks

but why are you asking about her age

prinku:bhai she is having twins in her womb and her frame is very small

she might die if she delivers the twins

om:what do you mean prinku?

prinku: biologically I think she is just 18 or 19 bhai

she cannot be 27

I dont know if she lied to you , but any how please take care of her

she needs you the most

om :she will be fine rite?

prinku:dont worry bhai

she will be fine 

if she listens to me and takes her medication 

we can perform a surgery on her and deliver the kids

om:thank you prinku

can I see her

prinku: she is inside 

may be playing with the lab machines

om: thank you prinku


anika pov

should I give him this?

what will he think?

no anika ! dont do this

but If he wears this , then I will beleive that  he feels something for me

anika:may I come in

shivaay:come in

anika:I have to tell you something..

shivaay:even I have to say something

anika:first please take this

shivaay:what is this?

anika:just take it and try to wear it tomorrow

shivaay:what is this?

anika: everything doesnt mean why and what


if you wear this tomorrow then I will know your feelings for me

shivaay:what is this?

anika:just wear it please

shivaay:if I wear this will you really know my feelings?

anika:you will know about it


rudra:cartoon! cartoon

shivaay:shut up rudra

rudra:what should I say bhai

you will look like a cartoon in this shirt

rudra:i still dont understand  with this shirt

how will she understand your feelingd bro

shivaay:stop it rudra

I dont know what to do

everyone will laugh at me for wearing this

rudra:then dont wear it

shivaay:she will be disappointed rudra

rudra:then what will you do shivaay

will you wear this for your love or will you be a joker in front of everyone

its your choice

shivaay pov

what should I do anika

*******phone conversation******************************************************************

dayakanth:hello anika beta

anika: ha papa

dayakath:how are you? everything is good rite

anika:yes dad everything is going great

dayakanth:I just wanted to talk to gauri beta

these days she is not calling us

is she ok?

anika:she is fine papa

everything is fine

she is staying with me rite

dayakanth:please take care of her beta

she is very innocent , she didnt see the world like you

so dont give her any independence

anika:I will take care of that dad

dont worry

************end of conversation*********************************************************

anika pov

what kind of a sister I'm?

I didnt even care to call her

my mind was so occupied in work and shivaay that I completely forgot about that brat

dont know what she  is doing

I have to call her


om: now you have to marry me gauri

gauri:not now omi

om:but why gauri? what is the problem with you

we are going to have kids

gauri:but still not now omi

lets marry after di's marraige

om:di's marraige?

gauri your di is mad

who will marry her?

gauri:I dont know omi

please dont force me

I cannot marry now

om:why? tell me the matter gauri

gauri:I'm tired omi

please let me sleep

om:gauri listen to me


************phone conversation********************************************************

anika:gauri what were you doing ?

why didnt you call me all these days

gauri..are you crying?

gauri:di can I come to delhi?

anika:gauri what happened?

gauri:di please I will start tomorrow

please dont say anything to mom and dad

I'm coming to you

anika:ok gauri

I will be waiting near the station

come soon

********************end of conversation*********************************************************

om pov

I got up in the morning to find no one beside me

it looks like gauri has gone somewhere

I searched for her everywhere, but I couldnt find her 

at last I found a letter near her bed side

dear omki,

I'm sorry for leaving you, but I had to do it

you hate lies and I lied a lot to you

I'm not 27, I'm just 19 and a college student

my di is not mad

for me she is mad 

but for the whole world she is sane 

her name is anika verma and my parents didnt leave me

they sent me to study for my exam course and I didnt study well

when you met me I loved you and messing your paintings was a lovely work for me

but I cannot stay with you, because if di finds out about us 

she will first kill you and then me

and I know you will probably hate me for my lies

thats why I'm leaving to delhi

please forgive me,

yours ,



om pov

this idiot!

I have to stop her

dont know what she will do with herself



to be continued********************************************************************


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have a nice day everyone :)

enjoy :)

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