Chapter 3 - The Academy

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Yo guys Firestorm40 here with a new chapter of the 'Kunoichi of Light.' I will try to update this story as much as I can, since most of you enjoy it. So without further ado, Enjoy!


Ayame woke up and the next day and yawned softly and rubbed her eyes.  "Man, I can't remember the last time I slept that well." She said to herself. Still half asleep, she got up out of her bed and looked out the window at the beautiful sky and the sounds of early birds. "I hope I'll get to make some friends here..."

She then walked towards the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, She put on her a yellow shirt with a black tank top, black shorts underneath a orange skirt with a purple belt, and blue ninja boots. She also put on a black choker, a purple wristband as well as a purple arm band on her left arm and a white wrist warmer on her right arm. After that, she tied her hair into pigtails, held by red ribbons.

Once Ayame was done, she looked at herself in the mirror and fiddled with her necklaces.  With a small smile, she said, "I know you're watching over me, Mom, Dad, Grandmother Maki. Wherever you are big brother, I hope I'll get to see you again." Then, she went towards the kitchen and had a bit of breakfast before running outside and locking the door. She then began to look around  as she walked towards the academy. 

Ayame began to hum happily as she walked down the empty, dusty streets looking at all the buildings she passed by. She the felt like she had gotten lost a few times, but a quick jump to the roof where she could see the Hokage tower was a helpful reference point. She looked up at the at the Hokage Monument and smiled at it, until she noticed something different.

'Wait. . . why is the Third Hokage's nose and eyes running?' Ayame squinted to get a better look at the rock, then she spotted an orange dot leaping around the faces. 'Oh, so they're not supposed to look like that after all.'

She then remembered that she had to be at the academy at a certain time. "Now, where was it again?" She ran all the way back to the tower to restart her route. 'Let's see, if I remember correctly, I go this way then that. . . I think that's right.' She started putting one foot in front of the other and made a few twists and turns trying to find her way to the academy. ''This is crazy! I can't be late on my first day!" Running around the streets, now in a desperate attempt to find her destination, she spotted the orange dot again running passed alley ways and it was being chased by a group of shinobi. "Wait, is that a boy carrying paint buckets? Oh, I get it, he's playing a prank by painting the rock faces." Ayame let out a slight laugh. "Maybe he goes go to the academy too, maybe I should- no, he's going to be late at this rate and that's what I'm trying not to be." The girl continued her search for the building as the sun continued to rise higher.

The girl sweat dropped when she finally saw the single swing and the large academy sign. 'I probably circled this block dozens of times. I hope I'm not too late. I haven't been out long, so I could be earlier than I thought.' The girl ran into the building and was meet by the secretary.

"Hi, I'm Ayame Hikari. I'm supposed to be transferring to the academy today," she said with a smile.

"Oh, yes. Lord Hokage informed me about you. Here are your papers and give this one to your sensei." The lady at the desk said with a soft smile. "Now hurry up, you don't want to be later than you already are."

"Right! Thank you." Ayame ran down the hall and read the class room number on the paper she was given. "Here it is." she spotted the matching number above one of the doors. The blue haired princess slid the door open and peered inside to see the boy from eariler all tied up on the floor in front of her with the rest of the class snickering as the sensei scolded him before undoing the ropes. Ayame then knocked on the door, getting the everyone's attention. The whole class became quiet  the moment Ayame stepped inside the room all of them turned their heads towards her, causing her to nervously rub her head.

After the boy took his seat in the back of the class, Ayame approached the sensei and handed him the slip of paper.

"Oh, so you're the one the Hokage told me about. I was wondering when you would be here." Ayame sweat dropped at his last comment. "I'm Iruka sensei. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" Ayame nodded, both nervous and excited, turned to the class and sported a cute smile. 

"My name is Ayame, Ayame Hikari, It's nice to meet you all. I hope we get along!" Ayame said, tilting her head with the smile. She could see the boys had huge tints of red on their cheeks and heart shaped eyes. The girls stared at her, thinking she was another Sasuke fan. She heard a few of the students' comments, making her blush slightly. 'Wow, she's beautiful!' 'She has blue hair!' That's amazing!' 'She's cute!' 

Iruka appeared shocked, silently thinking to himself, 'So she's the Light village's....'

Clearing his throat, Iruka continued. "Any questions for Ayame?" he asked.

Many raised there hands.

Iruka  called on a a boy with a puppy on his head. "Hey is that your natural hair color? It looks good."

Ayame nodded. "Yeah, it's my natural hair color. Thanks."

Iruka then called on a pink haired girl, "Maya! Do you like any one here?!" She asked quickly. All the girls and boys looked at her, seriously.

"No, I just came, of course. I don't know anyone here" Ayame said.

Many girls sighed in relief, why boys pouted.

Next Iruka called on a girl with blonde pink hair "Ayame! Are you new here? I've never seen you before." She asked.

"Yes, I just arrived from another village." Ayame replied.

"Ok class, settle down. You can sit wherever you like Ayame." Iruka gestured towards the desks.

Yukana looked around for an empty seat and she zeroed in on the one by the blonde boy form earlier and made her way up the stairs.

"She is kind of pretty though."

"Yeah, especially with that blue hair."

"Hmph, she thinks she's all that." one girl scoffed.

"Hey, where is she sitting?"

"Hasn't anyone told her about Naruto? It's uncool to be around him."

"Um," one boy spoke up, stopping Ayame in her tracks. "You don't have to sit next to him, I've got an empty seat here."

"Thanks, but I want to sit there." Ayame politely refused the boy's offer and gave Naruto a bright eyed smile as she continued her way up to him. A few gasps could be heard throughout the classroom and the sound of chatter increased.


"She's going to sit beside Naruto!?"


"Alright, settle down." Iruka sensei commanded. "Now, because of Naruto's prank this morning everyone is going to review the transformation jutsu!" The whole class moaned in annoyance.

Right when Ayame sat down, she turned to the blonde next to her. "Hi, I'm Ayame." she said with a smile. Now that she got to see him this close, she noticed that he has nice blue eyes and also had whiskers?

"Uhh. . . hi there." Naruto nervously greeted back and he started to tremble.

"Are you ok?"

"Y-Yeah. It's just...Umm, why are you sitting next to me? No one ever does."

"Well, you seemed like a nice person. So I wanted to get to know you." Naruto's eyes widened at the girl's response and a grin spread across his face.

"Also, you're the one who painted the Hokage's faces. That I caught running away from those jounins who were chasing you." Ayame said in a whisper while listening for her name to go next.

"Yeah, well, I got away from the except for Iruka finding me and dragging me back to class." Naruto said, slouching remembering everything that happened.

Ayame chuckled at this, "That was pretty cool. If you ever do another prank like that, count me in." 

Naruto's eyes brightened before he spoke. "You got it! Oh yeah, I'm Naruto Uzumaki. I'm going to be the next future Hokage! Believe it!"

Ayame giggled at him. "I do believe it. I know you'll be a great hokage one day."

Naruto looked at her in shock before grinning widely.

"Hey! Wanna be friends?" Ayame asked him with a smile.

If it was even possible, Naruto's grinned became larger. "Of course!!!"

"Okay, everyone! Line up for the Transformation Jutsu test!" Iruka shouted.

The class lined up in a single file line, Ayame was by Naruto and the emo kid. A girl with pink hair, a red ribbon in her hair and red dress lined with white, went first.

"Sakura here. Let's do it!" She said, "Transform!"

She transformed into , it was almost perfect but she forgot a small detail. A small scratch on his headband, oh well.

"I did it!" She squealed delighted she passed. "Did you see that, Sasuke-kun?!"

"Hn" was all he said to the girl.

"Sasuke Uchiha!" Iruka-sensei called next.

The Raven hair boy walked up, did the exact same hand sings and turn into an exact copy of Iruka.

"Tch... easy." Sasuke replied, making all the girls droll over him.

"You're different." a boy with pineapple shaped hair said, tapping Ayame's shoulder.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Ayame asked.

"You're fawning over Sasuke like the other girls." He said, rolling his eyes.

"OTHER GIRLS! WHATS THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN!?" Shouted a blonde haired girl, Ino.

"Why would I fawn over him? He's just some guy. Besides I don't know who he is" Ayame replied.

"Yeah, that's true..."

"Ayame Hikari!

Maya walked up, everyone was eager to to see if she was strong. 'Okay, I got this. ' She thought.

She concentrate her magic to make and exact replica of Iruka, and then POOF! A puff of smoke surrounded her, only reviling an exact replica of Iruka. "Excellent job Ayame!" Ignoring the fact she did it without a hand sing.

Everyone started to gossip "You saw that right, she didn't even use a hand sigh!"

"I know right?!"

"Is she that strong!"

Ayame rubbed her head sheepishly, not knowing a certain Uchiha was looking at her in slight interest.

"Naruto Uzumaki!" Iruka-sensei called next.

"This a a real pain." A kid whose hair looked like a pineapple whined.

"And it's all your fault." A blonde girl added. 

"Like I care." Naruto said, "Transform."

Ayame watched Naruto's chakra rotate around him, she could already tell he wasn't doing it right. Naruto transformed into a naked blonde girl with smoke covering her private areas. Ayame covered her mouth, trying/failing to hold back a laugh when  Iruka had a such giant nosebleed he flew back. Naruto burst out laughing.

Naruto laughed as he came out of his jutsu. "Got ya! That's what I call my Sexy Jutsu!"

Iruka raised swiftly up, angry and shouting. "CUT YOUR STUPID TRICKS! THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!!!"

After school, Naruto was heading out the door when a voice yelled out to him.

"Hey Naruto!" Ayame called out as she ran out the room to meet up with him.

"Ayame? What's up?" Naruto asked, wondering what the girl wanted.

"Want to get some food with me?" Ayame asked with a cute smile.

"EHHHH?!?" The class exclaimed in shock. 

'Geez, what is wrong with this class?' Ayame thought  in confusion. 'First, they get surprised when I sit next to him. Now, it's surprising that someone is talking to him? What's up with that?'

While Naruto was gaping at her like a fish and seems like he won't be able to recover from shock until Ayame decided to talk again.

"Sooo... I think you don't want to grab lunch with me then?" Ayame asked, looking a bit sad.

Naruto waved his hands, wildly. "N-No! It's not that! I would like to go to lunch with you, but Iruka sensei wants me to go clean the Hokage faces." He said, in a grumpy tone.

"Ohh, that makes sense." Ayame nodded. Then she got an idea. "Hey, want me to help? You'll be able to get it done faster and then we can go out and eat!" she said, smiling at him, hoping that would cheer him up.

"Really?  We can got to Ichiraku's?" Naruto said, drool practically hanging from his mouth as he got all excited. But then he remembered the rest of what she said and his tirade stopped. "But you don't have to help me, Ayame, it was my screw-up..." he said, looking down again.

"What? Screw-up?" And then she abruptly took hold of both of his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "Hey, don't ever talk down to yourself like that Naruto! It was just a harmless prank. Besides— from what I saw, it was just for fun, it's everyone else's fault if they don't see it as that!" She all but shouted at him, and Naruto's blue eyes grew wide.

A few seconds passed, and then Naruto grinned from ear to ear, his eyes closed, and scratching the back of his head. "Gee, Ayame! Thanks for saying that!"

"You're my friend. It's the least I can do!" Ayame told him, smiling.

"So, you really wanna help me?" Naruto asked her after a few moments passed and they were walking again.

Ayame looked at him, her green eyes meeting his blue ones. "Yep!" she nodded. "Besides, I really don't have anything else to do anyway."

Iruka looked in shock, having heard and seen the two's exchange from around a corner. He abruptly disappeared in a cloud of white smoke and reappeared where Naruto and Ayame were just arriving.

"Are you ready, Naruto?" Iruka asked him, but it didn't faze the upbeat Naruto.

"Sure, let's go!" he answered, and Ayame smiled.

"Ayame, you can go on home." Iruka told her and she looked at him.

"No, I want to stay and help Naruto!" she told him.

"And why is that? You're new Ayame. You didn't do anything wrong, so you don't deserve any punishment."

"Yeah, but—Naruto's my friend! And I always want to be there for my friends!" Ayame told him, feeling the rightness in her words. Naruto was her first friend in the village, so she wanted to enjoy it.

Iruka then sighed but had a small smile, glad to see that Naruto had gained his very first friend, who was also a princess.

"Alright then, but it may take a while." He told them, and they followed him as he took off to the Hokage monuments.

Ayame and Naruto stood on raised platforms, cleaning graffiti off of each face.

"You're not going home until you've cleaned every last drop of paint, Naruto." Iruka yelled to him from his spot on top of the head. "Ayame, you can go home whenever you like."

"So what? It's not like there's anyone waiting at home for me!" Naruto yelled irritably, and Ayame stopped to look over at her friend, seeing how hurt he was underneath. 'What did he mean by that? Is he saying that he didn't have any parents or siblings to look after him?' Ayame looked at the boy with sadness. She had recently just lost her clan a few days ago, so Naruto was like her.

Iruka started, feeling guilty and then his words and actions grew softer.

"Naruto?" he mumbled, and Ayame peeked up at him.

"What do you want now, sensei?" he grumbled out.

Iruka began scratching his chin, looking up at the sky. "I was thinking... how about after you clean all this up I can take you both out for some ramen—the good stuff."

Ayame watched as Naruto beamed up at him as Iruka looked back at them.

"Now that's some serious motivation! We'll have this cleaned up in no time!" Naruto all but shouted, becoming faster.

Ayame look surprised at how fast Naruto became cheerful, before smiling.

And in no time at all, they were done and headed off to Ichiraku.

"Hey there Naruto, back again already?" The man asked happily before looking at me, "and who's this a friend of yours? I haven't seen you around before."

"I'm new in the village, my name's Ayame Hikari." Ayame said, sitting down at the counter with Naruto beside her and Iruka on Naruto's other side.

"The names Teuchi, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise." Ayame said happily

"So what will you both be eating?" Teuchi asked with a smile

"I'll have pork ramen." Naruto said, excitedly

Ayame studied the different flavors of ramen she could have before she made her choice. "I'll have been, please."

Soon the three of them sat around eating their ramen, Iruka began talking to Naruto.


"Hmm?" Naruto questioned as he slurped up his favorite ramen.

"Why would you do that to the Hokage faces? I mean, you do know who the Hokage are don't you?" Iruka tried to reason things with him.

Naruto slurped up the last of his ramen before responding, Ayame mildly paying attention to the two's exchange.

"Of course I do. Everybody knows, they were the greatest shinobi of their time, right? The best of the best, undefeated ninja champs?" He said before thinking back to the last face carved into the rock wall of the Hokage monument. "And the Fourth Hokage is the one who saved the village, from the Nine-Tailed Fox. He was the most amazing!" he murmured.

'Oh yeah. I've heard about that.' Ayame thought

"Then why?" Iruka thought.

"Because one day I'm gonna get the title of Hokage, and then I'll surpass all of them!!" Naruto declared grandly. Iruka froze with a noodle hanging out of his mouth. "And then, I'll make everyone in the village acknowledge my strength!"

Ayame smiled at the boy's words. Despite only knowing Naruto for a short time, she was actually beginning to enjoy hanging out with him. She then decided to mess with him a bit.

"Well, even so... I think it'd probably be better if you tried showing a little more respect for your predecessors." Ayame suggested. "Think about it, how would you feel if some shorty scribbled all over your  face?" Iruka finished swallowing and nodded in agreement.

"Hey! I'm not that short!" Naruto retorted defensively.

Ayame giggled a bit at him. "I'm just teasing you, Naruto. Honestly, I think you'll make a great Hokage one day."

"Thanks Ayame." Naruto grinned. Even though he only just met Ayame today, she was the first person he'd ever met who had never laughed at his dream. "By the way, Iruka-sensei... I have a little favor to ask."

"What? You want a second bowl of ramen?" Iruka asked.

"No, can I borrow your forehead protector?" Naruto asked hopefully, putting his hands together.

"Oh, this?" Iruka said, touching his official Konoha forehead protector. "No way! This is proof you graduated school and became a real ninja. You'll get yours tomorrow."

"Sounds great." Ayame said with a grin. But Naruto wasn't so easily satisfied.

"Stingy!" Naruto shouted accusingly.

"Haha! Is that why you took your goggles off?" Iruka asked with a knowing smile. He must have wanted to wear it.

"I want another bowl!" Naruto shouted, placing an order for seconds.

"Ahh!" Iruka exclaimed in dismay. That little...!

"Haha! He got you there, Sensei." Ayame laughed.

After their meal was finished, Ayame stood up and looked at Naruto and Iruka.

"Well, I better be heading home. It's gotten a bit late." She said.

"Alright then. I'll be seeing you tomorrow." Iruka said.

"Hey, Ayame!" Naruto called to the girl. "After graduation, you wanna hang out again?"

 "You bet. See you tomorrow, Naruto." Ayame said, before she took off.

"Belive it!" Naruto yelled happily.

Later, Ayame smiled as she walked into her house, remembering to lock it. She took a quick shower and changed into her pajamas. As she laid down, getting ready to sleep she thought about her first day at the Academy and how she made her very first friend. She hoped everyday could be like today. She climbed into her bed and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Well, that's a wrap for this chapter. Let me know what you guys thought of it. See ya!!!

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