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It was a nice morning in Japan as in a Japanese style house was a sleeping purple haired kid as his door opens by his mother Ayaka sunohara

Ayaka "Zander sweetie, time to wake up" Zander doesn't wake up as Ayaka pouts

Ayaka "you asked for it" she lays on top of Zander with her chest in his face as he wakes up

Zander (muffled) "I'm up I'm up mommy!" Ayaka stands up and giggles as Zander sits up

Ayaka "good morning sweetie"

Zander "morning mommy"

Ayaka "are you ready for today?"

Zander "yeah! I can't wait to see my friends!" Ayaka picks Zander up and kisses his forehead as they go to the kitchen to see a woman in a chain bikini

Zander "mama!"

Valkyrie "come here squirt"

Zander "ok!" Zander jumps from Ayaka to Valkyrie as she ruffles his hair while Zander snuggles into her chest

Zander "you're always soft and warm"

Valkyrie "yeah but Ayaka's better"

Zander "mmhmm, you're like a cloud in the sun but mommy's like a warm marshmallow"

Ayaka "*giggle* thanks sweetie, now let's eat before it gets cold" the three sit down and start eating

Zander (mouthful) "mmm, it's so good!"

Ayaka "don't talk with your mouth full sweetie"

Valkyrie (mouthful) "let the kid be hun"

Zander (mouthful) "yeah" Ayaka sighs as the three finish eating as Valkyrie snaps her fingers as a magic circle appears

Valkyrie "alright, let's go" the three enter the circle and are teleported to a huge mansion

Ayaka "go ring the doorbell sweetie" Zander zooms to the door and rings the bell as a silver haired maid opened the door

Zander "hi Grayfia!"

Grayfia "hello Zander"

Zander "are Rias and the others here?!"

Grayfia "yes, they're in lady Rias's room"

Zander "ok!" he zooms off as the three women giggle

Grayfia "please come in, lady gremory is waiting for you two" the three women enter as they walk to a study to see a brown haired woman, a black haired couple and a blonde haired couple

Venelana "Ayaka, Valkyrie, so glad you could make it"

Zeref "we figured you wouldn't be coming"

Maki "please have a seat"

Valkyrie "alright" the two women sit down as Grayfia serves everyone tea

Ayaka "so why'd you call us?"

Mika "we called to discuss marriage between our children"

Valkyrie "who's getting married to who?"

Rachel "oh its simple, all our daughters marrying Zander"

Venelana "basically, Rias, Sona, and Ravel marry Zander"

Valkyrie "alright I'm fine with that, those three plus Akeno always fight over Zander"

Ayaka "they're so cute together"

Zeref "so we all agree?"

Everyone "yup"


Zander walks up to Rias's room and see Rias and Sona arguing

Sona "Rias give me Mr fluffykins!"

Rias "no he's mine!"

Ravel "ever heard of sharing?"

(imagine younger)

Akeno "you two always fight"

Zander "hi girls!"

Girls "Zander!!" The 4 tackle him as they all laugh and stand up

Sona "Zander tell Rias to give me Mr fluffykins"

Rias "tell her it's mine"

Zander "Rias, share or no huggies"

Rias "*gasp* you wouldn't"

Zander "I would"

Rias "hmph here" she gives Sona Mr fluffykins as Zander smiles and hugs Rias

Ravel "hey where's my hug!"

Sona and Akeno "and mine!" Zander smiles and hugs the three girls

Zander "pat pat" he pats the 4 girls heads as they smile and blush

Zander "so what ate we doing today?"

Akeno "we were coloring and playing with toys"

Zander "cool let's play!"

Girls "ok!"


The five kids were sleeping together as the adults walked in and awwed at the sight

Maki "they're so cute"

Valkyrie "yeah they are, you're all coming to Zander's birthday party next week right?"

Rachel "of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world"

Ayaka "great we'll we better get going, see you guys later" she picks Zander up as he snuggles into her as the three sunoharas leave

One week later

The 4 families were at a restaurant called Freddy fazbears pizza as Zander's eyes were stars

Zander "this is the best birthday ever!"

Valkyrie "you're welcome kid" Valkyrie was wearing a punk woman outfit instead of her chain bikini

(Valkyrie's outfit)

Aika "Zander!" Zander turns and sees his other best friend Aika kiryuu

(I know this doesn't match but I couldn't find a younger Aika)

Aika "happy birthday!" She hugs Zander tightly while smelling him

Aika 'he smells so good'

Ayaka "here you go kids, some tokens now go have fun"

Kids "we will!" the 6 ran off as the adults sit a table

Zeref "this is a nice change of scenery from the underworld"

Venelana "I can see why you two decided to live in the human world"

Valkyrie "yeah it's not so bad though the only downside is the pervs gawking at me and Ayaka"

Ayaka "now now hun, you know you'll always strike fear into them"

Maki "that's Valkyrie for ya"


The 6 kids were watching the animatronic band

Rias "which ones your favorite Zander?"

Zander "I like Bonnie, he's so cool!"

Ravel "I like Chica"

Rias "foxy is my favorite"

Sona "I like Freddy"

Akeno "I like The Puppet at the prize corner"

Aika "I like Bonnie too"

Zander "come on, let's go claim our tickets" the six go to the prize corner as the puppet pops out of the box

Marionette "hello children"

Zander "hello Mr puppet"

Marionette "what prizes would you like?"

Rias "can we have a plushy of our favorite animatronic?"

Marionette "but of course, just place your tickets on the counter" the kids put the tickets down as the puppet gives them each a plushie

Marionette "I also heard it's someone's birthday today"

Zander "that's me!"

Marionette "as a present, you can pick another plushie"

Zander "hmm I want, that yellow Bonnie"

Marionette "Springbonnie, good choice" he gives Zander the Springbonnie plush as Zander hugs Marionette while Marionette pats his head

Zander "let's go girls" the 6 kids run to the table as pizza was served by Chica

Chica "happy birthday birthday boy"

Zander "thanks Chica" the kids and adults dig into the pizza

Kids "mmm yummy"

Venelana "are you kids having fun?"

Kids(mouthful) "mmhmm"

Mika "after you're done eating you have an hour left to play"

Kids(mouthful) "ok"


The girls were playing games as Zander was watching the band

??? "hey kid" Zander turns around to see someone in a Springbonnie suit

Zander "woah Springbonnie!"

Vincent "yeah, I heard it was your birthday, how about as a present you get to see where they make the animatronics"

Zander "woah really?!"

Vincent "follow me" Zander follows Vincent to the parts and services room as he sees 4 other kids

Zander "what's going on?" Vincent closes the door and takes off the costume showing his purple physique as he pulls out a knife

Vincent "it's simple, a slaughter fest"

Zander "wait, don't kill them, kill me but let them go"

Vincent "no can do kid, besides I got something special for you" he stabs Zander in the chest as blood spewed from him as he fell dead

Vincent "now let's see" he grabs Bonnie parts as he places them on Zander's body as he becomes a broken down human version of Bonnie as the kids screamed

(imagine younger)

Vincent "don't worry kids, you're next" he kills the rest of the kids and sutffs their bodies into the animatronics

Vincent "better leave before the cops show" he leaves the parts and service room as he left the door cracked

Meanwhile a minute earlier

Valkyrie "where's Zander, it's time to leave"

Ayaka "I don't know" they hear screaming as the adults run and enter the parts and services room to see a gruesome sight

Valkyrie and Ayaka "Zander!" They run to the dead Bonnie like Zander

Valkyrie "come on wake up"

Ayaka "please, wake up!" They shake Zander as no response came from him as tears fell from their eyes

Ayaka "no, why, why my baby, he was innocent"

Valkyrie "I'm going to find the bastard that did this and I'll give him a fate worse than death"

Major Timeskip

9 years went by ever since Zander's death and things changed for everyone, Valkyrie was always mad and threatened anyone who even bumped into her and she started painting to ease her pain the girls were heartbroken that their crush and best friend was dead, Aika became more of a pervert to ease her pain, Akeno became into S&M to ease hers, Ravel became somewhat prideful to ease hers, Sona rarely showed emotion to ease hers, as for Rias, she couldn't ease her pain as after a while after Zander's death, she was engaged to Ravel's older brother Riser much against Rias's wishes and now we set our sights at the Sunohara house as Ayaka enters Zander's room as Zander was laying on the bed motionless as his face was bandaged

Ayaka "hi sweetheart, I hope you're happy in heaven, dancing with the angels" she holds his robotic hand as tears build up

Ayaka (crying) "I just, I just wish you were still here with us!" She cries into Zander's bed as she feels his hand twitch

Ayaka "huh?" she looks to see Zander's eye blink red and become solid as his hand gripped hers

Ayaka "Zander?"

(his voice will be like this for now)

Zander (glitchy) "mom?"

Ayaka "MY BABY!!!!" he hugs Zander tightly while crying

Ayaka "YOU'RE ALIVE!!!"

Zander (glitchy) "what happened?" Valkyrie bursts into the room with a paint brush

Valkyrie "Ayaka shut up, I'm trying to *gasp* Zander?"

Zander (glitchy) "mama?" Valkyrie drops the paintbrush as she joins the hug

Valkyrie "my little squirt!"

Zander (glitchy) "can someone explained what happened?" the two women explain everything what happened over the years as Zander puts his hand on his head

Zander (glitchy) "I can't believe that happened and why is my voice like this?"

Valkyrie "it might be because of what happened to you, you're basically half animatronic"

Zander (glitchy) "you think we can fix me?"

Ayaka "it might take time but yes"

Zander (glitchy) "then let's do this!"

A year later

A repaired and healed up Zander was standing in front of kuoh academy

Zander "time to see what's in store"

Zander "and don't worry girls, this time I'm here to stay"

End of chapter

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