Aconite Blooms: 2023 Edition

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     Everything seems to happen for a reason.....

Blossom ran off deep into the woods, her kimono slowly shredding into pieces as it scraped up against tree limbs and stickers. She knew it was a bad idea to go play in the woods. She knew she should've listened to her mother and just stayed home. If only she hadn't gotten lost and accidentally lead that monster to her home, none of this wouldn't have happened.

A demon attacked her and her family, murdered her loved ones in cold blood as she forced Blossom to watch. The demon had long, chestnut brown hair and adorned a loose white kimono with red accents to it. Her long, pale fingers carefully slicing her family up into shreds, her teeth sharp as nails, but what stood out about the demoness was the kanji in her eyes...

Upper Rank One.

The redhead ran as fast as she could, tumbling over rocks and fallen tree limbs as she tried her best to evade the demon hot on her trail. Screaming as she heard the demon coming up close to her, Blossom jumped out of the way from the demons path, quickly falling down and rolling into the base of a tree. Coughing up blood and shakily looking up at the familiar figure standing in front of her, Blossom let out one piercing scream as she saw the demon lunge at her.


The demon turned around, noticing blood trickling down her neck. Standing directly behind her was the current Water Hashira, Ben Utonium. Cursing herself and her horrible luck, the demoness ran off deep into the woods...never to be seen again.

Ben put his sword back into its sheath as he watched the demon flee. Normally he would hunt it down and make sure they were dead, but his number one priority right now was to make sure this girl got some immediate attention.

Carefully picking the girl up, Ben ran in the direction where his home was located at. He hoped that the kid would be able to survive the attack, it would be a shame if he would loose another one to the hands of the demons..

'No,' Ben thought as his speed quickened, 'Never again.'






    Blossom woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar room with her head bandaged up and arm in a sling. The last things she could remember before blacking out was the sound of a door opening and many footsteps. She had survived the attack, but at the cost of her family's lives.

Her family...

Tears quickly fell down Blossom's face. Her family's dead and it's all her fault. She led the demon to their house, she watched as the demon mercilessly slaughtered them, she is a murderer.


     After mourning her family's death for a few minutes, Blossom wiped the tears away from her face and heavily sighed. There easy no point in grieving now; her family's dead and there's nothing she could do about it. She was a murderer, she doesn't deserve to grief their deaths. She has no right to.

She lost that right when she led them to the slaughter.

There was nothing Blossom could do about it now. They were dead. She needed to become stronger in order to fight the monster that killed them. She needed to become strong enough to take the demoness on and kill her, only after that will she be able to atone for her sin.

She had to do it...for them! For her family!




For herself.

Ten years later...

     "Sarah, wait up!"

     "You gotta catch me first Taetae!"

     A brown-haired male groaned as he chased after his traveling companion, "For the love of—Can't you just let me cut your hair instead of just chopping it off with a sword?!?"

     "Never!" She cackled, running around the meeting table as she continued to tease her childhood friend and fellow comrade.

     The other Hashiras just chose to ignore them as they all sat in the meeting room. This was a normal thing for them, especially since Kang Taeyang was recently appointed to be the Moon Hashira alongside his traveling companion and childhood friend, Sarah Bellum, the new Nightmare Hashira.

     "Why do we deal with this?" The Sun Hashira, Yagami Taichi groaned, rubbing his chocolate brown eyes in resignation.

     "I wish I could answer that but unfortunately I cannot," Amano Keita exhaled, playing with his snake necklace, "What do you think, Kuro?"

     His companion, a female black snake, nodded silently while hissing its answer out to him.

     "Let's just get back to business," Ben Utonium cut in, grabbing the two children by the collars of their uniforms and dragging them to their respective seats.

     Taeyang scowled, but sighed as he sat down on his seat. Babysitting two teenagers was not in his job description.

     Sarah grinned victoriously. She always had been able to get her way when it comes to annoying Taeyang, but she really had succeeded in her mission today when she decided to cut her hair before the meeting. Oh the look on his face was hilarious—

'Oh right,' Sarah thought as she mentally slapped herself across the face, 'I'm in the middle of a meeting! It's time to act serious!'

     "Our forces are growing everyday, but it is still unable to combat the levels of Demon Slayer deaths," Cha Hana reported, his brown eyes having a serious look to them. As the Stone Hashira, it made sense that he was quite stiff regarding this.

     "How much longer do we have to wait until we can strike?" Robert Langdon, the Insect Hashira, angrily exclaimed, "Those demons grow stronger every minute! Why do we still have to continue to put up with them when we're suppose to be hunting down the Twelve Kizuki, Adeline Bellum and Ben Ciper!"

     The room went quiet, and Bill Cipher, who had been silent until then, spoke up, his yellow eyes glowing softly, "I know that our kind isn't well-liked, but demons aren't all bad."

     "We all know that, but it hurts to know there are bad ones who hurt others, least of all Ben Cipher," the Sound Hashira, Tak Haeil, answered.

     "It's not entirely his fault. Our parents were not the kindest to him," Will Cipher crossed his arms.

     "Doesn't justify what he did," Luo Fei shot back. The Flame-Wind Hashira's eyes burned with anger. Anger at people who would make others suffer for fun; something they all knew Ben did, "He's the reason the world went to shit!"

     "Luo Fei!" Cha Duri, the Thunder Hashira, chided. He wasn't amused at all by Luo Fei's word of choice.

     "Duri, am I wrong?" He nearly punched the table, "He's the reason I lost Ya Li and Song Ka!"

     "But you can't just get mad at people over that!"

     "How can I not?!"

     "That's enough you two!" Jill shouted, causing them to go quiet, "We can't be fighting and bickering like children now! We need a solution on how to take my brother, Adeline, and the Twelve Kizuki down!"

     "And we clearly won't find it this way," Matsuda Takato agreed with her. It was honestly surprising how he was speaking up, considering his nature as the Flower Hashira; shy and reserved.

     "Takato's right," the Nature Hashira nodded. Yan Sheng was on Luo Fei's side, but he also knew that fighting like this wouldn't solve the problem.

     "... Alright then," Luo Fei let it go. "Sorry about that."

     "You have good reason to," Duri waved it off. "Don't sell yourself short, Luo Fei."

     "I agree with Duri here, and I believe that being here has exhausted most of you, so let's adjourn this meeting. Fair?" Will offered.

     They all nodded.

     "Alright then, meeting adjourned, you all."

      Quickly, Sarah went off sprinting as Taeyang chased after her, yelling bloody murder at her.

     The others facepalmed.

     "Ah, young people," Bill chuckled.

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