Bete Noir (Plastic Love/Gentle Criminal x La Brava)

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Danjuro Tobita considers himself to be a gentlemen of sorts, a professional criminal, and a genuine person. Of course, he does have his flaws, but that doesn't stop him from achieving his goals in the end. Danjuro, himself, really doesn't have any enemies.....except for the villainess, La Brava.

La Brava, the one person in the entire world that really gets on his nerves. Despite her short stature and lack of a more suitable quirk, she does make up for it with her support gear, revealing costume, and her intelligence. Her quirk, which really has improved over the years, now gives her the ability to make any person (rather it's a guy or a girl) fall for her instantly and she can give them commands for them to do, that is if they get caught in the mist.

No matter how many times she's been to prison, she always finds a new and innovative way to break out, which irritates not only Danjuro, but the authorities as well. Danjuro just can't seem to get rid of her, because no matter what he does, she always finds a way to out do him.

The views on his YouTube channel has increased due to her stealing the spotlight from him and preventing Danjuro from completing his goal for the day. It's always quite irritating to see her get all the fame and glory while he is left to rot in the spotlight.

Today will be different though, for Danjuro has a plan that will finally stop his rival once and for all; he's going to publicly embarrass her. While he does consider himself to be a gentlemen, he draws the line when it comes to La Brava. Once the deed is done, she won't be stealing the spotlight from him any more....or so he thought....

While Danjuro was in the process of filming his latest act of villainy (robbing a bank), he heard a certain someone enter the room. Danjuro turned his head around and gave his rival a death glare.

"Oh hey, Gentle, I didn't know you were going to be recording today." She innocently responded, taking a few steps towards him. "I should've bought you a cup of tea from the local coffee shop. I know how much you like Imperial Tips tea, since I did end up making you spill your cup the other day."

"What exactly are you planning, La Brava?" Danjuro asked the raspberry haired female.

La Brava smiled, walking up towards him confidently. "Oh, I just wanted to crash your YouTube video again and make your life miserable, as per usual. Why do you ask?"

"Cut the act, Manami Aiba." Danjuro said in a stern tone, knowing that by calling La Brava by her real name, that would anger her quite a bit.

La Brava's eyes angrily twitched for a couple of seconds before she managed to calm herself down and put a smile back on her face. "Don't call me by my real name, Gentle. You should be lucky I haven't leaked your IP address online yet and alert the authorities of your whereabouts."

Danjuro stopped recording on his camera and slowly placed it back in his pocket. "Oh, so that's how you want to play? Well then, I suppose it would be a shame if your medical files got leaked onto the internet? Last time I checked, your parents checked you into a mental institution around four years ago, or was the information I was given is incorrect?"

La Brava stared at him dead in the eyes, calculating her next move carefully. "Well, if this is your way of getting back at me, then I suppose it would be fair for me to mention that you were partially the cause of a mans death a few years ago."

Danjuro nodded. "And I do regret my actions back then, unlike you whose had several restraining orders placed on herself dating back to elementary school. I get that you have a stalking problem and all, but did you really have to break in to somebodys house just to confess your feelings to them?"

La Brava slowly withdrew a knife from her pocket, pointing the blade directly at him. "You know, I was originally planning on calling this whole rivalry a true today over a nice candlelit dinner, but now you've really gotten on my nerves."

"Well I'm sorry, princess, but you were the one who started this whole three year rivalry here." Danjuro sarcastically responded, pulling out his own knife from his coat pocket. Screw being a proper gentlemen, this woman is going down.

The two attempted to fatally stab each other with their own weapons, which eventually turned to them using their own quirks against each other. Danjuro used his to throw La Brava into the wall and La Brava used hers to send an army of civilians his way, Danjuro knocking them all out unconscious using his quirk. There was no use in causing any extra bloodshed in his eyes, but to her, everyone is considered to be 'disposable waste'.

The two eventually took the fight outside, a couple of pro heroes trying to break the duo up and arrest them both. Unfortunately for the pros, both Danjuro and La Brava weren't in the mood to put up with them, so they've decided to work together and defeat the pro heroes, which was a lot of work and unnecessary bruises, but eventually the two had managed to defeat them and make a clean getaway, head and all.

The duo eventually hid behind a dumpster in a nearby alleyway, catching their breaths and trying to gather their bearings. Danjuro looked over at La Brava and patted her on the head. "I am truly sorry for how I acted today. That was very out of character for me, and I do wish that I can make it up to you...after you buy me a cup of Imperial Tips tea as compensation for last week."

La Brava giggled a bit before looking over at him, smiling. "Don't worry about making it up to me. Making you miserable for as long as I did will just have to do. Oh, and yes I'll pay for your cup of tea."

"Well then, Manami, if that's okay with you, would you like to go settle things over that nice candlelit dinner you were talking about a few minutes ago?" Danjuro asked her, offering his hand to her.

Manami planned her hand on top of his and nodded. "I suppose it's a date then."

Danjuro smiled. "I suppose it is then."

"Only for villainous purposes, of course!" La Brava, or Manami added on.

Danjuro laughed, getting up from the ground and dusting his pants off. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

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