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The night sky was alight with the remnants of an explosive battle. Debris from the latest ghost skirmish littered the streets of Daten City. Panty and Stocking, the Anarchy Sisters, stood triumphantly over the vanquished ghost, their weapons still shimmering with divine energy.

"Well, that was fun," Panty smirked as she adjusted her dress and flipped her hair.

Stocking nodded, her eyes were gleaming with satisfaction.

      "And now for our reward." She stepped forward, the ghost's shattered remains coalescing into a single golden heaven token, which she promptly snatched up.

Brief, their ever-loyal but constantly belittled companion, lay on the ground, severely injured from the battle. Moments earlier, Stocking had thrown him directly into the ghost's path to use him as a distraction, resulting in him being gravely harmed by the ghost's vicious attack.

Panty glanced at Brief dismissively.

"Ugh, you really are useless, Geek Boy," she scoffed, not even sparing him a second look, "You didn't even bother to help."

Stocking rolled her eyes. "Yeah, we should really get a new toy. This one's all broken."

As they walked away, leaving Brief behind in the debris and his blood, his eyes flickered with a mix of pain and anger. For too long, he had put up with their mistreatment, their cruel words, and their complete disregard for his well-being.

"I can't keep doing this," Brief muttered to himself, wincing as he tried to sit up. "I have to... I have to fight back. I can't let them keep treating me like garbage."

With great effort, Brief managed to stand, his body screaming in protest. He looked around at the destruction, the echoes of the battle still ringing in his ears. He knew he couldn't keep relying on the Anarchy Sisters. If he wanted respect, if he wanted to survive, he had to learn to fight the ghosts on his own.

Stumbling through the rubble, Brief's mind raced with thoughts of revenge and redemption. He needed to find a way to harness the same divine power that Panty and Stocking wielded. He needed to prove to everyone—and to himself—that he was more than just a punchline.

"I will show them," Brief vowed, his voice growing stronger with each word. "I will become a ghost hunter in my own right. And then... then they'll see."

Brief's vision blurred as he stumbled through the darkened streets, each step a painful reminder of the ghost's attack. His breath came in ragged gasps, and he could feel the warm trickle of blood down his face. Before he could make it back to his home, the world spun, and he collapsed to the ground, unconscious.


When Brief awoke, the sterile scent of antiseptic filled his nostrils. He blinked, trying to focus on the harsh fluorescent lights above him. The beeping of medical equipment surrounded him, and the sharp pain in his left eye and the rest of his body reminded him of the fight.

"You're finally awake," a stern voice cut through the haze. Brief turned his head to see his father standing by the hospital bed, arms crossed and a scowl etched on his face. "What the hell were you thinking, running around like a fool? You're lucky to be alive. And look at you now—scarred, disfigured. How am I supposed to marry you off in this condition?"

Brief winced, both from the physical pain and his father's harsh words. "Dad, I..."

"No excuses!" his father interrupted. "You've made yourself useless. No one's going to want a son-in-law who's ugly and half-blind. This is what happens when you act recklessly."

Brief clenched his fists, anger welling up inside him.

"Can I have a mirror, please?" he asked a passing nurse who rushed off and came back small handheld mirror, giving him a sympathetic look as she walked out of the room.

Taking a deep breath, Brief looked at his reflection. His face was marred by deep scars, his left eye permanently closed and surrounded by bruised, swollen flesh. He could barely recognize himself.

His father continued his tirade, making jabs at his appearance. "You've brought shame to our family. How can you expect to—"

"Enough!" Brief shouted, cutting him off. "I chose to fight alongside the Anarchy Sisters. I did it without a weapon, without any protection. And they threw me into the crossfire. This is what happened because I wanted to help."

His father's eyes widened in surprise at Brief's sudden defiance.

"And you," Brief continued, his voice trembling with anger, "You've never cared about what I wanted. All you care about is your reputation. Maybe if you paid more attention to me and less to your stupid plans, this wouldn't have happened. If you're so desperate to maintain your position, why don't you marry off one of my older brothers to the mayor's daughter?"

     There was a stunned silence as his father processed Brief's words. Then, without another word, his father turned and stormed out of the room, leaving Brief alone.

     Exhausted but resolute, Brief lay back against the pillows. He knew his journey would be even harder now, but he was determined. He wouldn't let his scars or his father's disdain hold him back. He would become stronger, and he would fight back.

     As the door closed behind his father, Brief whispered to himself, "I will show them all what I'm capable of. Just hide and watch."


     The sun shone brightly over Daten High School, casting a warm glow over the bustling campus. Students chatted and laughed as they moved between classes, the air filled with the usual hum of teenage life. In the courtyard, Panty and Stocking lounged on a bench, soaking up the attention from their admirers.

     Panty flipped her hair back, a smug grin on her face.

     "So, there's this new guy I've got my eye on. We're meeting up later for some fun," she said, winking suggestively.

     Stocking rolled her eyes as she nibbled on a lollipop. "I don't care, Panty. All you ever talk about is guys and sex. It's boring."

     Before Panty could retort, a hush fell over the courtyard. Students stared, whispers spreading like wildfire. Panty and Stocking turned to see what the commotion was about, their curiosity piqued.

     Walking towards them was Brief, but he was almost unrecognizable. His face was marred by the scars from his fight, and an eye patch covered his left eye. He purposefully kept himself small and feeble, open and ready to be attacked at any moment.

     Panty snickered, nudging Stocking. "Well, look who it is. The geek's had a makeover. Too bad it's an ugly one."

     Stocking smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Yeah, what's up with the scars, Brief? Did you fall into a meat grinder or something?"

     Brief didn't respond. He simply walked away, his posture conveying dejection and hurt. Laughter erupted around him, the students mocking his appearance.

     Panty and Stocking shared a high-five, satisfied with their verbal takedown.

     "Too easy," Panty chuckled.

     Meanwhile, Brief hid a smirk beneath his downcast expression. His plan to keep a low profile and avoid drawing attention to himself had officially begun. As the laughter faded into the background, he mentally prepared for the steps ahead, determined to turn the tide in his favor.



     Night had fallen over Daten City, and Brief's apartment was a flurry of activity. Blueprints, tools, and various pieces of machinery were scattered across the small room. In the center of it all Brief worked tirelessly, his focus unyielding.

     His recent confrontation with Panty and Stocking had only strengthened his resolve. He knew he needed an edge if he was going to fight ghosts on his own terms. Panty and Stocking's weapons were powerful and he had spent months analyzing every scrap and fragment left behind after their battles in hopes of being able to come up with something so that he could fight alongside them. Such a shame plans have changed since then...

     On his workbench, under a bright lamp, lay the remnants of Panty's Backlace and Stocking's Stripes I & II. Brief had painstakingly collected these scraps, knowing they held the key to unlocking the secrets of the Anarchy Sisters' weaponry.

     His fingers moved with precision as he carefully dissected the materials, his mind racing with calculations and hypotheses. He had discovered that the garments contained a unique divine energy, a power that allowed them to transform into deadly weapons capable of destroying ghosts.

     "What if I could harness this power for myself?" Brief muttered as his eyes were gleaming with determination. He had spent countless hours researching and experimenting and now he was on the verge of a breakthrough.

     He picked up a small device, a prototype he had been working on. It was a compact module designed to channel and amplify divine energy. He connected it to a piece of fabric, watching as it glowed faintly, reacting to the energy within the module.

     "Yes," Brief whispered, a triumphant smile spreading across his face. "This is it."

     He turned his attention to the suit he had been crafting. It was sleek and form-fitting, designed for agility and protection. The fabric was embedded with the same energy-conducting material he had discovered in Panty and Stocking's weapons. He attached the module to the suit, integrating it seamlessly into the design.

     "This suit will give me the power I need," Brief said, his voice filled with conviction. "I won't be just a liability anymore. I'll be able to fight ghosts on my own terms."

     He worked through the night, his excitement growing with each passing hour. The suit was equipped with various gadgets and enhancements, all designed to maximize his combat effectiveness. There were energy-based projectiles, grappling hooks, and even a cloaking device for stealth operations.

     As dawn approached, Brief finally stepped back to admire his creation. The suit was complete, a testament to his ingenuity and determination. He could feel the power coursing through it, the divine energy ready to be unleashed.

     He donned the suit, feeling the fabric mold to his body, the energy pulsing in sync with his own. He activated the module, watching as the suit shimmered and shifted, adapting to his movements.

     With a confident smirk, Brief stood tall. "Panty, Stocking... you won't know what hit you."

     This was his moment, his chance to prove himself. He was no longer the timid boy who was thrown into the crossfire. He was ready to face the ghosts, and anyone else who stood in his way, head-on. And this time, he had the power to back it up.


     The next day, Brief walked into Daten High School wearing his usual attire: khaki green hoodie and pants, beige and dark green sneakers, a dark green belt, and grey headphones, but there was a subtle difference. His clothes were now imbued with the same divine material he had discovered the previous night, providing him with hidden protection and strength. Despite his newfound confidence he maintained his familiar awkward demeanor, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention just yet.

     As he made his way through the halls, people couldn't resist taking jabs at his new appearance.

     "Hey, Scarface!" someone yelled.

     "Nice scar, Geek Boy," another sneered.

     Brief kept up his nervous and socially awkward persona as he headed to his locker. Just as he was about to open it, a bully purposefully tried to trip him. Brief sidestepped away with surprising agility, causing the bully to stumble. Enraged, the bully tried to fight Brief, but Brief deftly dodged and outmaneuvered him. The bully swung wildly, only to miss and crash into a locker.

     Ignoring the escalating chaos, Brief quickly made his way to class, deliberately avoiding eye contact with Panty and Stocking. Panty, noticing him, made a snide remark. "Look at him, Stocking. Still the same old Geek Boy."

     Stocking glanced at Brief and shrugged. "Yeah, some things never change."

     Throughout the school day, Brief unfortunately attracted more attention than he intended. His new reflexes and agility allowed him to evade attacks effortlessly causing bullies to run into each other and various objects. Despite trying to stay under the radar, his actions didn't go unnoticed.

     "Nice moves, Geek Boy," someone muttered sarcastically.

     Brief mentally thanked himself for his suit's agility mode as he navigated the challenges of the day. His mind wandered to the night's ghost hunting, eager to put his skills to better use.

     As the school day came to an end, Brief found a quiet corner to plan his ghost hunting for the night. He knew that despite the day's distractions his real battles were just beginning.


     As the night settled over Daten City, Brief quietly slipped out of his apartment, his stealth suit and gadgets hidden beneath his regular clothes. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nerves. Tonight would be his first real test as a solo ghost hunter.

     He made his way to one of the high-activity zones he had scouted earlier—a dilapidated warehouse on the outskirts of town. The area was known for frequent ghost sightings and disturbances. Brief moved silently, his senses heightened, every shadow and sound scrutinized.

     Entering the warehouse, he activated the energy-conducting module in his suit, feeling the divine power surge through him. The warehouse was dark and eerily quiet, the air thick with an otherworldly presence. He knew he wasn't alone.

     Suddenly, a chilling laugh echoed through the building. A powerful ghost, towering and menacing, emerged from the shadows. Its eyes glowed with malevolent intent, and its form shifted and twisted, exuding an aura of raw, supernatural power.

     Brief took a deep breath, his resolve unshaken.

     "Alright, let's see what you've got," he muttered to himself, activating his suit's combat mode.

     The ghost lunged at him with terrifying speed, but Brief was ready. He dodged the attack with agility he had never possessed before, his suit enhancing his reflexes. He deployed one of his gadgets—a small device that emitted a concentrated burst of divine energy. The ghost howled in pain as the energy struck it, weakening its form.

     Brief pressed the advantage, using his enhanced strength to land powerful blows. He drew on his months of research and his knowledge of the Anarchy Sisters' tactics with his own ingenuity. The fight was intense, the ghost retaliating with vicious attacks, but Brief held his ground.

     Finally, with a decisive strike, he activated the suit's primary weapon—a beam of concentrated divine energy. The ghost screamed and disintegrated into a shower of ethereal particles. As the particles coalesced they formed a single golden Heaven Token which floated gently to the ground.

     Brief picked up the Heaven Token, a triumphant smile on his face. He had done it. He had defeated a powerful ghost on his own.

     Just as he was about to leave, he heard the roar of a familiar engine. Panty and Stocking arrived on the scene, their car skidding to a halt outside the warehouse. Brief quickly concealed himself in the shadows, watching as they entered the building.

     Panty looked around, her brow furrowed. "Where's the ghost? We got here as fast as we could."

     Stocking scanned the area, her expression puzzled. "There's no sign of a battle, no remains. It's like nothing happened here."

     Panty kicked a piece of debris in frustration. "Great. We get all dolled up for nothing. Let's get back to the church. I need my beauty sleep."

     As they drove off, Brief emerged from his hiding spot, the Heaven Token safely tucked away. He felt a surge of satisfaction. He had not only proven his capabilities but also managed to outpace the Anarchy Sisters.

     Returning home, Brief couldn't help but smile. This was just the beginning. He was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead, and he knew that soon enough, everyone would see him in a new light.



     Morning dawned at the church, where Panty and Stocking were lounging in the kitchen, enjoying a leisurely breakfast. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of pancakes. Garterbelt stood at the sink, washing dishes, his brow furrowed in confusion.

     "So, no ghost at the factory, huh?" Panty said between bites of her pancake, her voice dripping with skepticism.

     Stocking nodded as she swirled her coffee thoughtfully, dumping more sugar packets in it. "Yeah, we got there and... nothing. Not a trace of ghostly activity. It was like someone had already taken care of it."

     Garterbelt paused in his dishwashing, turning to face the sisters. "But there was definitely supposed to be a ghost there. How could it just disappear?"

     Panty shrugged, kicking Chuck away as he tried to sneak some food off of the floor. "Maybe it moved on. Who cares? I've got better things to do than chase phantom phantoms."

     Stocking smirked as she took a sip of her extra-sweet coffee. "Or maybe someone else took care of it."

     Garterbelt shook his head, still puzzled, but turned back to the dishes. "Just be careful. Something strange is going on."

     Panty stood up, stretching lazily. "Whatever. I'm off to school. Got a hot date with a new guy later."

     Stocking rolled her eyes but followed Panty out the door. "You and your endless parade of boy toys..."


     At Daten High School, the atmosphere buzzed with the return of the Daemon Sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks. Their long absence had been noted by everyone, and their return caused quite a stir.

     Panty and Stocking were making their way through the hallway when they ran into the Daemon Sisters. Tension crackled in the air as the two pairs faced off.

     "Well, well, well. Look who decided to crawl back," Panty said in a sarcastic tone.

     Kneesocks smirked as she adjusted her glasses. "Missed us, didn't you? Don't worry, we're back to restore some order around here."

     Scanty nodded, her gaze cold and calculating. "This school has been far too chaotic in our absence."

     Brief entered the building, nervously fidgeting with his hoodie while listening to music. A bully tried to attack Brief, but he dodged and scurried off, avoiding the confrontation. As he passed by, Scanty and Kneesocks noticed him and looked shocked at the state of his face.

     "How did he end up with those scars?" Scanty asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and disdain.

     Stocking, despite knowing the truth, feigned ignorance. "It's a recent development. We don't particularly know ourselves."

     Panty, not one to miss an opportunity to jab, added, "He's been actively avoiding us, that's for sure."

     Scanty and Kneesocks exchanged a glance, then Scanty spoke up, "It's a good thing he's avoiding you. You Anarchy sisters are nothing but trouble."

     Kneesocks nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. You two are the source of chaos."

     Panty bristled at the accusation. "Oh, really? Look who's talking. You two are no better."

     The tension escalated and before long the two groups were in a full-blown physical fight. Fists flew and insults were hurled as students gathered around to watch the chaos unfold.

     Meanwhile Brief continued to plan Panty and Stocking's downfall. He knew he had to bide his time, but the sight of them in conflict with the Daemon sisters gave him a glimmer of hope. If he could just play his cards right, he might finally get the revenge he so desperately sought.

     As the fight raged on, Brief slipped away, determined to put his plans into motion. He couldn't let his scars or the sisters' cruelty hold him back any longer. He would show them all what he was truly capable of.


     As night fell over Daten City, Brief sat in his room, staring at his reflection in the mirror. The scars from his battle, the eye patch, the changes—it was all too recognizable. He realized that if he continued ghost hunting with his face exposed, it could lead to complications. The last thing he wanted was for Panty and Stocking to find out what he had been up to.

     He rummaged through his closet and found a black mask that covered his entire face, leaving only his eyes exposed. He also grabbed a hooded jacket to conceal his hair. Satisfied with his new look, Brief felt a surge of determination. This was necessary. He needed to keep his identity hidden if he was going to continue his mission effectively.

     Slipping out of his apartment, he made his way to the next high-activity zone—a rundown amusement park on the outskirts of the city. It was a place where ghost sightings had been reported frequently making it the perfect hunting ground.

     Arriving at the scene, Brief moved silently through the park, his senses on high alert. The air was thick with tension, and he could feel the presence of a ghost lurking nearby. Using his gadgets, he created a series of disturbances, luring the ghost out of hiding.

     The ghost, a monstrous, shadowy figure, appeared, its eyes glowing with malice. Brief didn't hesitate. He activated his suit's combat mode, engaging the ghost with precision and skill. The fight was swift and brutal, but Brief's timing and preparation paid off. He defeated the ghost, collecting the Heaven Token before it could escape.

     As he pocketed the token, he heard the unmistakable roar of Panty and Stocking's car approaching. He quickly melted into the shadows, watching as the sisters arrived on the scene.

     Panty looked around, frustration etched on her face. "There's no ghost here. What the hell? This is just a waste of our time!"

     Stocking narrowed her eyes as she scanned the area. "Something's not right. Garterbelt wouldn't send us here for nothing."

     As they searched the area, Stocking's gaze fell on a figure lurking in the shadows. She moved towards the figure, her curiosity piqued. "Hey! Who the hell are you?"

     Before Stocking could get too close, Brief acted. He lunged forward, knocking her back with a well-placed strike. Stocking hit the ground, momentarily stunned.

     Panty, seeing her sister attacked, charged at the figure. "Hey, get back here asshole!"
     Brief bolted, using his enhanced agility to escape. He darted through the park, Panty and Stocking hot on his heels. They chased him through the winding paths and decrepit attractions, but Brief's knowledge of the terrain and his new abilities allowed him to stay one step ahead.

      As they reached the edge of the park, Brief made a final leap over a high fence, vanishing into the night. Panty and Stocking skidded to a halt, panting and frustrated.

     "Where did he go?" Panty exclaimed as she looked around frantically.

     Stocking shook her head, her eyes narrowing. "He vanished into thin air. Whoever he is, he's good."

     Panty clenched her fists. "This isn't over. We'll find out who he is and why he's interfering with our missions."

     As they turned back towards their car, Brief watched from a safe distance, hidden in the shadows. He knew that his actions had raised their suspicions, but it was a risk he was willing to take. He would continue his mission, no matter the cost. And he would prove, once and for all, that he was more than just a pawn in their games.


     Weeks passed and the mysterious masked individual from the amusement park continued to evade Panty and Stocking. Despite their best efforts the sisters couldn't uncover his identity. Meanwhile the online ghost hunting community was abuzz with rumors of a new, efficient ghost hunter whose takedown methods were becoming infamous.

     Brief, operating under the cover of night, had been successful in his ghost hunting endeavors. His suit now had a durable mask and a hood, providing better protection and anonymity. The modifications made him more effective and less recognizable, a crucial advantage if he wanted to continue preparing for the Anarchy sister's demise.

     One evening Brief was in his bedroom making final adjustments to his suit. He added reinforced plating to the chest and back, ensuring maximum protection. Satisfied with his upgrades, he geared up and headed out into the city.

     His target was a powerful ghost reported to be attacking a shopping district. As he arrived he felt the familiar tingle of ghostly energy. The ghost, a massive, grotesque creature with glowing red eyes emerged from the shadows, its presence sending shivers down Brief's spine.

     Brief activated his suit's combat mode, preparing for battle. But before he could engage, a loud crash announced the arrival of Panty and Stocking. The sisters leaped into action, their weapons transforming from their garments as they engaged the ghost with characteristic flair and recklessness.

     The battle was intense, with blasts of energy and debris flying in all directions. The ghost roared, attacking with ferocious strength. Panty and Stocking fought back, their usual style causing significant destruction to the surrounding area.

     As Brief watched from a hidden vantage point, he noticed a young girl trapped in the crossfire paralyzed with fear as rubble threatened to crush her. Without hesitation, he dashed forward, his suit's enhanced speed and strength allowing him to reach her just in time. He scooped her up, shielding her from the falling debris and swiftly moving her to safety.

     The girl looked up at him with wide, grateful eyes.

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice trembling.

     Brief nodded, giving her a reassuring smile through his mask.

"Stay safe," he said softly before turning back to the battlefield.

     Panty and Stocking finally defeated the ghost, collecting the Heaven Token. However, instead of the usual praise, they were met with criticism from bystanders for putting lives in danger with their reckless fighting.

     "That was way too close!" someone shouted. "You almost got that girl killed!"

     Panty rolled her eyes, brushing off the criticism. "We saved the day, didn't we?"

     Stocking, however, was less dismissive.

"Maybe we should be more careful next time," she muttered, glancing around.

     In that moment, Stocking's gaze fell on Brief, who was lingering in the shadows, watching the scene unfold. Her eyes widened in recognition. "Hey! It's him! The masked guy!"

     Panty turned, spotting Brief as well. "There he is! Let's get him!"

     Brief's heart raced as he bolted, the Anarchy Sisters hot on his heels. He zigzagged through the rubble-strewn streets, using his suit's agility to navigate the obstacles. Panty and Stocking chased after him, determined not to let him escape again.

     As they closed in, Stocking managed to grab hold of Brief's hood, attempting to unmask him. But with a swift move, Brief twisted free slipping out of her grasp. He darted down an alleyway, using his knowledge of the city to lose them in the maze of streets.

     Panty and Stocking finally came to a halt, panting with frustration.

     "Dammit! He got away again!" Panty exclaimed as she slammed her fist into a nearby wall.

Stocking frowned as her eyes scanned the dark alley. "Whoever he is, he's good. But we'll catch him. Eventually."

As Brief made his way back to his hideout, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had saved an innocent life and managed to evade capture once more. His resolve to continue his mission was stronger than ever. The Anarchy Sisters might be formidable, but he was determined to show them that he was a force to be reckoned with.



The next morning, Panty and Stocking sat at a cafe, enjoying their breakfast while discussing their plans for the day.

"I'm telling you, this new guy I'm seeing tonight is going to be wild," Panty said, smirking as she stirred her coffee.

Stocking rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her own drink. "You say that about every guy, Panty. What's so special about this one?"

Before Panty could respond, Brief walked past the cafe, his usual tired expression evident. Panty made a snide remark, loud enough for him to hear. "There goes Creepy McCreeperson, looking like he hasn't slept in weeks."

Brief hesitated for a moment, then decided to approach them. He needed to lessen any suspicion on himself. "H-Hey, mind if I join you guys?"

Panty raised an eyebrow. "What's the deal, Geek Boy? Why haven't you been crawling at our feet lately?"

Brief forced a nervous laugh. "My parents don't want me to go ghost hunting anymore. T-They've been making me attend all these business meetings. It's been... exhausting."

Stocking eyed him skeptically. "That's bullshit."

Brief shrugged, keeping his story straight. "I know it sounds lame, but it's the truth."

Panty snorted, but didn't push further. The three sat in relative silence, with Brief carefully crafting his story and his future plans. Just as he was about to steer the conversation away from himself, a ghost attacked the city, causing chaos in the streets.

Panty and Stocking sprang into action, transforming their lingerie into divine weapons.

"Time to kick some ghost ass!" Panty declared, rushing out with Stocking.

Brief followed them reluctantly, his mind racing. He watched from a distance as the sisters fought the ghost with their usual flair, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight. Despite his outward appearance of reluctance, Brief's mind was calculating every move, analyzing their techniques.

The sisters defeated the ghost in a spectacular display, collecting a Heaven Token as the ghost's remnants dispersed. Brief made sure to look amazed, clapping and gushing over their skills. "T-That was incredible! You guys are amazing!"

Panty and Stocking basked in the praise, striking poses and soaking up the attention.

"Of course we are," Panty said, flipping her hair.

"We're the best," Stocking added with a smirk.

As they drove back to the church to meet up with Garterbelt, Brief sat in the back, more calculating than ever. He knew he needed to develop a new persona, one that would allow him to hunt ghosts effectively while maintaining his socially awkward and nerdy cover in public.

Upon arriving at the church, the group was greeted by Garterbelt. His eyes immediately fixed on Brief's scarred face.

"Well, look at you, Brief. Those scars make you look more attractive and mature," he said, his voice dripping with unsettling approval.

Brief forced a disturbed expression, masking his internal urge to put a bullet through Garterbelt's skull.

"Uh, thanks, I guess," he mumbled, stepping back slightly.

Panty, eager to change the subject, turned to Brief. "Hey, have you heard about this new ghost hunter going around? He's been defeating all the ghosts lately."

Stocking chimed in, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, the guy's a complete buzzkill."

Panty smirked. "Speaking of buzzkills, Brief, you seem to fit right in with that description."

Brief chose not to respond, maintaining his quiet, awkward demeanor. Inside, however, he felt a flicker of satisfaction. His new persona was already making an impact, and Panty and Stocking were none the wiser.

As the group settled in, Brief's mind was already working on the next steps. He needed to fine-tune his suit and plan his next move. The Daemon sisters, the people at school, and the Anarchy sisters were all pieces on a chessboard and he was determined to be the player controlling the game. He wasn't about to let anyone call the shots for him, instead he intends on doing it himself.


Later that night, Brief sat in his bedroom hidden away from prying eyes. He worked meticulously on some new weapons, embedding it with divine materials and enhancing its capabilities. His thoughts were sharp, focused on one goal: to rid Daten City of ghosts and become the best ghost hunter the world has ever seen.

"This is just the beginning," he whispered to himself, tightening a final screw. "I will prove to everyone that I'm not just some geeky boy. I will become their worst nightmare."

Brief stopped working and slipped into his suit, feeling the power course through him. As he looked at his reflection, he no longer saw the awkward, scarred boy. He saw a warrior ready to take on the darkness.

And so, with a final nod to himself, Brief stepped out into the night, ready to hunt.


The next day, Brief reluctantly headed to school, finding himself once again in the company of the Anarchy sisters. As they made their way through the bustling hallways, Panty and Stocking continued to make him the butt of their jokes.

"Hey, Geek Boy, you spill any test tubes today?" Panty teased, laughing with Stocking.

"Yeah, or did you trip over your own feet again?" Stocking added, smirking.

Brief forced a weak smile, playing along with their ridicule while his mind continued to plot against them. He knew that enduring their mockery was part of maintaining his cover.

After school, Brief decided to spend the afternoon scouting out areas in his ghost hunter persona. Donning his suit and mask, he moved through the city, his eyes scanning for any signs of ghostly activity.

Suddenly, he heard a commotion nearby. A ghost was attacking a group of civilians, its malevolent energy crackling in the air. Brief swiftly moved into action, using his enhanced suit to outmaneuver the ghost and deliver precise, powerful blows. Within minutes, the ghost was defeated, dissolving into a Heaven token that Brief quickly pocketed.

Before he could make his escape, a swarm of reporters rushed toward him, cameras flashing and microphones thrust in his direction.

"Who are you?"

     "What's your name?"

      "Are you the new ghost hunter?"

Brief refused to comment, his eyes scanning for an exit. He dashed off just as the Anarchy sisters arrived on the scene, their eyes narrowing as they watched him disappear into the distance.


Later at the church, Panty and Stocking were visibly agitated. Garterbelt and Brief sat nearby, listening as they vented their frustrations.

"This new ghost hunter guy is really starting to piss me off!" Panty exclaimed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "How are we supposed to collect Heaven tokens if he keeps taking them?"

Stocking nodded, shoving a piece of cake into her mouth. "Yeah, we'll never get back into Heaven at this rate."

Brief sat quietly, observing the conversation. Mentally, he told himself that the Anarchy sisters' chances of getting back into Heaven were slim as long as they continued to indulge in their sins and reckless behavior.

Panty, still fuming, grabbed a piece of garbage and throwing it at Brief. "And you! Be more useful, Geek Boy!"

Brief decided to use this opportunity to manipulate the situation to his favor.

"Maybe this new guy will eventually go away," he suggested, his voice calm. "He's probably just a temporary problem."

Panty and Stocking exchanged glances, considering Brief's words. Garterbelt, meanwhile, watched them all with a shrewd eye, his mind clearly working through the implications of this new ghost hunter's presence.

Brief kept his expression neutral, but inside, he felt a sense of satisfaction. His plan was unfolding perfectly, and soon enough, he would have the power and respect he deserved.



The next day, Brief sat in class, intently working on what he claimed was his "science fair project." In reality, it was another weapon he planned to add to his ghost-hunting arsenal. As he adjusted the wiring and tested the mechanisms he remained focused, blocking out the chatter around him.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the school followed by screams. A ghost had emerged, attacking the students and causing chaos in the hallways. Brief glanced up, his heart racing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Scanty and Kneesocks standing nearby, chuckling to themselves.

"What the hell is going on?" Brief muttered under his breath as he headed out of the classroom to investigate.

In the courtyard, Panty and Stocking were struggling to defeat the ghost. Despite their best efforts, the ghost's power seemed to be overwhelming them. Brief took this as his cue to spring into action. He dashed to his locker, grabbing a backpack containing his suit and mask.

In the bathroom, he quickly donned his ghost hunter persona, adjusting his mask before heading out to help. As he approached the battle, Panty and Stocking looked surprised at his sudden appearance.

"Who the hell are you?" Panty demanded as she had her gun trained on the ghost.

"No time for introductions," Brief said, his voice modulated by the mask. "Listen to my plan."

Panty and Stocking hesitated but eventually nodded, following Brief's lead. Using his intelligence and tactical prowess, Brief directed them in a coordinated attack. With precision and strategy, they managed to detain and kill the ghost.

As the ghost disintegrated, leaving behind a Heaven token, the Anarchy sisters collected it and basked in the praise from the surrounding civilians.

"Who was that guy?" one of the civilians asked.

"He's amazing!" another exclaimed.

Meanwhile Brief activated his suit's stealth mode, sneaking away from the scene. Panty and Stocking looked around for the ghost hunter but their attention was quickly diverted by their admirers.

Brief slipped back into the bathroom, changed into his normal attire, and then rushed outside to gush over the sisters.

    "Wow, t-that was incredible! You two are amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with faux awe.

Panty eyed him suspiciously. "Where have you been this whole time, Geek Boy?"

Brief shrugged, maintaining his nervous persona. "My dad still won't let me ghost hunt with you. I've been trying to stay out of trouble."

"Yeah, right," Stocking scoffed, rolling her eyes. "We're amazing, and you're just... you."

The sisters shoved Brief aside, continuing to bask in the praise of the crowd. In the background, Scanty and Kneesocks watched the interaction with amusement, their eyes gleaming with malice.

Brief glanced back at the Daemon sisters, speculating that they were behind the ghost attack. He knew they were up to something, but for now, he had to return to his class and continue working on his project. As he sat down, his mind raced with thoughts of revenge and the next steps in his plan.


At lunchtime, Panty and Stocking basked in the praise from their admirers, soaking up the attention like sponges. They were surrounded by a crowd of students, all eager to congratulate them on their latest victory against the ghost. Panty reveled in the compliments, her ego growing with each passing second.

Across the courtyard, Brief stood alone, typing away on his laptop. He glanced occasionally at the crowd around Panty and Stocking, a small smirk playing on his lips. On his screen, a decoy window showed him looking up panties online, but hidden behind that facade was a meticulous compilation of evidence against everyone who had wronged him.

Scanty and Kneesocks, ever vigilant, noticed Brief's activity and approached him with suspicion.

"What's your deal lately, Geek?" Scanty demanded, peering over his shoulder.

"Yeah, you seem even more pathetic than usual," Kneesocks added with a sneer.

Brief quickly minimized the evidence file, revealing the decoy screen.

"Just, uh, doing some research," he stammered, playing up his nervous persona.

Scanty and Kneesocks glanced at the screen and recoiled in horror.

     "Are you seriously looking up panties online?" Scanty exclaimed.

"That's disgusting," Kneesocks added, her eyes narrowing.

Without giving Brief a chance to explain, the Daemon sisters grabbed him and his laptop, dragging him off to the principal's office. As they hauled him away, Brief struggled to maintain his facade, inwardly seething at the indignity.

From across the courtyard, Panty and Stocking watched the scene unfold. Panty snickered, nudging Stocking. "Look at Super Geek over there, getting hauled off by the Daemon sisters. What a loser."

Stocking rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her lunch. "Yeah, he's always getting into trouble. It's like he's cursed or something."

As Brief disappeared into the school building, Panty and Stocking continued to bask in their moment of glory, oblivious to the storm brewing within Brief's mind.


Brief spent the rest of the day in detention, but instead of sulking, he wore a smirk on his face. His plan to divert attention from himself was working perfectly. As he sat there, his mind raced with ideas and strategies for his next steps.

After school, Scanty and Kneesocks walked through the hallway, their faces twisted with disgust.

"I can't believe the amount of degenerates that roam these halls," Scanty complained, crossing her arms.

"Absolutely revolting," Kneesocks agreed. "That Brief kid is just the tip of the iceberg."

As they continued their conversation, Brief was called over by Panty and Stocking who were snickering amongst themselves.

"Hey, Geek Boy," Panty called out, her voice dripping with mockery. "Heard you spent your lunch looking at panties. For me, no less."

Brief put on his best awkward and nervous expression.

"I-I just wanted to make sure you had enough in case you ran into trouble," he lied smoothly.

Panty laughed, her eyes glinting with amusement. "You horny degenerate geek. I'm not into ugly men like you."

Brief pretended to be upset, lowering his gaze to the floor. "I... I just thought..."

"Save it," Stocking interrupted, rolling her eyes. "You're just as pathetic as ever."

Brief kept his act up, but inside, he was plotting his next move. After the humiliating encounter, he decided to spend the afternoon at home, focusing on his homework and scheming for the future.

As he sat in his room, Brief's mind wandered to ways he could efficiently take down more ghosts while diverting any suspicion that might come his way. The idea struck him suddenly: a robot clone. It would be the perfect decoy, allowing him to fight ghosts without revealing his true identity.

     Grinning to himself, Brief started sketching out plans for the robot clone. He meticulously noted down every detail, from the materials he would need to the programming required. This new plan would ensure he could continue his ghost hunting activities while maintaining his socially awkward and nerdy persona at school.

     "This will work," Brief muttered to himself, a determined glint in his eye. "I'll show them all."

     As the sun set, Brief's room was filled with the quiet hum of his computer and the soft scratching of his pen on paper. His plan was coming together, and soon, he would be ready to put it into action.


     Brief returned home late Friday night from yet another tedious business meeting his parents had dragged him to. As soon as he walked through the door he went straight to his room eager to get back to work on his robot clone. He spent the entire weekend meticulously assembling and programming the robot, determined to make it perfect.

     By the time Monday morning rolled around, Brief felt like a zombie. His eyes were heavy with exhaustion, and he could barely keep his head up as he walked into Daten High School. Almost immediately, Panty and Stocking spotted him and couldn't resist making jabs.

     "Wow, Geek Boy, you look even worse than usual," Panty sneered as she flipped her hair.

     Stocking added, "Did you stay up all night looking at more panties?"

     Brief, too tired to put up with their usual taunts, retorted in a weary tone, "At least I have something important to do. Unlike some people."

     Panty and Stocking stood there in shock, taken aback by Brief's unexpected comeback.

     As the day went on, Brief slept through most of his classes, catching up on the rest he had missed over the weekend. By the time the final bell rang, he felt decently refreshed and ready to get back to his ghost hunting activities.

     As he walked out of the school, Panty and Stocking fell in step behind him.

     "What's your deal, Brief?" Panty asked, her curiosity piqued.
     Brief glanced back at them, a tired but determined look in his eyes. "I'm busy with business-related stuff. I'll hang out with you guys later."

     The sisters exchanged bewildered glances, dumbfounded by Brief's sudden display of assertiveness.

     "Since when does Geek Boy have business stuff to do?" Stocking muttered as they watched him walk away.

      Panty shrugged, still trying to process the change in Brief's demeanor. "I don't know, but it's weird."

     As Brief headed home, he felt a sense of satisfaction. His plan was progressing perfectly, and soon, he would be able to take down more ghosts without arousing suspicion. The robot clone was nearly complete, and with it, he could continue his ghost hunting activities while maintaining his cover at school.


     Brief worked tirelessly through the night, finally completing his robot clone by dawn. Exhausted but satisfied with his work, he programmed the clone with his daily schedule and typical behavior patterns. Brief sent the robot clone off to school where it would blend in seamlessly while he finally got some much-needed sleep.

     By the time Brief woke up in the late afternoon, he felt rejuvenated and ready to continue his ghost hunting activities. He donned his suit and mask and patrolled the city, scanning for any signs of ghost activity. It didn't take long for him to notice a ghost wreaking havoc downtown. With swift precision, Brief took the ghost down, collecting another Heaven token before disappearing into the shadows.

     Meanwhile, at Daten High School, Brief's robot clone interacted with Panty and Stocking, mirroring his usual awkward demeanor. The trio drove up to the scene of the recent ghost attack, only to find that the ghost had already been defeated. Panty and Stocking were furious, not realizing that their ghost hunter rival was actually Brief himself. The robot clone transmitted the entire interaction to Brief's computer, ensuring he stayed updated on their movements. Frustrated and clueless, the sisters drove off to focus on other activities, none the wiser.

     Later, Brief returned home and took off his suit only to be immediately dragged off by his father to yet another business meeting. His father, always critical and dismissive, made jabs at Brief throughout the meeting.

     "You may not like it, but you're marrying the mayor's daughter," his father said with finality. "Our family's reputation depends on it."

     Brief nodded, hiding his internal smirk. He had anticipated this move and had already applied for emancipation. The process was well underway, and he was currently scouting for apartments where he could live independently.

     As the meeting ended, Brief's father sent him up to his room with a dismissive wave. Brief walked up the stairs, his mind already plotting his next moves. He was determined to break free from his father's control and continue his ghost-hunting endeavors without interference.

     In his room, Brief couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. His plan was coming together perfectly, and soon, he would be able to operate with complete freedom. Until then, he would continue to play his part, maintaining his facade while secretly working towards his ultimate goal.



     The next morning, Brief sent his robot clone to school as usual while he set out to finalize his plans for independence. He visited an apartment downtown, liked what he saw, and quickly signed the lease. Afterward, he contacted a moving company to arrange the transfer of his belongings to his new home.

     Back at his family's house, Brief's clone arrived to find his parents seething with anger. His father held the emancipation paperwork, shaking with rage.

     "What is this?" his father demanded, throwing the papers at the clone. "What do you think you're doing?"

     The clone, programmed to mimic Brief's usual tone, responded calmly. "I'm taking control of my own life."

     As the movers began packing and transporting Brief's things, his mother joined in on the tirade. "You are disowned! Do you hear me? You are no longer part of this family!"

     The clone, remaining unflustered simply walked away leaving his parents fuming.

     Meanwhile Brief monitored the entire interaction from his new apartment through his computer, a satisfied smirk on his face. He recorded the confrontation and sent it to several local news outlets. He knew this would stir up controversy but it was a necessary step to further distract his enemies from finding out about his ghost hunter identity.

     He remembered how his parents were more than willing to marry him off to the mayor's daughter solely to secure a better financial position for themselves. They had never truly cared about him and this was his way of cutting ties once and for all.

     Brief sat back, listening to the news reports that were already beginning to cover his story. He felt a sense of liberation. With his new apartment and freedom from his parents, he was now free to focus on his ghost-hunting endeavors without any interference.

     As he prepared for another night of patrolling the city, he reminded himself that this was just the beginning. He had successfully taken the first step toward his new life, and nothing would stop him from achieving his goals.


     The next morning at Daten High School, rumors spread like wildfire about Brief being publicly disowned by his family. Whispers and snickers followed him down the hallways, but he held his head high, unbothered by the gossip.

     "Is it true, Brief?" a classmate asked, cornering him by his locker.

     Brief nodded. "Yeah, it's true. My parents disowned me."

     The bullies pounced on the news, using it as fresh fuel to torment him. Despite their taunts, Brief remained unfazed, his mind focused on his "science fair project."

     Panty and Stocking rushed over towards him looking unusually concerned.

    "What the hell is going on, Geek Boy?" Panty demanded.

     Brief sighed, looking at them with a weary expression. "My parents were going to marry me off, so I decided to emancipate myself."

     Panty and Stocking exchanged worried glances.

      "Are you okay?" Stocking asked in an uncharacteristically gentle tone.

     Brief brushed them off. "You never cared before. Why start now?"

     Panty huffed. "That's not fair, Brief. We've—"

     Before she could finish, Scanty and Kneesocks sauntered over, their faces plastered with mock concern.

     "Oh dear Brief," Scanty purred. "We heard about your unfortunate situation. How dreadful."

     Kneesocks nodded. "If there's anything we can do to help, just let us know."

     Brief's facade cracked, and he snapped. "Fuck off. All of you. Just leave me alone."

     Everyone around him fell silent, shocked by his outburst. Panty, Stocking, Scanty, and Kneesocks stared at him, speechless.

     Brief turned his back on them and walked away, choosing to ignore their stunned expressions. He spent the rest of the day in relative solitude, focusing on his victory and the steps ahead. The rumors and whispers continued, but he paid them no mind. His path was clear, and he was ready to embrace his newfound freedom.


     Later that day, Brief's robot clone tracked down and sent him the coordinates of a ghost manufacturing plant. Brief donned his ghost hunter persona and used his stealth mode to sneak down there. From the shadows, he spotted Scanty and Kneesocks discussing their plans to take down the Anarchy Sisters.

     "With this many ghosts, Panty and Stocking won't stand a chance," Scanty said, smirking.

     Kneesocks nodded. "It's time to reclaim our dominance."

     Brief's robot recorded the entire interaction as Brief prepared to intervene. He stepped forward, catching their attention.

     "Well, well, well. Look who's here," Scanty sneered. "The ghost hunter."

     Kneesocks smirked. "You're out of your league if you think you can go up against two high class commander demons and win."

     The battle commenced. Brief deftly engaging with the ghosts while Scanty and Kneesocks transformed, revealing their more powerful, and much more revealing, true forms. Brief couldn't help but gawk momentarily at their appearances before focusing back on the fight. Overwhelmed by the sheer number of ghosts and the Daemon sisters' attacks, he decided to bring the battle outside to the city.

     As they emerged onto the streets, the Anarchy Sisters pulled up, ready for action.

     "About time you showed up," Brief muttered under his breath, though he was relieved to see them. Going up against two extremely powerful demons on his own took a lot of energy out of him.

     Panty and Stocking immediately went to work, taking down the ghosts swarming the area. Brief concentrated on the Daemon sisters, his movements precise and calculated. In the chaos he noticed a giant ghost preparing to crush a civilian. Without hesitation Brief stepped in, delivering a decisive blow that destroyed the ghost. However, he took a hit to the back from one of Scanty's bullets.

     Brief stumbled but then felt a strange sensation as the wound quickly healed. Scanty and Kneesocks looked on in surprise.

     "What the—?" Scanty started, but was interrupted as the Anarchy Sisters ambushed them, using the momentary distraction to their advantage.

     The combined efforts of Brief and the Anarchy Sisters turned the tide of the battle. Panty and Stocking fought with renewed vigor, while Brief, realizing he had a dormant trait activated by the demon bullet, fought with even more determination. The ghosts were defeated one by one and the Daemon sisters, now heavily outnumbered and outmaneuvered, were forced to retreat.

After the battle as the last of the ghosts dissipated and the Daemon sisters retreated, Panty turned to Brief with a mix of curiosity and annoyance. "Alright, who the hell are you and why have you been stealing all of our Heaven coins?"

Brief, still in his ghost hunter persona, adjusted his mask. "My name is Buzzkill and I'm just here to simply rid the city of its ghost problem."

Panty raised an eyebrow. "Buzzkill? Really?"

Brief shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah. Figured it was a fitting name."

Stocking, munching on a lollipop, snorted. "Well, Buzzkill, you did a pretty good job out there. Not bad for a newbie."

Brief nodded, "Thanks. I'll take that as a compliment."

Panty and Stocking exchanged glances before heading off, still buzzing from the adrenaline of the fight. Brief watched them leave, satisfied with the night's work and pleased that his cover remained intact.

As he turned back to his robot clone, he mentally noted the successful integration of his new abilities and the effectiveness of his ghost hunter persona.


The next day at school, news of the ghost hunter's name, Buzzkill, spread like wildfire. Students and teachers alike praised Buzzkill openly, causing Panty and Stocking to be mildly annoyed.

"Buzzkill, huh?" Panty muttered, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "He's not so bad for a newbie, I guess."

She then glanced at Brief who was quietly going through his locker. "Too bad you're still useless, Geek Boy."

Brief clenched his fists, resisting the urge to punch her.

"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled, walking away to avoid further confrontation.

Meanwhile, the Daemon sisters, Scanty and Kneesocks, pouted over their loss.

"We need to come up with a better plan," Scanty grumbled.

Kneesocks nodded. "Agreed. We'll make sure those troublesome angles and their new little friend regret ever crossing us."

Brief made a mental note to keep a close eye on them, suspecting they had something even worse planned.

As the school day progressed, Brief quickly swapped places with his robot clone before heading to his apartment. He scoured the forums, relishing in the criticism aimed at Panty and Stocking. The satisfaction of seeing their tarnished reputation fueled his determination. Later that afternoon he donned his Buzzkill persona and set out to hunt more ghosts.

Meanwhile, Panty and Stocking decided to visit a new sweet shop that had suspiciously opened in town.

"There's some serious ghost activity going on here," the fake Brief warned as they approached the shop. "My PKE Meter is going off."

Stocking's eyes lit up, and she immediately headed inside and gorged herself on sweets. Panty quickly followed behind her, much to the fake Brief's warnings. The Anarchy sisters soon found themselves caught up in a mess as the ghostly activity intensified. The robot clone sent the information to Brief, who kept a close watch on the shop from a nearby rooftop.

As dusk fell an explosion erupted from the sweet shop and Panty and Stocking were trapped in the ghost's grasp. Brief, as Buzzkill, quickly sprang into action, using his agility and strength to free them. Panty fell from the ghosts grasp, her body heading towards the ground at lightning speed. Brief quickly hopped in and caught her mid air, carrying her bridal style.

Panty looked up at him, her cheeks flushing. "Wow.... you're actually really hot up close."

Brief smirked beneath his mask. "Don't get too comfortable."

He then threw her back into the fray, directing her toward the ghost. Ah...sweet sweet karma.

Together, the Anarchy sisters and Brief fought valiantly, using their combined skills to destroy the ghost. As the dust settled Panty and Stocking stood breathless while Brief silently retreated into the shadows, satisfied with another successful mission.


After the intense battle, Panty, Stocking, and the fake Brief retreated back to the church. Panty couldn't stop gushing about Buzzkill.

"Did you see him? He's so hot, and he really knows how to handle himself in serious situations," she said dreamily.

Stocking, meanwhile, was less interested in the conversation and more focused on indulging in the treats she had brought back from the sweet shop.

"Yeah, yeah, he's great," she mumbled through a mouthful of cake.

The fake Brief chimed in, trying to plant seeds of doubt. "You know, Buzzkill could potentially be a demon. I mean, who else has crazy powers like that?"

Panty shot him a glare. "Shut up, geek. You're just jealous because you're useless and he's amazing."

The fake Brief chose not to respond.

Meanwhile in a dark room filled with screens, Corset was reviewing footage from previous battles. His eyes narrowed as he paused on a specific frame showing Buzzkill's bullet wound healing almost instantly.

Corset's lips curled into a smirk. " long last, I've found you...descendent of the Hell Monkey."



The next day at Daten High School, Panty and Stocking wandered through the halls chatting about random nonsense. As they walked, Brief rushed past them, clutching his "science fair project" closely. A group of jocks chased after him, jeering and mocking.

Panty watched with mild interest.

"Looks like the geek's in trouble again," she said, smirking. "I wonder if his 'project' is just another nerd gadget."

Stocking rolled her eyes. "Who cares? I'm more interested in what Buzzkill's up to."

"True. Let's hope we run into him today and invite him over to dinner. Who knows, maybe we'll even get some action from him," Panty smirked as she whispered into Stocking's ear, "I always did wonder what kind of freak he could be under them sheets."

Stocking nodded as the two continued on about their day, completely ignoring their admirers and instead focusing on themselves and their potential hot date tonight with the new ghost hunter.


Brief managed to evade the jocks by ducking into the bathroom. There, he quickly took them out with a few well-placed strikes leaving them groaning on the floor. He straightened his clothes and walked out with his project intact heading towards his classroom.

Brief spent most of the day tinkering away on his project. Panty and Stocking couldn't resist making cracks at him for being a geek.

"Still working on that toy, Geek Boy?" Panty teased, leaning over his desk.

Stocking smirked. "Yeah, shouldn't you be working on your social skills instead?"

Brief's mask briefly slipped. With a sudden, cold intensity, he pulled a gun out from his bag and aimed it at their faces.

"Shut up and let me focus," he growled, his voice dripping with menace.

Panty and Stocking blinked in surprise, taken aback by Brief's sudden change in demeanor.

"What's your deal, nerd?" Panty snapped, though her voice wavered slightly.

Before they could probe further, a group of admirers surrounded them, drawing their attention away from Brief. Seizing the moment, Brief swapped out with his robot clone at lunch and headed out to patrol the city.

Buzzkill moved through the streets, stopping a few minor ghosts before the paparazzi spotted him.

"Buzzkill! Buzzkill!" they called, swarming around him. "Can you tell us about your origins? Where do you come from?"

Buzzkill's voice was calm and steady as he replied, "I'm just a ghost hunter who wants to make the world a safer place. That's all you need to know."

Back at the church, Panty watched the interview from the living room, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Damn, Buzzkill is hot. I wonder if he'll let me get a piece of him," she purred.

The fake Brief, sitting nearby, responded, "Maybe you should focus on ghost hunting instead of chasing guys."

Panty knocked the robot aside with a huff.

Stocking, munching on a treat, mused, "I wonder if Buzzkill's into bondage."

The fake Brief faked embarrassment, stammering, "H-He could be a demon for all we know. You guys should be careful."

Panty rolled her eyes. "Oh, please. Demons or not, I just want him to come around and show us what he's got."

She turned back to the screen, her thoughts consumed by the mysterious ghost hunter.

     The clone recorded the entire conversation with Panty and Stocking, sending it over to Brief. Brief sat on the rooftop of a random building, a smirk spreading across his face as he watched the recording.

    "Got them right where I want them," he murmured, relishing the newfound freedom and power he now wielded.

     Suddenly a ghost erupted from the city causing chaos in the streets below. Brief sprang into action, donning his ghost hunter persona and leaping into the fray. The Anarchy sisters, along with his robot clone, arrived on the scene shortly after. Together, they fought side by side, their combined efforts quickly overwhelming the ghost and bringing it down.

     Panty, dusting off her hands, turned to Brief with a grin. "Hey, Buzzkill, why don't you come over to our place for dinner? We could use some company."

     Brief tried to refuse, shaking his head. "Thanks, but I really should—"

     Panty cut him off, grabbing his arm and dragging him towards their car.

  "Nonsense! You're coming with us," she insisted, pulling him along.

     Stocking smirked, already envisioning the food she'd devour. "Yeah, it'll be fun."

     Brief found himself shoved into the car, and they sped off towards the church. As they drove, he realized this could be a prime opportunity to further manipulate the sisters and tighten his web around them. Upon arriving at the church, Panty and Stocking led him inside, chatting animatedly.

     The dining room was surprisingly cozy, a stark contrast to the chaos outside. Panty and Stocking quickly set the table, and soon, they were all seated, with Brief sitting across from the sisters.

     "So, Buzzkill," Panty began, eyeing him curiously, "Tell us more about yourself."

     Brief maintained his composed demeanor. "There's not much to tell. Just a guy trying to make a difference."

     Stocking nodded, still skeptical. "You're pretty good at what you do. Ever considered working with us full-time?"

     Brief paused, feigning consideration. "Maybe. But I work alone for a reason."

     Panty leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Well, maybe we can change your mind."

     Brief smirked inwardly, realizing just how deeply they were falling into his trap.

   "We'll see," he replied, his tone enigmatic.

     As the evening progressed, Brief carefully navigated the conversation, planting seeds of doubt and subtly manipulating the sisters' perceptions. By the time he left the church, he knew he had them right where he wanted them.



     The next morning, Brief sent his robot clone to school, a smirk playing on his lips as he recalled the previous night's dinner at the church. Sitting among his enemies, he had successfully begun turning the tides in his favor. He had subtly sown seeds of manipulation, setting the stage for the Anarchy sisters to eventually turn against his nerd persona. They had always treated him as disposable garbage, but soon, the whole world would know just how terrible the Anarchy sisters truly were.

     The school day proceeded normally, except for Panty and Stocking making more jabs at Brief. The robot clone, embodying Brief's old nerd persona, reacted predictably, cowering and stuttering in response. Panty and Stocking whispered to each other, discussing how they needed to break it to Brief that they no longer wanted anything to do with him.

     Unbeknownst to them, the robot clone secretly recorded the entire interaction and sent it to Brief. Brief stored the recording alongside various other pieces of evidence in a meticulously organized folder. He knew that, in time, this evidence would be instrumental in bringing the Anarchy sisters down.

     Later that day, the Anarchy sisters, accompanied by Brief's robot clone, set out in search of Buzzkill. As they walked, Panty made comments about how hot and elusive Buzzkill was.

     "For once, I agree with you," Stocking said. "I want a piece of him too, especially that ass."

     Brief's robot clone exclaimed, "B-Buzzkill can't be trusted!"

     Panty and Stocking immediately shut him up.

     "Oh, shut it, Brief," Panty snapped. "You're just jealous because you're a geek and he's not."

     Stocking nodded in agreement. "Yeah, besides we can handle ourselves."

     The robot clone fell silent, dutifully recording the entire exchange and sending it to Brief, who smirked as he received the new footage. This was all falling perfectly into place. The Anarchy sisters were digging their own graves, and soon, they'd have no one to blame but themselves.


     A ghost attacked a nearby shopping mall, sending shoppers into a frenzy. The Anarchy sisters, along with Brief's robot clone, quickly drove to the scene to put a stop to it. Brief, donning his Buzzkill persona, also rushed over, mentally noting that he should probably invest in a motorcycle license for far-away missions like these.

     Upon arrival, Buzzkill joined the action seamlessly, working alongside Panty and Stocking to destroy the ghost. Their combined efforts were efficient and effective, with each of them playing a crucial role in the battle. As the fight raged on, pieces of rubble threatened to land on civilians. Buzzkill swiftly intervened, saving them just in time.

     People around began to remark on how heroic he was. The robot clone, attempting to join the conversation, stated, "Panty and Stocking are amazing too!"

     However, the civilians berated him. "What are you talking about? They're just causing more chaos!"

     The fight eventually came to an end, with the ghost defeated. As Buzzkill tried to make his exit, the Anarchy sisters called after him.

     "When are you going to appear again?" Panty asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

     Buzzkill responded cryptically, "When the city needs me the most," before fleeing from the scene.

     The robot clone exclaimed, "Buzzkill is definitely shady!"

     Panty and Stocking, fed up with his behavior, decided to deal with him once and for all. They drove the robot clone to a secluded alley and got out of the car.

     "Listen, Brief," Panty started, her tone exasperated. "We're tired of being around you."

     Stocking nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we don't want anything to do with you anymore."

     The robot clone tried to respond, "But—"

     Panty cut him off. "No buts. You're just a geek. A useless one at that."

     Stocking added, "All you're good for is being a meat shield. We're surprised you're still alive despite everything."

     The robot clone stood there, belittled and silent, recording every word and sending it to Brief. Inside, Brief felt a cold satisfaction. The Anarchy sisters were showing their true colors, and soon, everyone would see them for who they really were.

     That night, Brief spent hours meticulously compiling all the evidence he had gathered. His fingers flew over the keyboard as he organized video recordings, audio clips, and written accounts of the Anarchy sisters' bullying, the Daemon sisters' ghostly misdeeds, and the numerous instances of abuse he had suffered. It was a painstaking process, but he knew it would be worth it.

     Finally, he crafted a lengthy, detailed email, attaching all the evidence. He made sure to send it anonymously, ensuring his identity remained hidden. With a smirk, he hit send, directing the email to the mayor's office, fully aware that Scanty and Kneesocks would likely see it. He also sent the email to the school administration, knowing the explosive impact it would have.

     Satisfied with his work, Brief leaned back in his chair feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over him. He had set the wheels in motion for a reckoning that would expose his tormentors and clear his name. With a deep breath, he shut down his computer and headed to bed, mentally preparing himself for the fallout that was sure to come the next day.

     The next day at Daten High School, Panty and Stocking were called over the intercom to the principal's office. They strolled down the hall, making jokes, but their smiles faded when they saw the piles of paperwork on the principal's desk.

     The principal looked at them sternly. "Panty, Stocking, you've been called here today due to numerous claims of bullying and sexual misconduct."

     Panty scoffed. "What? That's ridiculous!"

     Stocking added, "Yeah, who's making these bogus claims?"

     Just then, Scanty and Kneesocks walked in, handing the principal even more evidence.

     "We're just as surprised as you are," Scanty said with a smirk.

     Kneesocks nodded. "An anonymous email was sent to the mayor's office with all of this evidence."

     Panty and Stocking immediately glared at the Daemon sisters.

  "This has your fingerprints all over it!" Panty accused.

     Scanty shook her head. "Sorry to disappoint, but we had nothing to do with this."

     The principal cleared his throat. "The Daemon sisters are also in trouble, as the evidence implicates them in several ghost-related incidents. This is a serious matter."

     Both groups stood in shock, realizing they were all caught in a trap they didn't see coming.

     Meanwhile, Brief, back at his apartment, sent all his compiled evidence to local news media outlets. Within hours, the news sparked outrage throughout the city. Reporters swarmed city hall demanding answers while citizens protested outside.

     Corset tried to address the media, attempting damage control. "These are baseless claims—"

     But he was immediately shut down, with the citizens demanding his resignation. "Step down, Corset! We want a new mayor!"

     Brief watched the chaos unfold on television, unsurprised when he saw Corset for the first time, realizing the mayor was likely behind the ghost attacks and working with the Daemon sisters. He relaxed in his apartment, relishing his victory.

     As he made a mental note to have his clone withdraw from Daten High School the following week, Brief couldn't help but smile. The tables had finally turned, and he was in control.

     Brief chuckled to himself.

    "Maybe I should invest in a chessboard," he joked, before turning off the television and heading to bed, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him.


     The next day, the news of the Anarchy and Daemon sisters' expulsion from Daten High School spread like wildfire. Students whispered in shock, unable to believe what had happened. Brief, however, chose to ignore the commotion, letting his mask finally slip around everyone.

     Throughout the day bullies tried to pick fights with him but Brief fought back with newfound confidence and skill, swiftly taking down anyone who challenged him. Chaos ensued as people tried to understand what had changed in Brief.

     By midday, Brief had already garnered a newfound respect for himself by defeating all the bullies who had tried to come for him. He spent the rest of the day in relative peace, playing chess by himself in the library. As he moved his pieces strategically across the board, he murmured to himself, "The game is almost complete. Soon, there will only be one victor and that one victor will be me."

     Brief felt a sense of calm and control he had never experienced before. His enemies were falling one by one, and his path to victory was becoming clearer with each passing day.



That evening, Brief, dressed as Buzzkill, sat atop the roof with Panty and Stocking. The city lights twinkled below them, creating a serene backdrop for the trio.

     "This sucks," Panty grumbled. "Our reputations are ruined, and Garterbelt is close to throwing us out onto the street."

     Stocking nodded in agreement. "Yeah, everything's gone to hell. Buzzkill, you might be the only ally we have left now."

     Brief pretended to be sympathetic, though internally he was already plotting Garterbelt's downfall, having gathered evidence of his pedophilia and planning to have him thrown in jail and the church defunded.

     Panty looked over at Buzzkill. "You know, we've never actually seen your face before. Not even when you ate dinner at the church those few times."

     Buzzkill sighed, feigning vulnerability. "My true identity is a sensitive topic. I just recently escaped an abusive home environment. If my abusers found out what I've been doing, they'd try to force me back home... and probably kill me."

     Panty and Stocking exchanged sympathetic glances, clearly eating up his sob story.

     "That sounds awful," Stocking said softly. "You can trust us, Buzzkill."

     Panty nodded. "Yeah, we get it. You're safe with us."

     Brief sat silently for a moment, memories flooding back. He recalled the countless times Panty and Stocking had mistreated him, belittling and humiliating him in front of others. He remembered being thrown into the crossfire of a ghost battle by Stocking months ago, an incident that had left him blind in one eye and his face severely disfigured.

     The physical pain had been excruciating, but the emotional scars ran deeper. Their cruelty had driven him to start this mission in the first place: revenge. He had endured their abuse and kept his true self hidden, biding his time until he could finally turn the tables on them.

     The thought of revenge fueled him. He could see it all coming together now. With every step, every piece of evidence he gathered, he was closer to making them pay for what they had done to him.

     Panty and Stocking continued to talk, oblivious to the storm brewing within him. Brief's resolve hardened. He would see this through to the end, and they would all regret underestimating him.


     Corset was livid, his anger barely contained as he stormed through his office. The calls for his resignation were growing louder and the scandal surrounding the Anarchy sisters and the Daemon sisters was only making matters worse. He had already punished Scanty and Kneesocks for their incompetence, but it wasn't enough to quell his rage.

     "I need to find out who this Buzzkill is," he growled, slamming his fist on the desk. "If I don't uncover his identity and get the key my plans will never succeed."

     The next day, the church was swarmed by media as Garterbelt was dragged out in handcuffs. Reporters shouted questions and cameras flashed as news broke about Garterbelt being a pedophile. The revelation further tarnished the Anarchy sisters' reputation since they had lived and associated with him.

     Inside a cozy local café, Brief watched the chaos unfold on the news, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. He sipped his tea, savoring the moment as all his hard work began to pay off.

     Panty and Stocking burst into the café, panic evident on their faces.

  "Brief, you have to help us!" Panty pleaded. "We need to prove our innocence and Garterbelt's too!"

     Brief looked at them with cold detachment. "We're not friends anymore. You ended that yourselves, remember?"

     Stocking's eyes widened. "But you know we didn't do anything wrong! Garterbelt is innocent!"

     Brief's expression remained impassive. "Garterbelt did, in fact, host a lingerie party a few months ago under the guise of Mister G so that he could look at young boys in their underwear, not to mention he's also tried making moves on me in the past despite the fact that I'm sixteen. Sorry guys but I'm afraid you're on your own."

     The sisters stared at him in shock and desperation. For once, they were speechless. Brief turned back to his tea, ignoring their presence. They had treated him like dirt for so long, and now they were reaping the consequences of their actions.

     As Panty and Stocking stumbled out of the café, Brief felt a deep sense of satisfaction. His plan was working perfectly, and soon, everyone who had wronged him would face the consequences.



     Panty and Stocking sat on the steps of the now-condemned church, the weight of their situation pressing down on them. They reflected on their actions and the way they had treated people in the past, realizing just how terrible they had been.

     Images of Brief flashed in their minds. Stocking frowned, deep in thought.

    "You know, Brief has been acting really suspicious lately. He avoided us for weeks and then suddenly showed up again when Buzzkill started to gain notoriety."

     Panty shook her head. "Brief can't be Buzzkill. He was always with us when Buzzkill was around."

     Stocking's eyes narrowed as she pondered. "Maybe... but what if there's more to it? We need to figure out Buzzkill's identity."

     Panty nodded in agreement. "We'll come up with a plan to capture Buzzkill and unmask him."

     Meanwhile, Brief relaxed in his apartment. He had already sent his robot clone to withdraw him from Daten High School, and he was making plans to move to Ocean City once he finished his mission in Daten City.

     Suddenly, he heard the distant sounds of a ghost attack. Without hesitation, he got his gear on and headed out as Buzzkill.

     Arriving on the scene, Buzzkill quickly engaged the ghost in battle. The Anarchy sisters soon arrived, joining the fight. Together they managed to defeat the ghost and collect the Heaven token. However, as the ghost disintegrated, Panty and Stocking turned their weapons onto Buzzkill.

     Panty aimed her gun at him, a determined look in her eyes. "It's about time you reveal your identity, Buzzkill."

     Buzzkill raised his hands defensively, feigning innocence. "What's this about, ladies? We've just defeated a ghost together."

     Panty didn't hesitate. She started shooting at him, forcing Buzzkill to dodge and take cover behind a nearby car. "Enough with the games!"

     Stocking brandished her dual swords, joining in the attack. "You can't hide from us, Buzzkill. We need to know who you are."

     The streets of Daten City echoed with the sounds of gunfire and clashing metal as the trio faced off. Buzzkill fired back with his own weapons, but he was struggling to keep up with the sheer amount of attacks being thrown his way.

     Panty fired her bullets relentlessly, each one narrowly missing Buzzkill as he darted and rolled to avoid them. Stocking's swords flashed in the streetlights, each swing aimed with deadly precision. Buzzkill deflected one of Stocking's strikes with his gun, but she pressed the attack, forcing him back.

     Buzzkill leapt onto a nearby building trying to gain some distance. He took a moment to catch his breath, but Panty and Stocking were relentless. Panty fired a barrage of bullets, forcing Buzzkill to duck and weave as the bullets chipped away at the concrete around him. Stocking followed up with a powerful leap, her swords slicing through the air towards him.

     Buzzkill managed to block one of her strikes, but the force of the blow sent him stumbling back. Stocking pressed her advantage, her swords flashing as she aimed a series of quick, precise strikes at him. Buzzkill was forced to backpedal, struggling to keep up with her speed and precision.

     Finally with a well-placed swipe, Stocking's sword cut through Buzzkill's mask, sending pieces of it scattering to the ground. Panty and Stocking paused, their eyes widening in shock as they finally saw the face beneath the mask.

     Brief, his face scarred and disfigured from past battles, stood before them, breathing heavily. His eyes, one of them scarred over, burned with a mixture of determination and anger.

     Panty took a step back, her gun still trained on him. "Brief? It was you all along?"

     Brief smirked, his expression cold and calculating. "Surprised? You shouldn't be. You made me this way."

     Stocking lowered her swords slightly, her expression a mix of shock and confusion. "Why, Brief? Why go through all of this?"

     Brief's smirk faded, replaced by a look of deep-seated anger. "Because I'm done being your punching bag. I'm done being the weakling you all thought I was. Now, you'll see just how powerful I can be."

     With a swift motion, Brief called over his robot clone. It transformed into a massive, futuristic gun, pulsating with energy. Brief laughed hysterically, the sound echoing through the streets. "This is karma for leaving me to die all those months ago!"

     Panty and Stocking momentarily reflected on their actions, guilt flickering across their faces. But there was no time for remorse as Brief started attacking them.

     Brief fired a barrage of energy blasts from his weapon, the recoil sending him skidding back a few steps. Panty and Stocking dove out of the way, the blasts leaving smoldering craters in the ground where they had been standing.

     Panty rolled to her feet, firing back with her own gun. The bullets whizzed through the air, but Brief effortlessly deflected them with a wave of his hand. Stocking charged in, her swords slicing through the air in a flurry of strikes. Brief dodged and blocked her attacks with his gun, a mocking grin on his face.

     "It's too late to try and apologize," Brief snarled, his voice filled with venom. "You had your chance to make things right multiple times and you didn't. I would've been fine if you two had at least visited me ONE time while I was in the hospital and ask if I was doing alright but no, you two were too self absorbed to even notice that I was gone for several weeks."

     Panty and Stocking exchanged a desperate look before launching a coordinated attack. Panty fired a concentrated stream of bullets, aiming for Brief's head, while Stocking went low, her swords aiming for his legs. But each attack that landed on Brief healed instantly, the wounds closing as if they had never existed.

     Panty gritted her teeth, frustration and desperation evident on her face. "How is he doing that?"

     Brief's laugh was cold and hollow. "You don't get it, do you? You've fucked up big time and I'm finally striking back!"

     As the battle continued Brief's demonic traits began to reveal themselves. His skin darkened, taking on a reddish hue. His eyes glowed with an eerie, hellish light, and his teeth sharpened into fangs. Horns sprouted from his forehead, curling menacingly.

     Panty and Stocking struggled to keep up with Brief's relentless onslaught. Every time they landed a hit, it was as if they were fighting against an unyielding force of nature. Brief moved with a speed and strength that seemed impossible, his attacks growing more vicious and precise.

     Stocking swung her swords in a wide arc, aiming for Brief's torso. He caught one of her blades with his bare hand, the metal screeching against his skin. With a powerful shove, he sent her flying backward, crashing into a nearby wall. Panty tried to take advantage of the distraction, but Brief was already anticipating her move. He turned and fired a blast from his gun, the energy bolt striking Panty in the chest and sending her sprawling to the ground.

     Panty coughed, struggling to her feet. "Brief, please, we were wrong. We didn't know—"

     "Save your breath," Brief interrupted, his voice cold and unyielding. "This is just the beginning. You'll see what it feels like to be powerless."

     With a roar, Brief unleashed a wave of demonic energy, the force of it shaking the very foundations of the buildings around them. Panty and Stocking barely had time to brace themselves before the energy slammed into them, sending them crashing to the ground once more.

     As the dust settled, Brief stood over them, his demonic form fully revealed.

    "This is your reckoning," he said, his voice a low growl. "And it's far from over."

     The Anarchy sisters lay on the ground, battered and bruised, the weight of their past actions bearing down on them. The battle was not just a fight for survival but a brutal lesson in the consequences of their cruelty. And Brief, now fully embracing his demonic nature, was determined to make them pay.

     Corset watched from a nearby rooftop, his eyes gleaming with malevolent delight. He cackled loudly, the sound echoing through the streets below.

    "The Hell Monkey has finally awoken!" he shouted.

     With a flick of his hand, Corset telepathically grabbed Brief, yanking him off the ground and dragging him up onto the rooftop. Brief struggled against the unseen force, gritting his teeth in defiance. With a burst of energy, he fired his weapon at Corset, the blast hitting the demon squarely in the chest and causing him to let go.

     Brief landed on his feet, glaring at Corset.

     "I'm tired of all this angel and demon bullshit!" he shouted, his voice filled with frustration. "I just want to complete my revenge and move on with my life."

     Before he could react, Scanty and Kneesocks appeared on either side of him, their weapons drawn and ready. The Daemon sisters joined the fray, their eyes gleaming with determination.

     Kneesocks lunged at Brief, her scythes slicing through the air. Brief parried with his weapon, the clang of metal against metal ringing out. Scanty came in from the other side, her pistols blazing. Brief dodged and weaved, but a few bullets grazed his skin, leaving trails of blood.

     "You think you can defeat us, you filthy half-breed?" Kneesocks taunted, her scythe swinging in a deadly arc.

     Brief gritted his teeth, blocking her attack and countering with a powerful energy blast that sent her staggering back.

     "I've come too far to be stopped now!" he growled, his demonic features contorting with rage.

     Scanty unleashed a barrage of bullets, but Brief was relentless. He deflected them with his weapon, the energy shield flickering around him. He lunged at Scanty, but Kneesocks intercepted him, their weapons clashing once more in a furious exchange.

     Corset watched the battle with a sinister grin, his eyes glowing with dark power.

  "You're just a pawn in my grand design, Hell Monkey," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice.

     Brief fought valiantly, but the combined might of Scanty, Kneesocks, and Corset was overwhelming. He felt himself being pushed to the brink, his energy waning. Desperation and anger surged through him, and in a moment of sheer instinct, he called upon the depths of his demonic power.

     The ground trembled, and the air crackled with dark energy. Suddenly, the gates of Hell burst open, unleashing a colossal ghost that towered over the city. Its monstrous form loomed ominously, casting a shadow over the battlefield.

     Everyone but Corset stared in shock, including Brief.

     "What have I done?" he muttered, realizing the gravity of his mistake.

     Corset's eyes lit up with triumph, his laughter echoing through the night.

    "Yes! Rejoice, Hell Monkey, for you have played right into my hands!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with victorious glee.

     Brief's heart sank as he watched the giant ghost wreak havoc upon the city. He had unwittingly unleashed a force far beyond his control and now the very fate of the world hung in the balance.



     The colossal ghost unleashed pandemonium upon the city, its massive form crushing buildings and sending people fleeing in terror. Brief stood frozen, his eyes wide with horror as he processed the catastrophic consequences of his actions. He had unleashed a nightmare, and now the city he had sought to protect lay in ruins.

     Corset, reveling in the chaos, laughed maniacally before merging with the ghost. His form twisted and expanded, becoming a grotesque fusion of demon and spirit.

     "This is the power I've been waiting for!" he roared, his voice booming across the city.

     Scanty and Kneesocks stared at Brief, their eyes wide with shock and fear.

     " did you do this?" Scanty whispered, her voice trembling.

     Brief's mind fractured, overwhelmed by the weight of his guilt and the enormity of the destruction he had caused. He sank to his knees, clutching his head as a torrent of memories and emotions flooded his consciousness. Every insult, every beating, every moment of humiliation flashed before his eyes. He had been a pawn, a punching bag, an object of scorn. And now, in his quest for vengeance, he had become the very monster he sought to destroy.

     Panty and Stocking, now in their angel forms, soared above him, their wings shimmering with holy light.

     "What the hell have you done, Brief?" Panty shouted, her voice filled with fury. "Do you have any idea what you've unleashed?"

     Stocking glared at him, her eyes cold and accusing. "You think your pain justifies this? Look at what you've done!"

     Brief looked up at them, his eyes filled with anguish.

     "You don't understand," he muttered, his voice breaking. "None of you understand. I've spent my entire life being ridiculed, beaten, and discarded like trash. You treated me like I was nothing. And I've become the very thing you all feared."

     Panty and Stocking's expressions softened, a flicker of remorse crossing their faces.

    "We...we never realized," Stocking said quietly. "We never thought about what we were doing to you."

     Brief's anger flared. "No, you didn't. You never cared. You used me, abused me, and left me to die. This...all of this is because of you. If we don't stop Corset now, he's going to destroy the city and possibly break into Heaven."

     Scanty and Kneesocks hesitated, fear and uncertainty etched on their faces.

   "But...he's our leader," Kneesocks stammered.

      Brief glared at them. "Do you really think he   cares about you? He'll kill you without a second thought once you've outlived your usefulness. If we don't stop him now, we're all doomed."

     The group, united by a shared purpose, turned their attention to Corset, who now loomed over the city like a dark god. They flew toward him, determination and desperation driving them forward.

     Corset roared, his merged form radiating dark energy. "You think you can stop me? I am invincible!"

     Brief, Panty, Stocking, Scanty, and Kneesocks launched their attack. Panty fired her divine pistols, sending holy bullets streaking toward Corset. Stocking slashed with her blessed swords, aiming for his weak points. Scanty and Kneesocks unleashed a barrage of attacks, their demonic power clashing with Corset's might.

     Brief, his resolve steeled by his anger and regret, fought with a newfound ferocity. He used his weapon to deflect Corset's attacks, firing precise shots that disrupted the ghost's energy flow. Despite their combined efforts, Corset's power was overwhelming, and the battle quickly turned desperate.

     The streets below were a blur of destruction and chaos. Buildings crumbled under the weight of the fight, and the air was thick with the sounds of battle. Despite their best efforts, Corset's power seemed limitless and he continued to press his advantage.

     Brief, bloodied and exhausted, saw an opening. Summoning the last of his strength, he charged at Corset, aiming for the core of the ghost's form.

     "This ends now!" he shouted, driving his weapon deep into Corset's chest, "Repent motherfucker!"

     With a deafening roar, Corset's form began to unravel, dark energy spilling out in a torrent. The ghost's monstrous body convulsed, its power destabilizing. The combined attacks of the Anarchy and Daemon sisters intensified, pushing Corset to the brink.

     In a final, desperate act, Corset unleashed a massive wave of dark energy, sending everyone flying. Brief was thrown back, landing hard on the ground. As he struggled to his feet, he saw Corset's form disintegrate, the ghost's power dissipating into the night sky.

     The battle was over. Corset was defeated, but the city lay in ruins. Panty, Stocking, Scanty, and Kneesocks stood amidst the wreckage, their faces etched with exhaustion and sorrow. Brief, his body battered and broken, looked up at the night sky, his mind reeling from the weight of his actions.

     They had won, but the cost had been immense. The city would never be the same, and neither would they. As the first rays of dawn broke over the horizon, Brief knew that his journey was far from over. He had sought revenge, but in the end, he had found something far more important: redemption.




     Or well that was the case until.... 

     Panty and Stocking turned to each other, the remnants of the battle still smoldering around them.

     "Well, Stocking," Panty said, flipping her hair back, "Looks like we've got enough Heaven coins to get back into Heaven."

     Stocking nodded, a hint of satisfaction on her face. "Finally, we can leave this dump."

     Brief, hearing their conversation, felt a surge of joy. "You did it! We're all free from this nightmare!"

     But his celebration was short-lived. Panty raised her gun and shot him in the head without hesitation.

     Brief's body crumpled to the ground, blood pooling beneath him. Scanty and Kneesocks stared in shock.

     "What...what did you do?" Scanty stammered.

     Panty reloaded her gun, her face cold and resolute. "We can't leave a demon like him roaming around on Earth. He was too dangerous."

     Stocking nodded in agreement, her expression equally stern. "We've seen the chaos he can cause. It's better this way."

     The Anarchy sisters turned their backs on the scene and began making their way back to the now-condemned church, leaving Scanty and Kneesocks to process what had just happened. The Daemon sisters stood in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the brutal end to Brief's tragic tale.


     The city slowly began to rebuild in the aftermath of the battle. The scars of the conflict were deep but the citizens of Daten City were resilient. They worked tirelessly to restore their homes and lives, finding solace in their shared determination to move forward.

     Panty and Stocking, meanwhile, ascended to Heaven with their hard-earned coins, but their joy was short-lived. The gates of Heaven opened only to expel them once again. The angels guarding the entrance condemned their actions on Earth, deeming them unworthy of reentry. Panty and Stocking found themselves back on the streets of Daten City, their hopes of returning to Heaven shattered.

     Scanty and Kneesocks, seeing the city in disarray and without leadership, decided to step up. Despite their previous alliances, they couldn't stand idly by. They took on the roles of mayors, dedicating themselves to the city's recovery and the well-being of its inhabitants. Their efforts brought a newfound sense of order and hope to the citizens, and the city slowly began to flourish once more.

     Months later, in a dark alleyway, a figure stirred. Brief opened his eyes, disoriented and groggy. He found himself lying in the same alleyway where he had previously died, the memory of Panty's betrayal fresh in his mind. He sat up slowly, touching the spot where the bullet had struck his head. The wound had healed completely, leaving no trace of the injury.

     Brief looked around, the weight of his actions and the journey that had led him here pressing heavily on his mind. He had sought revenge and achieved it in the most brutal way possible. But as he sat there in the quiet of the alleyway, he realized that his desire for revenge had ultimately consumed him, leading to unimaginable destruction and loss.

     With a deep sigh, Brief stood up, dusting himself off.

     "It's finally over," he whispered to himself. "My revenge is complete. Now, maybe I can find some peace."

     As he walked out of the alleyway and into the light of the city, Brief felt a sense of calm wash over him. He had been through hell and back, and now, at last, he could begin to heal. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to find a new purpose and build a better life for himself.

     "Well, it's time I head to Ocean City and start anew." Brief said before walking off into the distance never to be seen again.


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