Cooking Up Christmas Cheer: Light, L, and Misa's Cookie Adventure

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     In the bustling headquarters of the Kira Taskforce, the holiday spirit was in the air. It was Christmas Eve, and Light, L, and Misa had decided to surprise their colleagues with a batch of homemade Christmas cookies. There was just one problem - Light and L had absolutely no clue how to cook.

     Misa, on the other hand, was practically bubbling with excitement. She wore a Santa hat and a bright apron adorned with reindeer.

     "Alright, you two, it's time to bake some delicious cookies!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

     Light and L exchanged nervous glances as they stood in front of the kitchen counter. L had his laptop nearby, just in case he needed to consult Google for culinary guidance.

     "Misa, are you sure we can do this?" Light asked, looking at the recipe she had printed out.

     Misa giggled, "Of course! It's just cookies. How hard can it be?"

     She took charge, directing Light to measure the flour while L tried to crack an egg without splattering it all over the place. He ended up with a shell-covered yolk in his hand, earning him a perplexed look from Light.

     With Misa's guidance, they managed to get the cookie dough mixed and rolled out.

     "Now, we need to cut out the shapes," Misa instructed, holding up a cookie cutter shaped like a snowflake.

     L frowned, "Why are we making snowflakes? Shouldn't we make something more Kira-like?"

     Light rolled his eyes, "L, it's a holiday cookie. Snowflakes are traditional."

     Misa nodded enthusiastically and pressed the snowflake-shaped cutter into the dough. Light and L followed suit, though their snowflakes looked more like deformed stars. Misa's, of course, was perfect.

     As they placed the misshapen cookies on a baking sheet, L squinted at the oven controls, "What temperature do we bake these at, Misa?"

     Misa scanned the recipe, "It says 350 degrees Fahrenheit."

     L punched in the numbers on the oven, which promptly started smoking. Light, Misa, and L exchanged horrified looks, rushing to open windows to disperse the acrid cloud.

     While the oven was ventilated, Misa couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous situation. Light and L eventually joined in, realizing how comically inept they were in the kitchen.

     Once the smoke had cleared, they carefully placed their cookies in the oven, set to the correct temperature this time. As the cookies baked, the trio chatted and enjoyed each other's company. L even offered to help Misa clean up, and Light didn't protest.

     The timer eventually dinged, signaling that the cookies were ready. To their surprise, they had turned out quite well, even the lopsided ones. As they decorated the cookies with colorful icing and sprinkles, they realized that, despite their differences, they could have fun together.

     The trio shared their holiday treats with the rest of the Kira Taskforce, who were touched by the gesture. It turned out that the misshapen snowflake cookies were a hit, and the team celebrated a memorable and warm-hearted Christmas together.

     As the night wore on, Light, L, and Misa found themselves appreciating the joy of the holiday season and the bonds they shared, even in the midst of their intense pursuit of Kira. In the end, it was a Christmas full of laughter, funny shenanigans, and newfound camaraderie.

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