Chapter 10

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In Kaguya's Kingdom....

In Kaguya's Kingdom, everything was in ruin with Kaguya's forces bested and assaulted by Volt's forces but before things could continue, Flukey put a stop to it, killing the Volt's men and saving the girls before sending them to Maia's Kingdom in refuge. 

With all the girls saved and the Black Dogs in the vicinity disposed of, there was only Kagura left.

Chloe: (Hmm. Given how effortlessly we've bested Volt's forces time and time again, I'm beginning to think the only reason he's made it this far in his conquest because he had the numbers)

Flukey: (I'm starting to see that too. Sure Volt's forces are greater but most of them can't even use their weapons properly. Not even the monsters in Volt's army is a challenge for me even without my magic)

Olga: (Be that as it may we're still at a disadvantage here. With how many are following behind Volt he must have quite the silver tongue. To think that so many males could be so despicable that they'd defile women in such humiliating ways)

Flukey: (Right. Which is why I don't feel bad in the slightest when I kill them. Scum like these deserve nothing but a slow, agonizing death)

Olga: (On that we agree)

Flukey: (Alright now all I have to do is find Kaguya. Let's see....)

Flukey closed his eyes and spiritually sensed around the area to pinpoint Kaguya's location. Within a few seconds he sensed her energy in the underground cells and also sensed her in distress. 

Not wanting to waste any more time, Flukey headed for the cells and entered them, pressing forward before coming across Kaguya

And with her was a man dressed in a cloak and had bandages on his face and feet named Shamuhaza.

Flukey: (Creepy) 

Chloe: (I can only imagine why he looks so beaten)

Olga: (What's that he's holding)

The trio looked to see that the man was holding a jar and he reached in to pull out a bug. 

Flukey didn't know what Shamuhaza was gonna use that bug but he wasn't gonna stand around to find out and rushed at Shamuhaza, punching him across the face so hard that he spun around and hit his face hit the wall, causing a blood splatter and the jar to fall to the ground intact. 

Flukey: Ha! Clocked his ass!

Then he turned his attention to Kaguya.

Flukey: *Reaches hand out* Are you alright Lady Kaguya? 

Kaguya: *Takes his hand and he helps her up* Y-Yes thank you. But you shouldn't be here. It's too dangerous. Volt's forces are everywhere. 

Flukey: Oh you don't have to worry about Volt's forces. I've taken care of them and your maidens are safe too. I sent them to Maia's Kingdom and now it's your turn. 

Flukey summoned a portal.

Flukey: This'll get you to Maia's Kingdom in no time.

Kaguya: O-Okay thank you. Please, save the other kingdoms from Volt.

Flukey: Will do.

With that, Kaguya passed through and Flukey closed the portal.

Flukey: *Looks down at Shamuhaza* Now....what to do with you?

Olga: (Why don't you let us deal with him Flukey)

Chloe: (Yeah. I'd like to get a little payback myself after everything that's happened)

Flukey: (I gotcha. Alright then)

Flukey released Olga and Chloe to take care of the guy while he went to go rescue the other Princesses. 

And from the way the Dark Elves spoke along with the twisted look in their eyes, it was gonna be a while for them. 

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