Generation of Miracles + Kagami x Child! Reader [5K Special]

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(F/n)'s POV

The scenery outside the window I was looking through rushed past, a blur of different colours blending together. I leaned forward to look closer but the seat belt around my chest prevented me from doing so, and I pouted as I sat back in my seat. Instead I turned to the adult male next to me in the driver's seat, his eyes still focused on the road ahead.

"Daddy Daiki, can we put on the sirens?" I asked like I did every single time he took me to school in his police car.

Aomine groaned and rolled his eyes, making me grin. "No (F/n). That's only for emergencies. And going to school is not an emergency."

I had seven dads in my family, and all of them had different last names. I wasn't sure why, but I had a different last name too so I guess it was just how things were for us.

Aomine pulled to a stop outside the school and parked the police car. I unbuckled my belt and grabbed my backpack at my feet and put it on. "Bye Daddy Daiki!" I said to him.

"Bye (F/n)." He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Have fun at school."

"I will!" I jumped out of the car and gave him a last wave as he sped off, and I turned to go into the school building. I made it just in time, the bell ringing just as I slung my backpack around the back of my chair and sat down.

"Good morning class," my teacher greeted all of us. "Today we're going to be learning about different types of families and houses. I want you all to draw yourselves and your family in your house, and then we'll share what makes each house different and special."

"I'm going to draw my dog!"

"I'm drawing my granny in her big rocking chair!"

My classmates around me started to excitedly declare what they were going to draw. I eagerly took out my crayons and as soon as I was given a piece of blank paper, I got to work drawing the big rescue center, complete with seven tall stick figures and one short one that was me.

When everyone had finished their pictures, my teacher asked if anyone wanted to share. Nearly the entire class raised their hands, so we took turns sharing our drawings and sharing family stories.

"(F/n)-chan, would you like to share now?" My teacher asked after five kids had shared.

"Yeah!" I got up and took my drawing to the front of the class. "This is my family. That's me in the middle, and these are all my dads. We live in the rescue center. It's really big and they all have really important jobs because they save people."

"You're lucky that you don't have a mom," one of my classmates said. "My mom always makes me do my homework before playing video games."

I giggled. "Daddy Shin is just like that too. And Daddy Sei. They both tell me I should try my best in everything."

My classmates asked me a few more questions like if I had a pet or ever went on a rescue with any of my dads or if since I didn't have a mom could I stay up late and sleep whenever I wanted? The answer was no to all of these because even if I didn't have a mom, my dads made sure I was safe and that I was growing up like any other kid is supposed to. Also Midorima didn't like cats.

"Thank you (F/n)-chan." My teacher said with a smile, and I sat back down in my seat. "I have an important announcement now. Our class will be going on a hiking trip next week. We'll be hiking on the cliffs and there will be a nature walk. If you want to go then your parents or guardians will have to sign this permission slip." She began to pass out the permission slips while my classmates started to talk excitedly.

"I'm definitely going!" One of my friends said, everyone else quickly agreeing with him. It seemed like everyone was going to go at this rate. I really wanted to as well. I just had to hope my dads would let me.

The rest of the school day passed by and finally it was time to go home. After packing up, my teacher led us all outside to wait for our parents to come. I looked at all of the adults swarming the school entrance, trying to find one of my dads. Usually it was Kuroko or Kise who picked me up after school while Aomine or Kagami dropped me off in the morning. I caught sight of a walking pillar with purple hair coming around the corner and my eyes lit up.

"Daddy Atsu!" I exclaimed, running up to the titan and hugging his waist. "I didn't know you were picking me up today."

Murasakibara smiled lazily at me and patted my head. "Kaga-chin wanted me to pick up some ingredients for dinner tonight so I said I would pick you up too."

"Can I have a piggyback ride home?" I asked, looking up at him hopefully.

"'Course," he said. He stuck his Maiubo in his mouth and then bent down to pick me up and put me on his shoulders. I squealed as he started walking, giggling while holding on to his head.

"Were there any emergencies today Daddy Atsu?"

"Nope. But Mine-chin had to get that stupid cat out of that old lady's tree again."

I laughed. Getting cats out of trees was Kagami's job since he was a fireman but Aomine was always harassed by old ladies to do it when they'd see him on patrol. We reached the rescue center and Murasakibara let me down so I could go greet the rest of my dads while he went into the kitchen to give Kagami the shopping bags. I went into the living room where Midorima, Kise, Aomine and Akashi were all lounging.

"(F/n)-cchi, you're back!" Kise was the first to see me and he scooped me up into a hug.

"Hi Daddy Ryo!" I giggled, hugging him back. "How was work?"

"It was fine, just the usual," he said with a smile. "Did you have fun at school today?"

"Yeah!" I clapped my hands. "Our teacher said we're gonna go on a hiking trip to the cliffs next week! My friends said they're all gonna go and I want to too!"

"That's great! I'll sign your permission slip then."

"Hold on Ryouta," Akashi said, looking up from his Shogi game with Midorima. "It sounds dangerous."

"Yeah," Aomine spoke up as he got up from where he was laying on the couch. "What if something bad happens?"

"I don't approve of it either," Midorima said in disdain. "The cliffs are very high nanodayo."

My face fell. "Please?" I begged. "Everyone in my class is going and I don't want to be the only one to miss it! I promise I'll be super careful."

"I think we should let her go," Kuroko said as he walked into the room. He must have overheard the conversation from the hallway. "It's just a school trip. They wouldn't put the students at risk."

Akashi considered it for a minute and I held my breath in anticipation. He shared a glance with Midorima and then turned back to me, smiling slightly. "Alright then. You may go on the trip."

I cheered, jumping and pumping my fists in the air. "Thank you!"

The day of the trip came quickly. Kuroko woke me up early and helped me change into my clothes. Kagami was already making breakfast by the time we came into the kitchen, the smell of eggs and buttered toast making my stomach grumble. Midorima and Akashi were drinking coffee at the table. Kagami turned from the stove and smiled.

"Morning kid. Ready for your trip today?" He asked as he put my breakfast on the table.

"Yeah! It's gonna be super fun," I replied as I washed my hands and dug into my delicious breakfast. Kuroko had disappeared before Kagami could offer him breakfast too and the redhead groaned, clicking his tongue in annoyance. "Damn that Kuroko."

Aomine then stumbled into the kitchen, still in his sleeping clothes. He yawned, rubbing his eyes. "Morning," he grunted and came over to pat my head. "Have fun on your trip (F/n)."

"Thanks Daddy Daiki." I smiled up at him.

"Daiki, go change before you come down," Akashi said disapprovingly.

"Eeh, I'm hungry though," he whined, pulling out a chair and slouching into it.

Akashi gave him a reproachful look but said nothing else and turned back to his newspaper.

Midorima sighed and shook his head. He then looked at me as he set his mug down. "(F/n), I'll be taking you to school."

"Okay!" I quickly finished my breakfast and put my plate and glass in the sink. Midorima was waiting for me in the doorway with my jacket and backpack. I put them on and then he took my hand and we started walking to school.

It was a bright sunny day and only a few puffy clouds dotted the sky. Midorima told me they were called cumulus clouds. A school bus was already parked outside the building and I couldn't help but smile upon seeing it, tingling with excitement. When we reached the front of the school, I turned to Midorima. "Bye Daddy Shin."

"Goodbye," he said. He paused for a second and looked at me before he continued. "Remember to be careful, okay?"

"I will," I promised and hugged him tightly. "I love you."

He bent down to return the hug, giving me a small smile. "I love you too. Have fun and behave, nanodayo."

I let go of him and walked into the school building. It wasn't long until all the teachers and the rest of the kids coming on the trip were ready too, and we piled into the school bus and were off to the cliffs.

Akashi's POV

Stretching, I looked around the communications office in content. Today's patrols had gone smoothly and everyone had completed their duties for the day.

I checked the time on my watch. (F/n)'s class must be at the cliffs by now, I mused. I wonder if she's having fun.

Just then the office's screens lit up with a red warning sign and the emergency phone started to ring. A sense of uneasiness coiled in the pit of my stomach as I picked up the phone to answer it. "Officer Akashi speaking. What's the emergency?"

"I-it's (F/n)-chan!"

My eyes widened and I froze. I knew going on that school trip was a bad idea. "What happened?" I asked sharply, clenching my fist to stop it from trembling.

"She—She's fallen over the cliff side and she's hanging off a branch. I don't. . . I don't know how long she can hold on."

Gritting my teeth, I slammed my fist on the table. "We're coming. Stay away from the ledge. I'm sending my team now."

I threw the phone down and pulled on the alarm. It blared throughout the center as I ran to the fire pole and slid down to the first floor.

"What happened?" Aomine asked, the others gathering around quickly.

"(F/n)," I reported grimly. I didn't give them time to react. "She's fallen over the cliff and she's barely hanging on. There's no time to waste. I'm deploying everyone."

Their faces contorted from shock to seriousness and they started putting on their uniforms and getting their equipment. Kise darted to the staircase to get to his helicopter while Murasakibara was shouldering on his life vest.

"Taiga, wait for me," I ordered, reaching for my own uniform, "I'm coming too."

"No Akashi-kun," Kuroko said. He looked up from pulling on his scrubs. "You need to stay here in case we get any new information about (F/n)."

I opened my mouth to argue but closed it, instead nodding tersely. "Fine." I gave a sharp look to the others before I made my way back to the office. I watched through the cameras to make sure everyone was ready and then opened the doors for Aomine, Kagami and Midorima at the front of the center, as well as the river gate for Muraskibara. I quickly connected the comms together and gave my orders.

"Atsushi, the river's the fastest way to get to the cliffs. You'll get there before everyone else does. Ryouta, follow him instead of Daiki. There should be a small waterway that leads you right under them. Find a good position to look out for (F/n). Daiki, Taiga, Shintaro, I'm sending you the most efficient way to get there."

They responded with affirmations that they understood and I set to work, keeping an eye on the satellite map that showed each of their locations. (F/n) would not die if I had anything to say about it.

Kagami's POV

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my jaw clenched. I had to physically restrain myself from slamming my foot on the gas pedal and going full speed but I knew better than to something stupid like that. It didn't mean I had to like it though.

My comms pinged to signify they were connecting and not a moment later Aomine began to shout. "Who's terrible idea was it to let her go there?! She could die and it'll be our fault!"

"Well I didn't do it!" I suddenly felt the need to defend myself even though I didn't get a say in deciding to allow (F/n) to go or not. "Wasn't it you who knew about this first anyway?"

"She asked Kise first, you idiot," he scoffed. "Tetsu told Akashi it would be fine." His voice was laced with sarcasm on the bitter word 'fine,' because none of this right now was fine in the slightest.

"Shut up!" Midorima interrupted, making my mind go blank. Even he was losing his cool? I heard him exhale and then he began speaking again calmly, though his voice was still tense. "Blaming each other won't save her. You're twenty seven, not seventeen. Grow up. We're a team, or have you forgotten, nanodayo?"

Shame filled me, making my ears burn hotly. Midorima was right; us shouting at each other would just make the job sloppy. If we were fighting each other then we could be putting (F/n) at an even greater risk. We had to work together.

"Right," Aomine grunted. "Sorry."

"Yeah," I replied back.

The rest of the drive was silent until I was just a few minutes away from reaching the top of the cliffs.

"I'm in position, Kaga-chin," Murasakibara's voice crackled over the radio. "I see (F/n)-chin."

"Got it, I'm almost there," I reported. "Kise in position too?"

"Hovering over the vicinity," the blond answered for himself. "I'm staying up high for now. There's a low wind but it should be stopping soon."

"'Kay," I said. In the rearview mirror I saw Aomine's police car pulling up to match my speed on my right. We parked quickly and I jumped out of my vehicle. "Out of the way!" I called out to the cluster of students and the horror stricken teacher. Aomine ran ahead of me and ushered them all away from the cliff. "Where is she?" I demanded, my eyes already scanning the ground for any signs of where (F/n) fell.

"T-There," the teacher said, pointing to a spot just as I noticed the scuffed up dirt and loose rocks and I ran towards the edge.

Please be okay (F/n).

(F/n)'s POV

My neck strained as I tried to see over the edge of the cliff. I had heard the sirens of Kagami's firetruck and I was hoping that my dads would be coming to save me. I saw a figure outlined by the sun and hope flared in me. It was Kagami!

"Daddy Taiga!" I cried out.

He crouched down on his knees and leaned over the edge. "I'm here (F/n)! We're going to save you!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth I heard a loud snap and my arm jerked. I let out a scream as I dropped down, waving my arms wildly to grab on to something. I could barely hear the screams and shouts of my class and my dads over my own.

I struck my arm out and my fingers slammed on a small rocky ledge, making me cry out but I held on. My eyes were blurry with tears but I didn't dare try to wipe them away in case I fell again.

"Kise! Hurry up!" Kagami was shouting up at the sky where Kise's helicopter was hovering above. I watched as the life harnesses lowered from the helicopter and out of sight on the ground above me. I knew that Kagami was putting one of them on himself. It felt like forever until he was lifted up in the air and started crawling down the cliff side.

"Daddy Taiga!" I shouted again, whimpering.

"Don't worry (F/n)!" He called down, his voice fainter because he was facing away from me. "It's gonna be okay now!"

He tried climbing down faster but he stopped when he reached a gnarled branch and had to carefully maneuver around it. He was still pretty far away and my fingers were getting numb. "I-I can't hold on! My fingers hurt!"

"You can do it! Just hold on a little longer!"

I pursed my lips and tried my best to focus on holding onto the rock until Kagami could reach me. Tense moments passed. Kagami was just a few feet away when my fingers started to slip and my body swayed. I gulped. I tried digging my nails in to stop myself from falling again but they couldn't get any purchase. Another scream ripped my already hoarse throat as I dropped yet again but a large hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me up into an embrace. "D-Daddy Taiga!" I wailed, unable to help myself as I sobbed in relief. He calmly put the second harness around me and wiped my tears away with his hand before tugging on the rope as a signal to raise us up.

The belts around me lurched and we were lifted away from the cliff edge and back up. Even though the harness was secured around my small body, Kagami held me tightly as we were taken up to the top of the cliff. "I've got you (F/n)."

The wind roared in my ears and I narrowed my eyes against the strong gale. I looked up and saw the edge of the cliff nearing and I knew we were almost there. The helicopter eased us up past the cliff's edge and up into the sky. We were now suspended above everyone on the ground.

"Everyone stay back!" I heard Aomine shouting at everyone else below.

Kise lowered us to the ground carefully and Kagami took the harnesses off us and carried me to Kuroko and Midorima. They were waiting next to their ambulance and I was given to Kuroko. I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder, shaking.

"It's okay (F/n)-chan," he said, rubbing my back, "you're safe now."

He set me down on the bed, wiped my tears away and made me blow my nose and then he and Midorima began to treat my injuries. By the time they finished, my arms and legs were covered in bandages, as well as a cut on my cheek. I was drinking down a glass of water Midorima gave me, a thick blanket around my shoulders. He had been muttering something about 'shock' and 'warmth' and a bunch of other words I didn't understand like 'CPR' and 'nausea,' all while Kuroko was telling him to calm down and stop pacing the small space of the ambulance.

"We'll be taking (F/n) home," Aomine was saying to my teacher just outside.

"Y-yes, of course." My teacher nodded nervously, his face still pale.

"(F/n), you okay?" Kagami poked his head into the ambulance.

"She'll be fine, nanodayo," Midorima spoke up for me as I was still drinking my water. "We're lucky it wasn't anything too serious." He started another lengthy explanation about different medical terms which Kuroko had to interrupt him and tell Kagami simply, "She only has minor injuries. No signs of shock or other serious symptoms. She's fine."

Kagami nodded, but he darted another glance to me as if he was still doubtful of both Midorima and Kuroko's words. I drank down the last of my water and gave him a smile. "I'm fine Daddy Tai—" I broke off in a yawn. "I'm tired."

Kuroko came over to me and took my empty glass away, then tucked the blanket around me tighter. "Let's get her home now. Akashi-kun will want her back as soon as possible."

Kagami and Midorima agreed and Midorima exited the ambulance to drive us back home while Kuroko stayed with me in the back. The drive was quiet, which wasn't a surprise because it was Kuroko I was with. I remember my other dads complaining about how he used to be literally invisible when he was in school. Now he wasn't as invisible anymore; he was just really quiet and popped up randomly like a jack-in-the-box sometimes, but you could still see him.

"Daddy Tetsu," I said, looking down as I swung my feet a little, "is everybody mad at me 'cause I almost died?"

He didn't say anything for a few moments until I heard him sigh softly. "No, we were just worried about you. Sometimes being scared makes people angry, like Aomine-kun and Kagami-kun. But we all care a lot about you."

I smiled at that and leaned my head against his side. "I promise I'll save you one day too. 'Cause I love you a lot too," I said.

Kuroko put his arm around me carefully so that he wouldn't touch my injuries. "When you're older you can save us as much as you want to." He chuckled.

The ambulance finally slowed to a stop and then the doors were opened by Midorima. We must be home. Kuroko picked me up, the blanket falling back onto the bed and I wrapped my arms around him as he took me outside.

Akashi was already waiting for us at the front of the rescue center. "(F/n)!" he said, hurrying up to all of us. I jumped down from Kuroko's arms and ran to hug him.

"Daddy Sei!" I exclaimed, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck as he picked me up and hugged me fiercely.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, pulling away to look at me. He put his hand on my cheek. "I knew you shouldn't have gone on that trip. I'll sue the school for putting you in such danger." His eyes were narrowed in anger but I just giggled.

"No Daddy Sei," I said. "Daddy Taiga and everyone saved me."

Akashi blinked and looked at me fondly, his rage forgotten. "I'm just glad you're okay. You scared all of us."

"I'm sorry," I said, guilty. "I didn't mean to make you all upset 'cause I fell."

"It's okay (F/n)-cchi!" Kise piped up reassuringly. My other dads were gathering around us after parking their vehicles properly. "That's what we're here for after all. We keep everyone safe, especially you!"

"Thank you." I smiled at them and leaned my head against Akashi, snuggling into his warmth. He took me inside to the rescue center and Kagami and Kuroko promised to make dinner for us.

Instead of eating at the kitchen table, they brought the food to the living room and we all lounged on the couches, except for Murasakibara who sat on the floor, all of us covered in multicoloured blankets while the TV played one of my favourite movies.

I snuggled deeper into the warmth of the blankets and my dads, yawning. I had almost fallen asleep when I was gently shaken by Kuroko, smiling down at me. "Ready for bed?"

"Mhm." I nodded sleepily, rubbing my eye.

He picked me up and I rested my chin on his shoulder, watching my other dads get up too. They followed us as Kuroko carried me to my room and tucked me in bed.

"Goodnight (F/n)." He kissed my forehead and gave me my favourite stuffed animal to hug while Kise plugged in my nightlight, making yellow stars dance across the walls and ceiling.

"Goodnight dads. I love you," I mumbled.

They chorused their goodnights and I smiled as I closed my eyes, soothed by all their voices.

I heard the door close and I rolled over, cuddling my stuffed toy and drifted off to sleep.

Third Person POV

After saying goodnight to (F/n), the seven adults turned to each other and sighed. They were still shaken from the near death experience of their daughter, shuddering at the thought of what would have happened if they had been too late.

"She'll be okay, right?" Aomine was the first to break the silence.

"Can we even keep her safe?" Midorima asked seriously, pushing his glasses up his nose. "What if something worse happens, nanodayo?"

"We're her caretakers," Kuroko said. "We have to protect her."

"It is hard raising a child in a place like this," Kise admitted. It was a hard truth that they all knew. "Especially without a proper family."

"We did it for nearly six years, we can keep doing it," Kagami insisted.

"I don't want us to lose her over an accident," Murasakibara said, frowning.

Akashi looked at all of them. He knew he had to say something to ease them. The emergency had rattled him just as much as the others, but he was still their leader. "What Ryouta said earlier is correct," he said calmly, trying to convince himself as well as the others. "(F/n) is our daughter. We will protect her no matter what."

A/N: Here is the 5K special! Again thank you guys so much for this. I actually got inspired for this one-shot from a dream I had almost two months ago. I know this wasn't an anime crossover like some people were expecting but I think it would be better to alternate between a crossover and something else for these milestones or else this entire book would be clogged with specials if I did five for each milestone like for 1K.

With that said, I can probably say that 10K views (if we ever reach that) will be an anime crossover unless I get some amazing idea before then but for now, that's the plan. This one-shot had a lot of effort and editing put into it so I really hope you guys like it. Thank you!

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