Izuki x Reader

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I walked into the gym to greet the Seirin Basketball Team. I had become close friends with all of them, especially since I was dating their point guard, Izuki Shun. The boys were just walking out of the locker room, having changed out of their uniforms into more comfortable and casual clothes for training.

"Hey everyone!" I waved cheerfully at them.

They all responded back with their own greetings and acknowledgments. Nigou zipped past me and made a beeline for Kuroko, weaving between his legs playfully and rubbing against the boy's ankles.

"Sit, Nigou," Kuroko told the small pomsky. Nigou barked and obeyed the command, wagging his tail in excitement. "Good boy." Kuroko smiled, crouching down to pet him.

"I bet Kuroko has a second favourite animal," Izuki spoke up as he stared at Nigou. "Kuroko-diles (crocodiles)!"

"Pfft." I stifled a chuckle while most of the others sighed and groaned.

Kuroko was shaking his head, but there was a small smile on his face. He went over to grab a basketball while I started walking over to the bench to sit and watch the practice session. My eyes were fixed on the court as I was walking, watching everyone start their drills, not looking at where I was going. I bumped into Kiyoshi, who was looking the other way, and he accidentally trodded on my foot, both of us noticing the other way too late. I let out a yelp, wincing.

"Oh, I'm sorry (L/n). I wasn't watching where I was going," he apologized. "Are you okay?"

I gave him a reassuring smile. "It's alright Kiyoshi, it was just an accident." I gingerly put my foot down and tested my weight on it. "See? All good!"

He was relieved at that, and patted my head, smiling. "Thank goodness."

"Kiyoshi, you should really watch where you're Teppei-ng (stepping)," Izuki said as he walked by. "Wow I'm on fire with these puns today!" His eyes sparkled as he complimented himself. "Definitely gotta write these down later."

Kiyoshi let out a chuckle and went over to join the others on the court. I sat down and set my bag aside, focusing back on the Seirin team. Riko was giving orders, holding her whistle near her lips while her other hand was on her hip. After they finished with their drills, they got into teams and started a practice match.

Izuki performed a convincing fake against Mitobe before tossing the ball to Kuroko, who passed it to Kagami. The power forward jumped up and dunked so hard that he made Fukuda and Hyuga fall down from trying to block him.

"Wow, Kagami's as fierce as a Taiga-r (tiger) today." Izuki whistled, grinning.

I couldn't help but giggle at the stupid pun. Even Kuroko's lips switched in an amused smile. Koganei, Mitobe and Tsuchida were fighting smiles too.

Hyuga groaned in annoyance and turned to Furihata, who was meekly holding the basketball.

"Furihata, give me the ball," the captain ordered sharply, hand out.

Furihata looked at Hyuga warily. It was him who should be keeping the ball for now since he was the point guard for Hyuga's team. "Uhm... why, Captain?"

Hyuga pointed at his pun-loving friend. "I need to hit that idiot," he said with a serious tone.

Riko blew her whistle sharply, glaring at them. "Stop messing around and continue!"

"Yes!" The team replied in unison, and swiftly continued the game.

Practice soon ended, and Riko blew her whistle once again. "Gather around everyone!" she called.

After getting their drinks and wiping their sweaty faces, the team went over to her, gathering in a large group. I joined them too. Riko passed everyone a piece of paper. "This is the new bracket for the tournament," she explained as she handed them out. "As you can see, our next opponent is also an offensive team. They have a unique set of drives and passing patterns to attack."

She continued to relay important information about the next school they were going up against, and how she collected a few videos of previous games for them to analyze.

I noticed that Tsuchida was squinting at the paper in his hands. He seemed to be having a hard time reading the bracket.

"Tsuchida, you okay?" I asked him.

He rubbed his eye, pursing his lips. "My sight's a bit blurry. I'm planning to get my eyes checked out over the weekend," he said.

"Maybe he'll need glasses Tsuchi (to see)!" Izuki piped up gleefully, overhearing what Tsuchida said.

Riko sighed and smacked him with her paper fan. "That's all for today. Good work everyone."

They all dispersed and started cleaning up. I overheard Hyuga and Izuki saying that they would stay to practice individually. Wanting to help out, I started picking up the scattered basketballs and placed them on one of the nearby racks. Then I rolled it over and stationed just before the three point line for Hyuga to use. I had watched him practice on his own a few times while waiting for Izuki to finish his own individual practice, so I knew what Hyuga would need or want to work on.

"Thanks (L/n)," the captain said, walking over to me.

I nodded in acknowledgement. "No problem Hyuga. Good work today." I walked back over to the bench. The others had already packed up and left. I fixed up my bag and made myself comfortable as I waited for Izuki.

Hyuga took a basketball and aimed for the ring, jumping up and releasing the ball at the end of his fingertips. The ball went in with a neat 'swish.'

"Hyuga, that was some good Junpei-ng (jumping)," Izuki commented.

Hyuga turned to glare at the grinning Izuki. "Die, Izuki. (L/n), why are you even dating him?"

I chuckled, shrugging. "I have no clue at this point," I joked.

"Ouch, that hurts (F/n)-chan," Izuki said, pretending to sound upset.

I just shook my head and sighed in slight exasperation, continuing to watch them go through their individual practice. It was a while before both boys were worn out and decided to stop for the day.

"I can barely stand." Hyuga panted, letting out a small groan as he trudged over and collapsed on the bench.

Izuki was laying down on the floor, limbs splayed out. He let out a long sigh as if in agreement with what Hyuga said. I walked over to him and crouched over his body, smiling gently as I offered him a water bottle. "Come on Shun, let's get you home."

He smiled up at me, eyes closed as he took in a small breath. "Thanks (F/n)-chan." He sat up and accepted the water bottle, taking a long drink.

Hyuga was grumbling on the bench, a dark and gloomy aura around him. "Stop acting all lovey dovey. It's embarrassing," he said. Then muttering he added, "I still can't believe he got a girlfriend before I did. I'll kill him."

Izuki and I laughed at Hyuga's words.

"I'm sure you can get Riko to fall for you before the end of our third year, Hyuga," I teased.

He blushed and glared at me, a tick mark forming on his head as he fumed silently. He coughed awkwardly and stood up, grabbing his towel as he started walking off to the locker room. "I'm going to change. Don't start making out or anything weird."

I blushed at that, looking over at Izuki to see how he reacted to Hyuga's words. He laughed, but his cheeks were tinted pink and he was looking away shyly. He looked so adorable when he was flustered or embarrassed. I almost wanted to kiss him.

"I'll go and change too," Izuki spoke up as he stood, stretching. "It's pretty late now. You really don't have to stay and wait for me you know."

"Don't be silly." I smiled. "I don't mind waiting for you. Besides, I like watching the team practice."

Izuki beamed and he leaned in, nuzzling my cheek affectionately with his nose. "I'm so lucky to have you as my girlfriend."

"Oi." I giggled, trying to push him away. His nose was really ticklish. "You're all sweaty and gross."

He chuckled and stopped, an amused smile on his face. "Fine, fine."

He ruffled my hair and walked to the locker room to change. I grabbed my bag from the bench and waited at the gym doors. Izuki came out not too long after, and we both started heading in the direction of our houses.

"You know Shun," I said as we walked down the street. "Maybe your parents should've named you Izuki Pun."

I watched Izuki, who looked surprised for a split second before he laughed. He took my hand in his. "And maybe your folks should've named you my soulmate."

I blushed at his words, looking away shyly. "Dork," I muttered. "You're so cheesy."

"As cheesy as a pepperoni pizza." He grinned without missing a beat.

I tried to keep a straight face, fighting a smile, but failed quite miserably. Izuki was looking triumphant and I glared playfully at him.

"You love my puns." He smirked, proud of himself.

I smiled and rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, I guess so," I agreed. "But I love you even more."

He blushed and looked away in embarrassment, but I could see the smile on his face. I just chuckled and squeezed his hand gently. "And I also love embarrassing you," I teased.

"Are you sure you're not the sun?" Izuki asked seriously. "Cause you really light up my world."

Blushing, I kissed his cheek. "Shun, you are my world."

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