Dinner Date

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Aomine walked into practice the very next day confident and ready to apologise. He scanned the gym, frowning in disappointment when he couldn't find the raven haired male. He walked over to Momoi who was chatting with Ryo.

"Hey, where's Haru?"

"He's finishing off with the swimming club, he'll be here soon." Momoi explained.

"Oh, okay." Aomine huffed rather sadly, crossing his arms. "Wanna practice shots Ryo?"

The boy nodded eagerly, passing the ball he had to Aomine and followed him to the basket. During the whole practice session, Aomine constantly glanced at the door, waiting for Haruka to show himself. The end of practice came too soon and Aomine was sitting, hands clasped as Momoi was shuffling around the gym.

"Why didn't he show up?"

"He probably got caught up." Momoi shrugged, glancing behind him, smiling to herself as Aomine glanced at the door again.

"What do you think he's doing?"

"Daki why don't you just ask him out?" Momoi sighed as she sat down beside him.

"I was going to, but he never showed up to practice." Aomine groaned into his hands. "Why is this so difficult?"

"Why don't you go and find him?" Momoi suggested. "I'm sure he's still around."

"Good idea." Aomine exclaimed running to the doors. "Thanks Momoi."

Aomine walked to the indoor swimming pool, assuming that was where Haru would be. He remembered their first meeting, his friends trying to explain Haru's strange obbession for water to the basketball players. Aomine opened the doors quietly not wanting to make his presence known. He walked over to the bleachers and watched the sleek body in the water slice through it like soft butter. Aomine watched in awe as the swimmer increased his pace and continued to swim, never slowing down. The raven haired boy finally came to a stop, breathing deeply and complementing whether to acknowledge his spectator. Haru raised himself from the pool, grabbing his towel, patting himself dry before talking over his shoulder.

"You can come down you know." Haruka smirked as he heard the dark teen splutter and trip. He turned around to see Aomine cautiously approaching him. Haru smiled slightly as Aomine waved shyly at him.


"Hello." Haru replied stoically.

"How are you?" Aomine asked nervously. "Did you have a good swim?"

"Is that what you came here for? Idle chatter?" Haru asked as he ruffled his hair in his towel.

"No actually." Aomine twiddled his fingers. "I came to apologise about last night and wondered if maybe you'd like to, I don't know, maybe have dinner with me?"

Haru cocked his head in confusion, "What was that last bit? I couldn't hear you."

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Aomine hastily spoke out, eyes plastered on the floor. Since when do I get so nervous?

"I'd love to."

"What?" Aomine's eyes staring surprisingly at Haru, who was smothering a laugh.

"I'll have dinner with you."

"You will?" Aomine couldn't believe his luck, he thought he had blown his chance with the swimmer and now he's going on a date with him.

"So are you cooking?" Haru inquired.

"If you want." Aomine shrugged. "And no help this time."

Haru nodded. "Is tonight good?"

"Keen are we?" The basketball player crossed his arms smugly.

"Forget it then." Haru walked past him, smiling to himself when Aomine stopped him.

"I'm kidding, don't walk away again."

Haruka turned to find Aomine's eyes pleading with him. Haru froze unable to move from under the tanned boys gaze.

"Do you really like me that much?"

"Yeah, I think I do." Aomine held his arm tightly, "I'm sorry, I just want to get to know you."

"I'll see you tonight." Haruka declared before speed walking to the locker room, covering his features with his hands, blushing with a smile spreading over his face.

"What the big tanned player?"

"Yeah, Aomine." Rin and Makoto's voices echoed from the laptop, as Haruka overturned his bedroom looking for his shirt.

"He was hot."

"Rin!" Makoto scolded.

"What?" Rin snickered. "I'm just encouraging Haru to get back in the saddle."


Haruka smirked when he heard Rin shout in pain and planted himself down in front of the laptop, letting out a tiny laugh when he saw Rin had fallen off his chair, legs dangling in the air, while Makoto completely ignored the red headed and focused on Haru.

"Have fun tonight Haru." Makoto smiled happily to him.

"Thanks Makoto."

"Don't forget to use protection." He heard Rin call from his position on the floor, before he hung up he heard Makoto cry out at the laughing red head.

Haruka knocked on Aomine's door, butterflies flying around in his stomach. It's fine, it's just Aomine. Exactly, the tall extremely handsome, muscular basketball player who makes you more nervous than a sinner in church.

"Haru, you made it." Both boys stopped breathing as they caught each other in their sights. Aomine despite wearing shorts and a tank top, looked great, Haru felt way over dressed and voiced it.

"I didn't realise it was a casual dinner."

"Oh." Aomine looked down at himself. "I didn't want to get food on my nice clothes, I'll go change."

Aomine showed Haru in and the swimmer made himself comfortable while Aomine left for his room. Haru waited several minutes before curiousity got the best of him and he poked his head into the kitchen wanting to know how Aomine was going. Luckily he wasn't done changing and Haru sneaked inside, checking the pots and pans.

"What are you doing?"

Haruka jumped around, hissing in pain as his hand touched the boiling hot pan. Aomine was over in an instant.

"Shit, sorry." Aomine apologised. "That didn't go how I planned."

Haruka placed his hand under cold water and sighed in relief. "How was it supposed to go?"

"You jump around and look super cute while feeling super guilty."

"Sorry to disappoint." Haruka wiped his hand dry. Aomine instincts took over, gently grabbed the swimmers hand and planted a tender kiss on his palm.

"Is that better?"

"Mmmhmmm." Haru gulped, turning a dark shade of red, averting his eyes. Aomine eyes exploded from his head as he just processed what he had done. He dropped Haru's hand and coughed awkwardly.

"I better check on dinner."

"Yeah." Haru agreed, feeling the dark blue eyes staring as he fled the room. Haru fingered the place Aomine had kissed as he sat at the dining table watching the kitchen door, while Aomine was staring at the wall as he stirred the pot. He sighed and rested his head on the cooler fan, smiling slightly when he thought of Haru's flushed face. Aomine felt giddy as he plated up their dinner and tried to mask his feelings as he entered the dining room, placing Haru's food in front of him.

"Dig in." Aomine prodded. Haruka glanced up at Aomine before nodding and devouring the food in front of him.

"Thanks for dinner." Haru spoke as Aomine emerged from the kitchen after cleaning up. "But you should of let me help you tidy up."

"Nah, you're a guest." Aomine nudged the swimmer as he sat down beside him. "Besides Momoi would have my head if I'd let you do anything."

"Makes sense." Haruka smiled in amusement.

"Lets watch some tv before you leave me on my lonesome." Aomine sniffed, before chuckling and switching the channel to basketball.

"Do you ever tire of basketball?" Haruka asked, confidently leaning on Aomine's shoulder. Aomine gulped in fear as he lifted his arm and Haru shuffled closer as Aomine wrapped his arm around the swimmers shoulder.

"Not really." Aomine stuttered, as Haru's hair tickled his neck. The two boys relaxed as they watched a match between the Hawks and the Lakers. Haruka melted into Aomine's form, causing the tanned teen to lose focus on the match and convince himself to calm down.

"Have you done your homework?" Haruka asked out of the blue.

"No." Aomine blinked. "I've been cooking all afternoon."

Haru removed himself from Aomine's hold and looked at him incredulously. "That's a shame."

"What?" Aomine cocked a brow, having to follow Haru from the room to where the free style swimmer opened his front door.

"Maybe next time if do your homework I'll stay the night." Haruka winked seductively at him before closing the door behind him, leaving a confused yet aroused Aomine behind, processing what had just happened.

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