Himuro x Reader - Jacket

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You thought you were totally okay with moving so much but that never made the butterflies in your stomach go away. It was another school year for you and your dad was fortunately placed in a better position but that meant you had to move for the however-many-times you moved already.

There was an empty pit in your stomach as you started to think about what was to come. School made you anxious, the new place made you anxious, the thought of new friends made you anxious, heck even the new lawn made you anxious. You just couldn't take it anymore but you kept quiet and somehow bypassed it all.

Weeks passed and you thought to yourself, "Maybe this place isn't that bad." Walking to and from school really made you appreciate your surroundings and you loved how nice the neighborhood was.

It was very peaceful and you'd would definitely say beautiful. The houses were all stunning and lined up all neatly. Everyday you would notice the little things, such as a sweet little garden in the yard of the white corner house or the beautiful steps to the red house and even the massive gate to another house. All those things just made you feel more and more intrigued about this new place you explored each day.

You were halfway through the year and the weather was significantly colder than when you moved here. Rubbing your hands against your arms became more and more familiar as you walked through the chilly neighborhood.

You breathed a deep sigh as you tried to keep yourself warm. You forgot your jacket because you overslept. You tried to avoid coming home so soon and waiting for a ride but no one was available. After waiting long enough, you decided to just leave your school library and walk home yourself.

Your steps quickened at the thought of your warm home and your mom's cooking. You just wanted to be away from the cold. You could see your house from the distance and your heart leapt. You couldn't wait.

As you walked, you unintentionally shivered and huddled over to stay warm when a jacket was placed over your cold body. You turned and saw a black haired figure. "You need it more," the boy spoke as you felt arms pull you close.

You thought your heart was beating fast from seeing you house but he surely made it race faster and you couldn't speak.

"Where are you going?" He asked as you blankly stared at his face.

His smooth black hair fell over his face, blocking one eye and showing the other. His mole was specked right under his eye and his voice was warm to your soul.

"H-home.." you barely could answer him. "It's just over there."

"I'll walk you, let's go." He continued to guide you with his arm slung over your shoulder.

You could barely move because you were as frozen as the air around you but his touch melted you down to your core. He didn't speak a word to you as he walked you to your house.

"This is it." your breath fogged up.

"Really? Not too far from me." He commented. "I'll be going now." His arm left your shoulders and the cold air rushed.

"Wait!" You tried to stop him.

"Hm?" He paused in his tracks and turned to you.

"Thank you.." your voice trailed looking for a name to speak.

"Himuro Tatsuya." A smile formed on his lips.

"Himuro Tatsuya." His name tasted sweet in your mouth. "Oh! I'm __________."

"Well, I'll see you around, __________." He waved a goodbye and started to walk away.

You couldn't help but watch until his figure disappeared and that's when you realized you were clutching so tightly onto his jacket. You hesitated to chase after him and smiled instead. You couldn't wait to return it and see him once more.

--oh hey guys!!! sorry for not updating > < I feel so bad for taking a hiatus but wow summer really made me lazy and I really neglected writing thus no updates ;n; but now I'm trying to get back into writing!!!!!! btw this was a request from loooooong ago. sorry once again and I'll try get to the requests from long ago but no promises sorry :c

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