Kasamatsu x Reader - Midnight

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You slowly stepped to the door of the house in front of you and you knocked on it. The chilly wind passed by as you stood there wondering why you were there in the first place.

You rested your head against the door and decided to knock. After hitting twice you stopped since it was almost midnight, no one would've heard you anyway. You sighed as you turned around only to hear the door open slowly.

"Kasamatsu.." Your eyes met with his and you instantly embraced him.

"_______!" He was still. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing.. I was just taking a walk."

He backed away from you and gave you a long stare. "It's midnight. Why are you taking a walk?"

"I.. I just needed to see you.." You were close to tears until Kasamatsu picked you up.

"What am I going to do with you?" He rubbed your back as you began tearing up in his arms.

He walked you into his house and carried you to his room. As he entered, he closed the door behind you and sat you down on his bed. He kneeled in front of you and wiped your tears away. "What's wrong, _______?"

"Nothing.." You didn't want to talk about it so you just hugged him more.

"You're such a baby, _______.." He stroked the back of you head. "Don't be too loud or my parents will wake up."

"I know.." You said through the tears.

You both stayed silent for a while, just holding each other. That was all you needed at the moment, to be in Kasamatsu's arms. He rocked you side to side for a while until you spoke up.


"Yeah?" His voice was light.

"You stink." He stopped his movements.

"I-I haven't showered yet! I was playing street ball with Kise until late tonight and didn't get a chance to do my homework." You could tell he was getting defensive.

You started to giggle as you backed away from him. "Don't worry!" You placed a hand on his cheek. "It's not that bad!"

"Well.. I think I'll go shower now.." He stood up with clear signs of blushing.

"You go do that."

"I'll be back soon, just get some rest okay?" He walked over to his bed and lifted his blanket up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead." He patted his hand on his pillow and smiled.

"Alright, I'll wait for you." You crawled over and sat down.

"Good." He wrapped the blanket around you and made his way out. "By the way, you smell good so I don't mind.." And with that he made a quick dash for the exit.

You smiled to yourself a little embarrassed that Kasamatsu would say something like that to you. He was such a dork.

You laid in his bed and waited for him to come back but you felt yourself slowly closing your eyes. You were soon off into a quiet slumber until you heard some footsteps. You opened your eyes and saw Kasamatsu enter the room. He was shirtless and dripping wet.

"Oh, you're still up.." He seemed unfazed that you were looking at his shirtless body but you quickly covered your head with his blanket.

"Y-yeah.. I said I'd wait for you.." Your voice shook.

"Heh, just get some sleep. I'll be back, I forgot to get my clothes earlier." You waited to hear the door close before pulling your head out.

You shook your head as you swallowed hard at the sight you just saw. You had never seen Kasamatsu shirtless before so it struck you as surprising. You tried to release all the feelings that were inside you and took deep breathes but the image of his body was still strong in your head though.

The door opened again and in came a fully clothed Kasamatsu. "You can look now," he teased as he walked over to his bedside.

"I-I know that!" You peeked from the blanket and confirmed that he did have clothes on.

"Why don't we get some rest then. You must be tired." He went over to his desk where his lamp was and turned it off.

"Alright." You scooted over and made room so he could squeeze in next to you.

"I'm coming in!" He hopped on next to you and instantly nuzzled up to you.

"H-hey!" You tried not to laugh since he tickled you.

"I'm glad you came to visit me tonight. But next time you need to call me." He rested his forehead against yours.

"I will.. I just really wanted to be with you though.."

"I know, now get some sleep." He kissed your cheeks. "Good night, _______."

"Good night Kasamatsu."

-- I write so many stories similar to this orz but wow I need someone like Kasamatsu in my life or he just needs to be real

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