Kiyoshi x Reader - Cuddles

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"Kiyoshi.. it's too cold I don't really want to go outside.." you whined as you leaned up by a window. You visited him today but as the day went by, snow piled up outside. "The storm doesn't really seem like stopping either!"

"But aren't your parents worried about you?" He asked as he touched shoulders with you, leaning to look at the snow.

"I could call them.." you reached for your pockets to grab your phone but you suddenly heard your ringtone. "oh, I have a call!" You grabbed your phone and saw the caller ID.

"Hello, what is it mom?" you turned to Kiyoshi.

"The storm seems a little bad tonight, I want you to come home.." your face began to drop as you listened to your mother, "but I fear it may be a little dangerous.."

"Mom..." you hesitated.

"What is it dear?"

"I think I should be coming home as well.." Kiyoshi looked a little worried as you gave a weak smile.

"Your father is concerned about you but he says as long as you're over at Kiyoshi's everything should be fine.. right?"


"Kiyoshi is a nice boy and I'm sure his parents wouldn't mind you staying the night.."

"I mean... I'm sure but I don't think it would be okay if I stayed over at a guy's place.." you began drawing circles against the window.

"Did you want us to pick you up then?"

"No.. don't, just stay inside. I... I think I'll be fine, mom."

"Alright, I called Kiyoshi's parents earlier so they agreed to have you stay. But behave yourself. Don't try anything funny alright?"

"Mom! Of course I won't!" you turned from Kiyoshi's face to hide your embarrassed expression.

"Good night, _______. Be safe!"

"Good night, mom, love you guys!" you both hung up and you hugged Kiyoshi without thinking. "I'm staying here!"

"Is that right?" he ruffled your hair.

"Yeah, the storm might cause some troubles so I'll just stay here!" you released from him once you realized your arms were wrapped around him. You backed away blushing.

"Well, it's getting late so maybe we should go get ready to sleep." he suggested.

"Sure! Let's go!"

The two of you set up blankets on the floor of Kiyoshi's room. His parents came to check in once in a while to make sure that everything was fine but you two weren't planning on doing anything anyway.

"Alright, I think this'll be good!" you looked at the blankets on the floor and rested your hands against your hips.

"It looks comfy." Kiyoshi smiled. "I'm gonna try it out!" He suddenly picked you up.

"What are you doing, Kiyoshi!" you grabbed onto his large hands.

"We're trying your bed out!" he knelt on the ground and dropped down, laying over the blankets and holding you. "It's pretty soft right!?"

"It is!" you spread your limbs in front of you to feel the softness and rested against Kiyoshi. "I think I could just sleep like this.." you closed your eyes.

"It's much more comfy than my bed.." he snuggled against the back of your neck.

"Stop, that tickles.." you began to giggle.

"Oh, you think that tickles?" he began to poke and pinch your sides lightly, making you twitch to the contact and start laughing out loud.

"Kiyoshi!" You tried to hold back your laughter. "Stop that!" you tried to escape but his long arms were to his advantage.

You managed to turn and face him and you tickled him back. Now the both of you became a laughing mess. You both retracted your arms back and held your stomachs.

Your laughs died down as the two of you gazed deep into each others eyes before you shied away.

"What's wrong?" Kiyoshi lifted your face with his right hand.

"It's just.." your reddening cheeks burned and your smile formed. "I'm happy to be with you.."

"_______, I'm happy too.." he pulled you close to him and held you into his chest.

You stayed there a while before Kiyoshi decided to turn off the lights. You gathered your pillows and blankets and sat parallel to Kiyoshi's bed, waiting for him to come over to lay down.

"What are you doing?" you asked as he grabbed his own pillow and blanket and dropped them on the ground.

"What do you mean? I'm sleeping with you tonight!" He sat down next to you, throwing his blanket over your legs and his.

"But.." you tried to speak up.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine.." he tucked some hairs behind your ear. "Just lay down and get some sleep alright?"

"Fine.." you plopped down on your pillow and Kiyoshi on his. You faced each other and stared at each other.

"Don't act like you won't enjoy this.." he chuckled as he scooted closer to you and wrapping his arms around you.

"That's not it.." you accepted him and circled your arms around him, "I'd rather sleep like this anyway.." you dug our face into his burly chest.

"You really do like cuddling, huh?" he rested his forehead against yours.

"It's best with someone you love.." You squeezed your eyes as you smiled brightly.

"Someone you love?" he questioned.

"Yeah, Teppei, I love you.." you held him tighter as you went up to kiss his lips softly.

"I love you too.." his breath tickled your lips as he broke the kiss but he went right in again, kissing you once more.

-- sorry for my short absence! I've been on a writer's block and I've been lazy but here you go \o/

oh yes and I'm not so big on names and honorifics so if it's awkward I'm sorry I'm so used to not having them /I blame the snk one shots

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