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"Colonel, a word.", with a gesture you indicated to Kurt to follow you after the conversation.

He hummed silently, nodded and glanced at Yuri, who raised an eyebrow sceptically.

"If Kurt goes, I go.", he insisted bluntly.

You briefly scrutinised the tall man with the bleach blonde hair and dark eyes. You did not approve of him. He wasn't what you sought in an ally.

But until then, you could take advantage of him. Even if it was just a sacrifice that bought you a few seconds.

"Whatever.", you shrugged with a weary sigh. "A word then. Somewhere where there are no witnesses, preferably."

You looked at Yuri again. This time, however, so that Kurt could confirm that he would not stab you in the back. He looked briefly at his comrade himself and then nodded in agreement.

"Follow me, Whistler.", Kurt said, leading the way.

Without a word, he led you down the iron stairs, across the square, past armoured vehicles full of ammunition and behind the barracks where the soldiers had set up their beds.

Murmurs filled the large rooms. Eyes followed you when they noticed your presence. But nobody dared to ask what Whistler had to do with Colonel Kurt Hansen.

Apparently they didn't want to anyways, because Kurt had an impeccable reputation. After your conversation in Camp D, you had asked around a bit, or rather spied on him.

In general, a large proportion of the soldiers were convinced that the NUSA had made a mistake in sending a new general instead of elevating the colonel to the rank. He had kept the troops motivated almost since the beginning of this war and knew the enemy well thanks to the many missions.

You had Four search his files. Most of it was top secret, well encrypted and only accessible to the top ranks. But what you had found out was extremely interesting.

Especially that he was considered to be loyal without exception. That only played into your hands even more. It would be a fatal blow from the dark, quick and so effective that you didn't even want to think of a plan B.

Shadows spread across your face, creating a grin that would freeze the blood in the veins of anyone who dared to look at you. This mission was getting better by the minute.

Your gaze jumped to Kurt. Silently, he kept his eyes fixed on what lay before him. His lips were pressed into a thin line and he had the look of a soldier in his eyes.

How likely was it that he could become dangerous?

At the moment, you didn't think it was in his interest, after all, you could both benefit from each other.

Behind the dormitories, he stopped in the shadows of the barbed wire fences and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Raising his chin, he indicated that you should start explaining.

"Hm, charming.", with two fingers you broke a piece of wire out of the fence to look at it.

"We should hurry.", Yuri glanced round the corner. "The troops are assembling to receive their orders."

"Doesn't concern us.", you shrugged. "We will only lead tomorrow, the preparation is up to the general."

Yuri snorted sullenly.

"He's shit.", he growled.

Kurt grumbled in agreement. Your eyes met his and you smirked in amusement.

"Insubordination is not appreciated in the army, Colonel.", you purred with one eyebrow raised.

Nothing moved on his face. Only the slight twitch of the corners of his mouth indicated that he took your teasing manner positively.

"Isn't insubordination the reason Myers hired you, Whistler?", he asked, teasingly.

Even though it was strange to admit it to yourself, you were impressed that he mentioned your ties to Myers. Only the fewest knew the reason why you had appeared like a shadow at her side when she was elected.

"Oh~!", the smirk on your lips grew. "Impressive, Colonel. I wonder what your sources are. You should keep em'."

You still had difficulties reading his face. Just a hint of pride shone in his eyes.

"A man must have secrets.", he replied, smiling charmingly.

Your heart leapt. How strange that this man possessed such power. Perhaps he would be too strong an ally. Caution was advised.

"Hurry up!", Yuri urged sullenly.

Sighing, you rolled your eyes.

"Very well.", you put your hands on your hips. "Colonel, let's be realistic. Tomorrow the army's morale will topple."

Hansen nodded in agreement.

"Obviously.", he growled, rubbing his freshly shaved chin.

"Besides, the General's maths is horrendously bad."

"We won't be able to wipe out the two tanks, we don't have enough supplies for that."

You shook your head in amusement.

"Don't mean that.", you pointed a finger up at the sky, where dark clouds were forming. "A storm is coming."

"Acid rain won't be a problem for us.", said Yuri, confused.

"We should worry less about the rain and more about what's lurking under the cover of the clouds.", you huffed.

As if struck by lightning, the two men exchanged a glance. Yuri looked up at the sky with concern. The colonel preferred to meet your gaze instead.

"Unwanted visitors?", he asked, a growl catching in his throat.

A chuckle brought a smile to his face. Tilting your head to the side, you rocked on your heels.

"Militech won't just drop Pacifica after pumping shitloads of eddies into the area.", you remarked. "All sides are running out of resources."

"The supply routes were cut off by us," growled Yuri through clenched teeth.

"We lost a lot of men in return.", Kurt confirmed.

You snorted.

"We're all replaceable, Colonel. Didn't I say that already?", you purred. "A temporary sacrifice that won't make any difference in the end."

Kurt frowned.

"They died for nothin'?", his voice quivered.

You shrugged.

"We will too. If we allow the Militech ship to use the storm to fly safely over us and reach their lines."

Shadows glittered in your eyes as you returned Kurt's gaze.

"We have to inform the general!", Yuri had already disappeared around the corner when the colonel called him back.

But instead of looking at him, his gaze remained locked with yours. (E/C) and Kiroshi white mingled into a swirl of determination and shadow.

"The general has already been informed.", Kurt said with no doubt in his voice.

"Just like President Myers.", you confirmed and chuckled. "The orders haven't changed. Tomorrow the troops will be sacrificed in hopes that bad leadership will make up for even worse odds."

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