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"You fired a fucking missile at us!", her voice bounced off the metal walls as anger made her emotions boil. "Innocent people, dead! A miracle Myers even survived. Wasn't the deal - not even close!"

Unimpressed, Kurt wiped some dirt off his biceps.

He had made it out of the rubble faster than expected. Just in time to catch Yuri trying to bag Songbird for himself. He had taken a bullet in the head and the colonel had brought the loot back to Balck Sappire.

He was now holding her captive high up on the highest floors. Enthusiasm looked different, obviously So Mi had expected to be able to disappear somewhere. Now she was where he wanted her after all.

Granted, she resisted, but he could still use Cynosure as a promise to lure her in. As long as the AI was not decrypted, it would be of no use to anyone.

And Songird needed it just as much as you did. That was why she was here. She had no other choice.

The chrome in her body was even more imposing than he had realised when they first met. She was almost entirely made of metal, cyberware and chips everywhere he looked.

As she paced up and down the room, restless and angry, the light from the lamps reflected off her back.

"Chalk it up to historical necessity.", he didn't tell her that Myers was most likely dead already since that was a pleasure that was only yours. "Your plan lacked grit. Mine produced results."

"You used me.", she sounded actually disappointed.

He couldn't help but huff. Arms crossed behind his back he eyes her from top to bottom. How awfully pretentious she was, acting like the victim although she had sold Myers life to the Barghest, had proposed to shoot the plane while travelling.

The entire plan form the missile to the crash and everything had been all her idea. She had offered to help him with Cynosure in the first place. Only to buy her own skin out of this mess.

"Gimme a break.", he almost rolled his eyes as she put on a perfect hurt expression. "You're backed into a corner, nowhere to run. And until I get what I want, in that corner you'll stay."

With her arms crossed, Songbird turned her gaze away from him, straight through the windows that allowed a good view of the lab that Kurt had build just for the AI.

Many emotions crossed her face from anger to fear and then despair. Her options were indeed, extremely limited. And even if she'd make it out of Dogtown alive, she was still dying.

She needed Cynosure. Just as much as Kurt wanted it.

"The data from the Cynosure mainframe - bring me that. Then, and only then..."

"You'll let me go.", the gaze she met him with radiated nothing but disgust.

And he couldn't have cared less because she was just another tool to use for his own advantages. Actually, that wasn't quite true.

He needed to break her in order to keep what kept him afloat.

His Lady Sapphire. The law and order that kept Dogtown together, whole. And he'd do anything to save you.

"How long will it take?" he asked with a nod in the direction of the metal construct.

The whirring of cooling and electricity filled his ears. Something tingled on the back of his neck, perhaps the Sandevistan, he hadn't used it for years.

At that moment, it felt like this decision would soon take its revenge, as his body began to feel dull, heavier than usual and sluggish.

But his counterpart didn't seem to notice. Songbird stared at her future workplace with furrowed eyebrows.

"I haven't had a chance to find out what can be done.", she replied caustically.

He growled, already annoyed by her attitude. But he would have to come to terms with it. At least until it was all over.

Again he was overcome by the feeling that something was wrong. His gaze travelled over his shoulder to the door.

"If there's anything you need, call Jago.", he said and set off on his way. "He'll show you your new accommodation. And behave yourself."

So Mi had many qualities, he knew that, but one thing that reassured him about her was the fact that she couldn't fight. She was a netrunner, knew her way around hacks and takeovers.

He had found her with a weapon in her hands and had not been in danger for a second. She couldn't aim and Kurt highly doubted she could kill someone with a blade. That was much more personal than a bullet.

Satisfied with the job well done, he left the room. As soon as the door had closed behind him, Kurt found himself with a blade to his neck.

He would have been lying if he had said you hadn't surprised him. Covered in blood and with a dark look, you held the tip of his own knife to his throat.

"(Y/N).", there was relief in his voice when he called you by your name.

Your heart leapt. But you didn't let on how easy it was for him to soften your anger. Taking a deep breath, you closed your eyes and threw your head back. A headache pounded against your skull.

"Tell me, after everything that's happened, even though we betrayed her and are a danger to the NUSA, why did Myers think it would be a good idea to seek refuge at the Black Sapphire in her final moments?", your voice was cold, no emotion reflected on your face as you asked.

Kurt took a deep breath.

Threateningly, you let the blade move across his neck, along the lines of his chin and up to his cheek. He squinted at the polished metal.

"She called me few weeks ago.", he admitted. "Wanted to negotiate, had problems because NATO realised she was using the Blackwall for her personal gain."

"And you were supposed to save her arse?", one of your eyebrows raised.

"She wanted a discreet assassination. In exchange... she told me about the Militech bunker. Bout Cynosure."

"Hm...", your eyes travelled over his face.

He wasn't lying. Not to you.

With a click of your tongue, you drew the blade across his cheek. He flinched. It wasn't a deep cut, not even deep enough to bleed, but it stung in the air. It would be healed again tomorrow. But the warning would remain.

"Never again, Kurt.", you reminded him.

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