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A grin was on Kurt's lips as he dared to step into the hall without an invitation. The silver light of the moon played around his striking features.

"I didn't mean to be intrusive.", he spoke calmly and with lowered eyes.

Not submissively, but like someone who knew how to behave in the presence of danger.

Tilting your head to the side, you crossed your arms in front of your chest and examined him from head to toe. He was still wearing his army uniform, though no longer the olive-coloured shirt but a dark brown one, with black combat trousers and the same boots as before.

He still wore the knife on his chest. He rarely seemed to take it off.

Curiosity gleamed in his eyes as he let his gaze wander over your dogs.

"Is it just a coincidence that you're here shortly after I discovered sabotage, colonel?", there was a threat in the sharpness of your voice. "Does the guilt weigh heavily on your conscience?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he looked at you. The charming smirk twitched at the corners of his mouth, as it had often done in your presence. But there was no admission of guilt in that expression.

"I was actually going to ask for something.", he said, holding out his hand. "In exchange for this."

In the palm of his large hand was a small, red chip. Numbers were engraved on it in red. A military code for encrypting information.

You looked at the piece for a moment before looking at him through narrowed eyebrows.

"May I?", you never ask if you wanted to take something.

But since he had come to you with something that seemed so useful to him that he could expect something in return, you didn't want to risk the exchange.

He hummed in agreement and allowed you to take the chip from his palm. The metal tips of your nails scratched lightly across his skin. His fingers twitched briefly in response. A deep breath made his chest quiver.

The (E/C) iris of your eyes lit up red as you inserted the chip into a free slot. Numbers and letters appeared before your inner eye. Immediately, your connection to Three signalled and the encryption was broken.

A message appeared. Or rather a command.

No more whistling.

That was all the message said. So little and yet enough to understand.

"That confirms my suspicions.", you said lazily, removing the chip from the slot and crushing it between your fingers. "What should this information cost me?"

Kurt looked at the broken chip between your fingers. He didn't seem upset about it. He probably had many more opportunities to obtain this or other information.

How deeply was he networked within the soldiers?

Surely not just anyone had obtained this information. Only the top staff could get their hands on something like that.

"Was it perhaps the general's deputy?", you asked, succumbing to your curiosity and tilting your head to one side.

He clasped his hands behind his back and straightened his back.

"I have to protect my sources, I'm sure you understand.", he replied once again with that charming smile.

You almost felt lulled. How handsome he was, with his slightly tousled brown hair.

And this self-confidence. Only very few managed to overcome their fear of you and behave normally. Even fewer had survived that. But the colonel was different.

You could hardly believe it, but you liked him. He was the kind of man you rarely found, a special breed of dog. You wanted him. Whether as a pet or a slave didn't matter.

"Well...", you lowered your eyes and sighed to stifle a yawn. "So? I'm dying of curiosity, Colonel."

"Kurt will do.", he said, glancing briefly down his cyberware arm. "We had talked last time about... Myer's generosity."

Discomfort showed briefly on his face. So he had thought about whether there was any truth in your words. As smart as he was, he'd probably checked it out in some way.

And now he was here.

A smirk appeared on your lips.

"Ah, so that's it.", you danced on your heels. "Fear?"

"No. Foresight."


"I always prefer to be a few steps ahead of my opponents.", his gaze found yours and the whites of his eyes seemed to darken. "If the rumours are true, then the Whistler is virtually unstoppable."

Flattered by the words, you lifted your chin and giggled.

"I'm versatile.", you shrugged. "But I have to admit, I couldn't remove my killswitch. Switching it off, however, yes. At least that's what I think."

One of his eyebrows raised. Scepticism appeared on his face.

"I hadn't taken you for someone who was modest.", he interjected.

You shook your head in amusement.

"Me? Not at all. Realistic, though.", with a quick movement you turned on the spot and headed for a narrow alcove between the boxes. "I think it should be possible to render the switch harmless. But realistically, you shouldn't remove it or destroy it. Myers was certainly smart enough to install an alarm. Or an instant trigger."

You patted a chair that had been set up next to a cot. Kurt complied and sat down while you pulled a black bag out of the shadows. Metal clanked and tools appeared.

"Ripper experience?", he asked, glancing at the equipment.

You snorted.

"Can't trust anyone.", you admitted. "Either they've been bribed by someone or they have their own reasons for getting rid of me. It's also quite useful when you don't have to rely on anyone."

You sat down on the edge of the cot, two small screwdrivers in your hand and began to carefully tap the metal of his prosthesis. A muffled sound rang out.

Kurt watched. His gaze dug into your skull, burning your scalp and leaving a tingling sensation in the furthest corner of your brain.

What was that?


No, it was hardly embarrassing.

"Isn't it sometimes more pleasant when you can rely on someone?", his voice struck like a bolt of lightning, completely unexpectedly and while you were careless.

Your fingers faltered in surprise.

"Hmm... possibly.", you glanced at him out of the corner of your eye. "However... there would have to be very good reasons."

The smirk on his lips made your head glow. It felt like a fever. How charming this bastard was.

And yet. You couldn't help but like him more.

"I have no interest in having someone so powerful as an enemy.", he breathed. "But very much as a friend."

"Friend.", you snorted. "There are no friends in war."

"True. Only comrades."

"Then we can't be friends either.", you let a pick go under the plate of his arm and lifted it.

Cables and screws appeared. Kurt tensed up at the sight.

"I don't have any anaesthetics.", you fished a bottle of vodka out from under the bed. "Just this."

Without hesitation, he grabbed the bottle, decapitated it with his teeth and took a few large gulps.

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