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"What are you thinking about?", a gentle breeze brushed through your (H/C) hair as you joined Kurt at the top of the tower from which General Roberts had wanted to send you to your certain death.

Deep down in the mud lay the body, burnt and dismembered. Your dogs stood on the stairs below you, each on a different level. Their red eyes scanned the base, letting you see every little corner, hear everything that was whispered.

Many of the soldiers had decided to stay, had joined the resistance. Or rather the newborn militia that Kurt would soon create to consolidate his position on this soil.

The NUSA flag fluttered in the wind on the roof of one of the camps.

Metal scraped over metal as you placed your fingers on the railing of the tower and inhaled deeply. It still hurt, not as much as before, but still.

Part of you had returned with the connection to the dogs. Still, something, or a lot, about you had changed because of this war.

Your eyes wandered to Kurt.

He had his eyes fixed on the flag, his eyebrows drawn together.

"Do you want me to burn it for you?", you asked with a smile, slipped two fingers under his chin and breathed a kiss to his lips.

Immediately, his hand found your lower back and pulled you closer. Out of reflex, you placed your hands on his chest. He felt strong in your palm, invigorated.

The demons had been satisfied. Now there was a sense of leadership in his eyes, planning for an empire without rules or boundaries. But under his authority.

"Will you whistle for me again?", he asked, kissing the tip of your ear.

Chuckling, you turned your head He had actually succeeded in making you feel flustered.

"More powerful people have died for a lesser request.", you replied with a wink.

Nevertheless, you pursed your lips and let out a whistle.

One lifted her head.

Small flames ate into the fabric of the flag. Stares died in fire. You watched calmly until there was nothing left but a pile of ashes.

Satisfaction warmed your heart and smoothed your mind. Now that your dogs were back with you and you were in possession of the Militech tank, there would be no more problems.

But every beginning was hard. You had to be quick to consolidate your position. Especially because there was no shortage of gangs in Night City who would have loved to get their hands on Pacifica.

Maybe, when they had recovered, Militech would try to get their investment back. Or Arasaka. One could never know, greed was a versatile drive.

Suddenly, an electric sensation chased through the back of your neck. Narrowing your eyes, you pressed a hand to the spot. It felt like your neurons were warming up.

Four ran an analysis.

And the result almost froze the blood in your veins. It was a warning about unknown foreign objects in your network. A chip, unable to determine the type and location in which it was installed.

Myer's leash tightened around your throat.

So you hadn't imagined it after all. The killswitch was still blocked. But this was a reminder from the President to you. If she was really trying, she had your life in her hands. And with a little effort, she would be able to get past the blockade and use the chip as it was meant to be used.

A choked breath rattled in your lungs. Kurt's eyes travelled over your face.

"Maybe I'm overly confident.", he said calmly, looking at your face. "But this looks like bad news."

Suddenly everything was destroyed, reduced to ashes and dust. The flight of fancy ended so abruptly that anger welled up inside you. Only his hand on your back managed to drag you back to reality.

"I... still have a score to settle.", you said defensively.

You didn't want to ruin this moment. Not for him. Not for you.

A shadow flitted across his face. Then he hummed, understanding, and kissed your forehead.

"Then we'll fight back as soon as we're strong enough.", he said, guiding your chin gently with two fingers. "I think this will be a good playground. We'll use the ship as a power source. There we build a defence line that not even Militech can break through. And there..."

He pointed into the distance, directly in the centre between the stadium and the large shells of skyscrapers that were never completed.

"In the heart stands the king's palace, with influence in all directions of his empire.", you said, smiling at the sight of a pyramid-shaped construction.

There were no walls or windows or doors. It was just a naked husk of steel, an empty vessel that could be moulded like glass in the flames.

In whatever you saw fit.

"Your dogs will have a proper kennel. One that can't be broken into. That protects your qualities.", he promised with his usual self-assurance and a charming look. "Everything you need shall be there. And it will want for nothing. Money, weapons, amusement."

"Intrigue and manipulation.", you snuggled up to his chest. "Everything is in your hands."

"Our hand.", he corrected. "If the dogs don't obey me, I need someone to scare them."

You laughed quietly to yourself.

"And what will we call our new pack?", you asked, a mischievous grin on your lips as you met his gaze.

He shrugged.

"Dunno. Wolves, perhaps."

"Wolves are not tame. You can't train them, they'll always be wild and disloyal."

Kurt looked at the sun burning in the sky. The world was glaring, smelling of blood and acid, sweat and tears.

Soon all this would be yours. You wanted it to be yours. So that you could protect it and train it to lay it at his feet. And if he wanted to trample on it, you would rebuild everything and do it again.

As often as he wanted it.

Because you wanted it. You wanted him. And everything that went with it.

"Barghest.", his voice vibrated with strength. "We will call them Barghest. And they shall be your loyal dogs. Every single one of em'. I'll make sure of that."

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