Chapter 8

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Ok guys I see your want me to update 😂 I know I'm sorry for being on hiatus and not telling you guys before that. But I'm going to continue writing now. 

Plagg's POV:

Me and Trixx are playing a new game today. It's like hide-and-seek, but you can float around and the seeker has to be blindfolded. This time Trixx was the seeker. But this is why you should NOT let Trixx be the seeker - she has all kinds of tricks up to her sleeve:

I scan the dorm. It's not very big, so it's not easy hiding there for long. We made some rules:

1. You can't go outside of the dorm. But the door would be left open so other kwamis can enter if they want to

2. You can't past through matter. You need to find a space and hide in it.

3. If the seeker doesn't find you in 10 seconds, you win and you can truth or dare the person (or should I say kwami?) who lost

4. You must be blindfolded if you are the seeker and wait for 10 seconds before you go find the other person (kwami)

Hmm, let's see. I hid under the blanket, below the pillow, behind the curtain, below the chair (although, the legs of it completely squashed me. Trixx couldn't stop laughing. She is SO asking for a smack!) and behind the door even. But the door had this transparent glass thing and apparently my "big, fat, ugly head was just waiting for her to squash". Or something along those lines. 

I was running out of spots!! And I swear Trixx is counting even faster. She says 1...2...5. That's totally unfair and she isn't following rule #4!! I bet next time she'd go from 1 to 10 immediately, and I have 2 seconds before she starts finding me!

Looking around me frantically, I tried to find a space where I could fit into. I just needed to stay hidden for 10 seconds anyway. Well. Whenever she's SEARCHING she counts really slowly. So convenient, huh?

So when she counts to 9  I dive into my last defense mechanism: CHEESE. The stink would keep her from going there anyway. i'm sure she'd be so disgusted by the smell she won't want to come near even if she knows I'm hiding here. Yep she knows I love my Camembert. It's probably on her top places to find me. 

So Trixx, fast as a lightning bolt, zipped to the left side of the room. Darn it, that's where my cheese is! I sink lower, but she must have caught a tiny movement because she comes closer. i don't dare breathe. I hold my breath and...can't...resist...cheese....smell. 


Yes I'd do anything for Camembert I might marry it one day, who knows?

But since I can't move around too much, I take a reeeally tiny bite. I quickly adjust my position so Trixx wouldn't even catch the movement. Now I'm lying on my tummy and in my vision I see Trixx looking closely at every nook and cranny of the room, even the windowsills, which, by the way, are super dusty. I'm a very high class kwami, you know? I don't ever go to smelly, dirty or dusty places. 

*stares at my cheese*

To the cheese's defense, it does NOT stink at all! Because I have a properly functioning nose (do kwamis have noses???

Sooooo, back to the game. I see Trixx blowing on her flute. What??? She didn't do that before-

She creates an illusion. And more. And more. I go back to "nibbling". When I turn back to my position I see a...

beautiful yarn ball.

Oooh, cats love to play with yarn balls! But is a trick! She'd lure me out!

Hmm, smart fox, I have to figure out HER weakness.

Then she makes another cheese. RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. It even has smell. Wow, her illusions must has upgraded somehow, or is my properly functioning nose not actually functioning properly?!

My whole body is literally shaking by now.

Then she's in the center of the room, dancing like a maniac.

Oh...this is called bullying, kid. I'm trying not to laugh...but she must see me, because before I can comprehend what's happening she flies to me, lifts the cheese and tickles me like crazy. I laugh so hard my tummy hurts and tears stream down my face. "FOUND YOU!" She screams and I lunge for her. I will so get revenge on you, Trixx!

That must be how she got her name. Trixx plays tricks.


"You took more than 8 seconds!" I accused, but she shot back "No I took, ah, 6 !!" I rolled my eyes. That's how she's the seeker all the time. Technically she didn't exactly break the rules but this behaviour is UNACCEPTABLE.

She grinned at me and continued with her evil ways (tickling me). Apparently my ticklish spot was below my chin. Now we can hear the kitty giggling (he's growling in his mind though). 

As we were having lots of fun I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up and saw a flash of red. That must be Tikki. I really wanted her to join our game, but she seemed so uninterested all the other times. Then Trixx will tease me about it  again. So I decided to keep quiet and pretend I didn't see her. 

I could feel Tikki staring but maybe if I kept silent and she didn't feel pressured she might ask if she could play with us? But she just left without a single sound. it tore me inside a little...

Trixx's POV:

Me and Plagg are playing a new game today. It's like hide-and-seek, but you can float around and the seeker has to be blindfolded. This time I was the seeker (go, me!). But this is why I'm such a great seeker - i have all kinds of tricks up to my sleeve:

I scan the dorm. It's not very big, so it's not easy hiding there for long. That's why I win all the time- NOT BECAUSE I count really fast :)

We made some rules:

1. You can't go outside of the dorm. But the door would be left open so other kwamis can enter if they want to

2. You can't past through matter. You need to find a space and hide in it.

3. If the seeker doesn't find you in 10 seconds, you win and you can truth or dare the person (or should I say kwami?) who lost

4. You must be blindfolded if you are the seeker and wait for 10 seconds before you go find the other person (kwami)


Hmm, let's see. Plagg had hidden under the blanket (he sneezed his head off and I caught him), below the pillow (there was a noticeable lump), behind the curtain (there was a strong, stinky smell coming from that direction), below the chair (although, the legs of it completely squashed him. I couldn't stop laughing... It was priceless! Plagg looks like he wants to smack me. but I'd like to see him try.) and behind the door even. But the door had this transparent glass thing and his big, fat, ugly head was just waiting for me to squash.

He was running out of spots, and I WILL WIN MWAHAHAHA *evil villian laugh* Plagg complains I'm counting too fast, but I retort and say he's the one whose too slow. Yes I say 1...2...5. He says, "That's totally unfair and she isn't following rule #4!! I bet next time she'd go from 1 to 10 immediately, and I have 2 seconds before she starts finding me!" Hmm, that's actually a good idea though cat thanks for telling me!! *another evil villian laugh* but technically the rules didn't state that you MUST count at a normal speed right?? Logic, people! (In case you were wondering it was me who made the rules and I though  through everything).

Now he's frantically trying to find a place to hide. I lower my blindfold ever so slightly and keep and illusion to make it seem like it's still there. Then I he disappears at the last second. The cheese at the left corner of the room - aka where the stink comes from and should be left alone - is "twitching". i have a strong suspicion Plagg is hiding there. and the camembert is shrinking. Yes we have great eyesight don't we?? He must be eating it. Sigh, such a greedy kitty.

Maybe wayzz's book helped, cuz I just rhymed!!

Well. Then I created some great illusions. The cheese MOVED. Oh I'm so recording that but my camera is under my table. I forgot to take it back. the only one with a phone is Pollen. So nevermind. I will remember this crystal clear forever!!


Finally my suspicions comfirmed ! Plagg is hiding under his loyal stinky cheese. Ugh. I know I must sacrifice my wonderful smell to pick up the inedible stink. So I lift it and the tickle fest BEGINS!!!

While we were laughing and having lots of fun, of COURSE Tikki must come along and look sadly at us. No one said she's not welcome, she can just come in and join us if she wants. She looks like she needs to be invited, but whenever we ask she rejects us. And Plagg I notice doesn't say anything today. I know he saw her but I'm sure he's on my side, that's why. See, we're cool like that. Tikki's not. She has to ruin everything. Pollen is MY ENEMY and I WILL NEVER EVER TRUST HER. 

She's amazing and bubbly and nice to Tikki huh? That's what Tikki says. So I'm going to do a little detective work. And if she's not, they're both screwed. If she is, then I have an excuse to say she's not nice to CERTAIN people. I might talk to it to Plagg...if he isn't stuffing his ears with cheese about friend drama. "Who needs all of those when you have CHEESE? Cheese will never stop letting you eat them" (excuse me, if you didn't know it already may I kindly remind you that's because it's not a living thing? i'm pretty sure if it could talk and had a brain it'll be like, uh, please stop eating me! I want to - " and then it gets digested into his stomach. ewwww)

Thing is, I hate Pollen, a lot a lot a lot. She's a liar and she probably didn't tell that to Tikki. When I do get Tikki to realise that I'm sure she'd understand again. Team Trixx will previal!

And on that note, let's get back to the story.

So Plagg was looking a little distracted and I couldn't resist teasing him. I'm sure Tikki would come around, and creation with destruction? That's going to be super interesting. So, the ship would sail!!! My ships are ALWAYS accurate. Plus it's going to happen in the future, right???

If Fluff even knows what she's doing. Her time thing makes her confused a lot, and she needs more training. 

(and now we know both points of view let's switch back to Plagg)

Plagg's POV:

To save myself from absolute humiliation, I still kept my mouth shut, but knowing Trixx, she had something to say for everything.

"Why so quiet, kitty? Feeling thoughtful?" She grinned. " Or are you in looooooooooove?" She shifted her voice up a notch at the last word and dragged it out. Worst of all, she made some embarrassing kissy noises. As Pollen would say, "Embarrassing, utterly embarrassing."

I flew away before she could say more, but she attacked me with more giggles and we spent the rest of our time dueling in the dorm. The other kwamis in the other dorm heard noises (or was it the smooching noises?) and came to watch. "I know it's going to be like this," Nooroo said. "Trixx will say: You're in LOVE with you-know-who! and then Plagg will reply: NOO I'N NOOOOT STOP IT and Trixx will tickle him, Plagg would burst into another round of giggles, and they would start dueling with each other and miss lessons. The end." Pollen, Wayzz and Trixx clapped but I'm not impressed. (I'm sure Trixx clapped because she saw Wayzz. She keeps sneaking glances at him and IS THAT A BLUSH I SEE?! I announced that loudly like an emcee and she covered my mouth). I haven't gotten my "revenge" on Nooroo yet. I mean...after what happened with Trixx, I know he can be a friend now, or at least we don't have to be enemies. Buuuuut I still don't really like him that much. So I go with the tradional, signature Plagg don't-you-dare-steal-my-cheese glare.

He looks shocked and a bit hurt. Meh. You can akumatize yourself if you want. I'm feeling purr-fectly fine and I have no negative emotions, nope, I don't feel guilty for glaring, I don't feel sad Tikki doesn't want to play with us, I don't feel anything - HA take that.


And Trixx, seing me distracted, unleashed her stupid thoughtful kitty jokes and our duel officially started.

And wow, were we really competitive.


Tysm for reading until here! Until next time,


xx miraculousy

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