Chapter 9

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Hewwo! Woo, we're at chapter 9 after so long!

Ok here's the update y'all been wanting:

Trixx's POV:

I blew my flute. "Mirage!" I shouted and formed many illusions. Five more exact replicas of me appeared. I commanded my illusions to move and follow my movements. Plagg must be confused. But he can't use his cataclysm as it might hit the real me and destroy me. If that happens Tikki (ugh) must be around so she can restore everything. 

Plagg curses under his breath, muttering something about how he should get a weapon as he floated upwards. He made a small crack in the floor by simply blowing like he was blowing birthday candles. I guessed his plan too late. The real me stumbled and I lost my grip on the flute. Plagg didn't know how to play a note though so I wasn't worried. But my illusions!

Plagg used the opportunity to pounce on me and knock me on the head with my flute and let it roll down my body. He laughed and I rolled my eyes. 

A plan formed in my mind. Yes, that'll work. I used my flute to create illusions again. Only it wasn't of me, it was of Plagg. Confused, Plagg looked around like he was in a museum displaying several copies of him. I leapt into the Plagg illusion that was the closest - and wow, did being in another kwami's body felt weird. It must be weirder to be in their mind. I have a sudden appreciation for Nooroo. Although he's been...distant lately.

wHatEveR. So I formed a cataclysm too and destroyed his cheese. His scream was music to my ears (ok I'm not that evil) Pollen had enough time to record it down.

Purr-fect! Now this is what I call a birthday present.

Satisfied, we left the dorm for lessons (well, I was satisfied, Plagg was not).

Nooroo's POV: (yes this is like the first time right??)

I almost yawned but got a painful jab in the ribs by Pollen. This fight is super boring! If it was me I could just do my transmission thing and I can make my opponent not fight me and slap themselves in the face if I need to!

And anyways I'm not interested. Plus that Plagg kwami...I don't really like him. Me and Trixx teamed up to play a trick on Plagg when he first came and he was NOT happy about that. Okay that I get. But he's still holding a grudge against me - he gave me this stink eye and it was even more painful than the jab Pollen gave me just now. I know we didn't actually made up or anything and it wasn't so funny shipping Plagg with Tikki when they just met but I couldn't help it. As Duusu would say "my fun side is showing".

Duusu is amazing. She wakes up so early in the morning all the time and trains so hard. She's so serious and commited. Though, as the kwami of emotion, she seems more like a stone. I admire her but I wish she would relax a bit or lighten up. So I try to talk to her but she's always leaving, saying she needs to go for extra class or practice. It stings sometimes - even more than Pollen's vicious bees. I know she means well and she's super hardworking but it's like she ignores her friends. I wish we could hang out more. Sometimes I want to use my power on her.

Lately though my power is getting a little funky. It feels weird. A little like it's out of my grasp. I can't control it as well as I used too, and that sucks. I've been training just as hard for months to keep it under control so I don't accidentally control someone. But now it's harder. A bit before Plagg came.

It's probably Plagg's fault anyway. or as Wayzz would say anywayzz (yeah, old joke). I mean I just feel something's fishy about Plagg, you know? (though this cat likes cheese more than fish) I don't believe his apology. And he kept glaring at me. Me-owch. (pun intended Plagg). I can't believe him and Trixx are good friends or maybe even best friends. I THOUGHT she had good judgement.

Whatever. *sigh* My power's a bit out of control now as I said so I can barely think straight now. All I want to do is take a nap and not keep staring at this fight. It's child's play any-

"OW!" I say as Pollen bonks my head with her phone. I'm more disgusted by her phone case though - her loyal bees made a photo collage of selfies of her. She looks ridiculous in each. As she would say, ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.

I was actually the one to use my power on her bees. I couldn't resist, she was such a snob, so I made her bees follow her around everywhere. I was hoping they would sting her but she had a special thing with bees. So they listened to her.

let me out!

It was a faint whisper in my head but my head snapped up in attention. Such a sweet sounded desperate and tired and hopeless. So familiar though!

I blinked twice. Must be my weird imagination??

I took a deep breath and-

Let me out! Please!

Woah! That's freaky. That's when I noticed Wayzz was looking at me with a concerned expression on his face. "What happened to you?" He asked me. It was like I was in a daze. I barely heard him. My head was pounding.


" Here let's go back to our dorm," Wayzz was saying. I let him steady me as I almost stumbled. Darkness seemed to be seeping into my brain.

OH NO. My power was activated !On it's own! How's that possible? That only happens to beginners.

Guess I'm back to square one.

My eyes focus and I'm eyeing a cup of tea. Wayzz looks worried and urges me to drink it up. It helped a little. I decided to rest on the bed and he agreed. The last time I saw him go out was before I closed my eyes. Was he going to get the teacher? My mind was foggy and I succumbed to slumber, sighing happily when the tendrils of darkness that remained in my mind cleared and reality became a dream.

Tikki's POV:

The rain ruined my pity party.

I  was sulking because once again Trixx - traitor friend - and Plagg were playing together again and Plagg did not even try to invite me. And they look like they have so much fun playing together, I don't want to disturb them anyway.

Maybe too fun. What if  Trixx likes plagg? Or Plagg likes Trixx?

Impossible. Trixx likes Wayzz. But of course Plagg can't like someone like me. I'm just a ladybug. A harmless little insect you can easily squash. 

But then the storm clouds rolled in and soon the rain started pouring down in sheets. Kwamis did not like rain. They get sick and what happens after is not pretty.

Plus, who wants to be sick knowing your crush is there???

So I make call for my lucky charm and get an umbrella. Then I hurry to the school as fast as I can. Of course when I get back to class I'm dripping wet. Pollen doesn't say anything but sits slightly further from me. "My skin is delicate!"

I rolled my eyes. But she's so funny :)

I see Trixx staring daggers at me and quickly face the front again, sighing loudly.

Wayzz's POV: (yeah we also never had this before!)

I look at Nooroo, concerned. He's coming to, I know it. He seemed so distressed...I wonder what's wrong?? Something to do with his power, I believe. He's usually calm. 

"Nooroo? Wake up, Nooroo," I shook his shoulders (or, well, kwamis don't exactly have shoulders but you get what I mean) and he woke up groggily. "Wha- Duusu?"

I stared at him, dumbfounded. "...Duusu?? What in the world?" Then it hit me. "Oh my gods...DUUSU!!! Where is she?"

Nooroo frowned. "I can't believe I just realised... I..." He stared at his hands as if they were poisonous somehow. "My power kicked in without my control over it," he whispered. I saw genuine fear in his eyes. I fought the urge to give him more tea. I think he suffered enough (apparently not many kwamis liked traditional tea. what a pity...). 

"What happened?" I asked. By now, some kwamies had already gathered over, their faces a mixture of curiosity and worry. Nooroo looked shaken as he said, "I felt this... voice in my head, screaming 'let me out', or something like that. My brain felt all dark and..." Nooroo's eyes seemed glazed. 

"Can't... let!" He suddenly shouted. All of us flinched back at his sudden outburst. Nooroo looked up. "Guys, give me a minute." He said, and flew out of the room. We stared after him, thoughts wildly spinning in our heads. Looks like another mystery found itself into our hands.


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