Chapter 4

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The next day we're going to hang out with Jessica, maybe even go see a movie. Jessica was going on about her cousin then brought up Bella's depression, "Jessica stop" I whisper to her, "sorry" she said. I saw biker guys calling us if we want a ride, I rolled my eyes. "Come on let's go" I said pulling Bella's arm.

"Bella?" I said, "I think I know those guys." She said to us, I chuckle "you know those guys?" I said. She nodded. "Well, there seem great. Can we go?" Jessica said.

"I'm just gonna see something" Bella started walking toward the guys, "wait, Bella. You don't even know them!" I yelled at her "shit!" I mumble. She gets on and they drive off. "Your sister is crazy" Jessica said, "shit!" I shouted.

A few minutes later we see bella coming back "what fuck Bella!? What the actually fuck!?" I said to her, "yea, what the hells wrong with you? Just curious?" Jessica said "I thought that I saw something." Bella said, "you could've gotten hurt!" I yelled at her "sorry kya" she said, "you're in insane, actually. Or suicidal." Jessica kept going on, "okay Jessica, she gets the point" I said. She rolled me eyes. "God. That was such a rush." Bell said "awesome. So you're an adrenaline junkie now? Crazy." Jessica said.

I looked at Bella, "don't ever do that." I said to her. "Come on let's go home." Putting my hand on her shoulder. We got home before it could get any late, the next day bella had bikes behind her truck, "what's all this?" I said "I'm taking them to Jacob. Come with me" she asked me "okay" we drove to Jacobs place.

"Bella! Kya!, where the hell have you been, loca?" He said hugging Bella and then me. "Hey jake" I said "I brought you something. It's a little crazy." She said.

I help her take the cover off, "wow scrap metal. You shouldn't have." Jake said, "I saved it from the junkyard. I think they'll probably cost more to fix than they're worth, but then I thought that if I had a mechanic friend to help me out.." "me being the mechanic-type friend?" He said "that's right" she said, I smiled at him, "since when are you into motorcycles?" He ask "since now." She said.

'Since she got on the back of one' I thought.

Jacob looked kinda hesitated at first, really didn't know what to say. "I get it you think that this is really stupid and reckless." Bell said, "yea. I mean, it's completely stupid and reckless. When do we start?" He said, me and Bella looked at each other "now, please" Bella said happy, this is the first time in months, I see her smile.

Jake went to grab a bike "oh hey be careful. Those things are actually really heavy so..." she said, Jake just pick up the bike like nothing. "Wow you're strong, like buff strong" I said.

"Yea, Jake, you're like buff. How did that happen? You're, like, 16. I don't get it." She asked him, "mmm-hmm, age is just a number baby. What are you, like, 40 now?" He said "it feels like that sometimes" she said.

I felt my phone vibrate, "I'll meet up with guys, I have to take this." I said, "who is it?" Bella walked up to me I whisper to her "it's not them, the call is from Seattle" I showed her. She nodded and went back with Jake.

"May I speak with Kya Swan?" A lady's voice said
"This is her"
"Hi Ms, Swan. I'm calling from the nursing program here in Seattle, we receive you application, and we would love to set up an interview with you, how does Friday sound? At?" She said.
"Yes, that sound perfect. Thank you."
"Great, we'll see then." She said

I hung up,I was so happy. I'm going to nurse school, I want to become a nurse, well nurse assistant. I was making my way back to them, when I see Sam from a distance, him and other guy. Just stared at me, "Kya?" I heard familiar voice behind, I immediately turn to see Billy, "oh billy, you scared me" I said.

"Are you here with Bella?" He said

"Yea, she brought some bikes for Jake to fix." I said. "You look happy?" He asked me. "Yea, I got interview for college." I said.

"That's great kya, can I speak with you for a moment?" He asked me I nodded. We went to his house "so what is it you want to speak with me about?" I asked him "Kya we know what you are?" He said. "What! How do you know...The Cullens" Billy nodded "they made it clear, that they didn't break the treaty. Did they ever tell you the story? About the waterbenders?" He asked me. "No, what's the story?"

"Many years ago, they were waterbenders, these benders were powerful, the way they use their abilities. Some of this benders have the ability to heal, like you do. But soon they were being wiped out, one by one. People didn't understand who or what is killing them, until one brave woman stood up, she reach for answers, until she got one. It was a cold one, who was killing them off. She went warn her people, but when she got back it was too late, her people were slaughter. She died under a full moon, she was the last of her kind." He finished.

"Oh my god, that's so sad." I said

"It is, who else know about you ability?" He asked me "just you guys and the Cullen's. Bella doesn't know, I'm scared this we'll push her away from me" I said. "When you feel ready, tell her. Have you try to bend water?" He asked me.

I looked at a glass of water on the table "does this answer your question" I said bending the water. "I've been practicing for a bit, so far" I said. "We can help you practice." He said. "That will be great billy. Thank you" i said. "Don't worry I won't tell bella. Jake promise he won't tell either" he said. Oh great jake knows too. "I should go back with Bella" I said he nodded.

I went back to bella and Jake, "hey guys" I said "what took you so long?" Bella asked, "oh, I was talking to Billy." I said, "oh okay. So what was that call about?" She felt kind shy about asking me "oh well I apply for a nurse school in Seattle, and they want to interview me." I said.

I waited for her response "that's awesome kya, I'm proud of you." She said, "thanks" I said. After fixing part of the bike we headed home, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about the school. Ever since he...I'm just sorry" I caught myself before I mention him, "it's okay, and I know" she said.

For the past few months bella seem to be getting better, she talks to me, she's always a jakes places working on bikes, I had my interview at the nursing school, it went awesome. They loved me, they said after graduating I can start. Dad was happy for me, all I need to do is write an essay, and get 2 recommendation letters. I even called mom to tell her the news, she was so proud of me. I also been sneaking out late at night to meet Billy and Sam who happens to be a werewolf, to help me practice bending. Billy told me, I had advance, my healing is one of the best. Bella still doesn't know about my ability, there's been times I wanted to tell her, but I was to scared.

"Hey, we're gonna try out the bikes. Wanna come? Bella asked "yea sure" I said, we went to pick Jacob up, "if I told you I couldn't have fixed these bikes, what would you have said?" Jake asked bella "are you doubting your mad skills?"

"No. Definitely not. I mean, they'll run fine.its just maybe if I was smart, I would have dragged out the rebuild a bit." Jake said "if you told me you couldn't fix these bikes . I would say that, that's too bad. But that we're just gonna have to find something else to do." She said, Jake chuckle. I saw Sam and others cliff diving, I'm guessing the pack. "Is that Sam Uley?" Bella pointed.

"Yea, him and his cult" Jake said, Bella pulled over "oh my god. Did you see that" getting off the truck, "does she knows its cliff diving" I said, "does she knows you bend water" he said back "haha, shut it" I said. He laughs "they're not really fighting bella, they're cliff diving. Scary as hell, but a total rush."

"A rush?" She said

"Most of us jump from lower down. We leave the showing off to and his disciples." He said

"You have some kind of beef with him or something?" She asked "I don't know. They just think they run this place. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids. Now you at him." Jake said.

"That's Embry?" Bella asked "yea"

"What happened to him?" Bella asked

"He missed some school. Now all of sudden, he stated following Sam around like a little puppy. Some thing happened with Paul and Jared." He said, I remember seeing them before.

"Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something. It's kind starting to freak me out." He said. "We you should just avoid him." She told him, "I try"

We watch Sam cliff dive, Sam has helped me with my ability, I didn't know about this, with Jake, does he want him in the pack. We got back in the truck, went to a open area to try out the bikes, Bella wanted to try it, "are you sure bella?" I said, "yea"

She gets on "you look scared" Jacob said "I'm not" I looked a Jacob, he chuckles "all right, brake?" He said, he was touching her hands, what was that? Does he has a crush on her? After explaining the bike to her, she it a try then gasp.

"You all right?" Jake asked her, she looks like she seen a ghost. "Bell you don't have to ride if you don't want to." I said.
"I'm gonna go going." She said.

Then she took off, going fast "Jacob she going too fast" I said the she kind lost control "hit the brake!" He shouts. We see her falling off the bike. "Bella!" I shout, we ran towards her.

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