Chapter 6

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We rushed home to tell dad, "dad! Dad!" I Shout we went into the kitchen, dad and Harry are there. "dad! We saw them." Bella tells him "what's the matter?" He said. "I'm the woods, they're not bears." Bella said. "What do you mean 'in the woods?' Girls, what the hell were you doing out in the woods?" He asked "they're wolves. I mean, They're like hug wolves." She said.
"Are you about that, Bella?" Harry asked. "Yeah! We just saw them. They were after something" she said she caught herself before she could say Laurent name. "Wolves? You saw them?" Dad said we nodded, "all right, well Harry feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" He asked him. "Sure, yea" he said. Dad left to go to the station, made me and Bella stay in. Later that night I stayed in my room reading, I was remembering what Jacob said to us at La Push, "descended from wolves" I said. That's what he meant.
The next day, i was reading my book, when bella snatch my book away, "let's go" she said "I was reading that. And why?" I said, "com'n we're going to Jacob" she said, I looked at her after Jake treated her last time we saw him "please kya" she begged I sigh "fine, let's go" I said, on our way there I asked "so, you figure it out huh?" I said "you knew!" Shouts at me "seriously bella, remember what jake told us at La Push. Descended from wolves" I said, "Jake was at room yesterday night. He was telling me, to remember about la push" she said "he was in room? After what why he talked to you" "he said he was sorry kya" she said I rolled my eyes.

We got to jakes house, billy answer. "Girls" he said "I need to see him" she said "he's not in". "Okay, I'm sorry, I really have to see you" he passes through Billy "Bella!" We both yell, I follow her to jakes room, he was sound asleep. We see Sam pack Bella then left, "shit" I mumble. I had my little pouch full with water, I followed bella, i tell she was mad at them.
"What did you do? Okay, what did you do to him?" She shouts at Sam
"Hey!" one said "easy!" Sam shouts
"He didn't want this." She said
"What do we do? What did he do? What'd he tell you?" I'm guessing Paul said to her, he was getting anger. "Both of your calm down" Sam tells them.
"Nothing. He tells nothing because his scared of you." She said. Paul and jared laugh at her, Bella loses it and slaps him. Which gets him mad. "Too late now" "girls get back! Paul, calm down now" sam says. I open my pouch, I throw water at him, which knocked him down but that even made him more anger, he turns to his wolf form, "shit run!" I said to bella, we took off running, "Bella!" I hear jake, running toward us, "run, Jake run!" she shouts at him, Jake jumps to turn in his wolf form, we fell on the ground and watch as him and Paul fight each other.

"Hey! Take the girls back to Emily's place" Sam said, we drove to Emily place, "come on guys, we don't bite" embry said. We both got out, "oh hey, about Emily. Sam's fiancée? Don't stare. It bugs sam" embry tells us "why would we stare?" I asked. We walked in, I see why he said that, she has a big scar in right face. "Who's this?" She said, "bella and Kya Swan who else" "so your the vampire girls" I chuckle "not me, just her." I said. "Yea, so you're the wolf girl" bella said, "i guess so, well I'm engaged to me." She puts muffles down on the table "save some for your brothers? And ladies first. Muffin?" She said, "I'm good thank you" I said politely, Bella got one.

"Leave it to Jacob to find a way around Sam's gag order" Emily said "hey didn't say anything to me" bella said. "That's a wolf thing, Alphas orders get obeyed whether we want them to or not" embry said. "And check it out. We can hear each of other thoughts"

"Would you shut up? These are trade secrets. Damn it! This chick runs with vampires, and she can control water!" Jared said, I chuckle "you can't really run with vampires. 'Cause they're fast." She said, "yeah? Well, we're faster. Freaked out yet." Jared said, I rolled my eyes at them. I bend the water next to him, which made him jump "freaked out yet?" I mocked him. "You're not the first monster I've met" bella said.

"Jakes right, you're good with weird" Sam said entering. Then paul and Jake come in. Paul sits in front of us "sorry" he said to us, I rolled my eyes, Jacob call to bella, Bella looked at me "I'm fine here, go talk" I said. "So kya, how are you bending skills?" Sam asked me "good, gettin better" I said "yea, do it again!" Embry asked i nodded, with my hands I bend the water from the table then with my breathe I froze it. Then unfroze it making it back to water. "Breathe of ice. Will done kya" Sam said "thanks." I said. "She's water girl" Emily said. I chuckle.

"So, are you friends with those bloodsuckers?" Paul asked, "Um, I was friends with one" I said remembering Rosalie. I haven't thought about them in while. "But she left" I choked, "um I'm sorry, excuse me" I said storming out, i hid behind the truck "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry" I said hold back my tears. Thankfully Bella came back, "can we leave please?" Asked "yea sure, Jacob riding with us" I nodded "cool, whatever don't care" I said, trying to forget the Cullens. "Kya you ok" bella asked "yea, sorry I'm fine" i apologize.
Bella told me in my way Victoria keeps coming back, she wants bella. When we got home, Bella felt unsafe, "don't worry, we've got this place covered. She won't get near you or Charlie, or Kya" Jake inform Bella. "I'm going inside, night jake" I said "night kya".

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