Home, and COOKIES!!

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As I walked into that house I was surprised; it was much bigger than the orphanage. And the orphanage was BIG. My mom, Kawaii Chan led me to a room, painted a sea blue color. My favorite color. A white bed was placed in the middle of the room, and there was a magazine on the bedside table, with all different colored sheets and pillows. A crafting bench was in the corner along with a furnace. There were multiple dressers for my clothing, the magazine also had clothing options. All of them were really fancy, jeans, silken shirts...(Airīn was really poor when she was a kid so even yoga pants are fancy to her.) I sat down on the bed and looked at my mom. "So, Kyattoairīn, How do you like your room? Kawaii Chan would suggest looking through the magazine to find some sheets and pillows that you like, and some clothes too. We're having cookies tonight, by the way. Come down around 3, be sure to unpack and look at the magazine! Oh, Kawaii Chan got you a diary, feel free to write anything you want in there!"
"Thanks mom. I'll be down around 3, like you said. Oh, and let me help with the cookies. I'm really good at making cookies, cake, any of that." Mom smiled. "Oh, will your father love you!" I nodded and sat down on the mattress.
"Zane Sempei! Get over here! Our kid knows how to coooooooOOOOOOoooook! COOKIES, CAKE, HEALTHY STUFFS TOO!!!!"
I heard him sigh and say to mom, "Honestly, if she can cook actual food, she should come and make some soup or something... Cookies aren't dinner babe." Mom said something I didn't hear and then Dad agreed. I continued looking through the bed sheets, heavy covers, and pillow sheets until I found a teal to purple ombré. Purr~fect! I thought, unable to get the hidden words out of my head. I then picked out one outfit. Aaaaanndddd some fingerless gloves that came with gems. The left one would be the only one that I wear though. The full outfit was: an orange and white striped crop top and some faded jeans that had a small stretch to them, the belt for the jeans had little strings attached to tie, not buttons. The shoes were teal fading to purple ombré-my room theme- tennis shoes. Even the laces were ombré! Happy with that I grabbed my diary and grabbed the key. I attached the lock to the door somehow and locked it. I then wrote in my diary,
It's a beautiful day today, albeit the fact that I had to leave my friends back at the orphanage. I guess I'm starting 6th grade this summer. That'll be "fun." I just hope that the teachers are nice. Maybe I'll meet some new friends. That would be great.

I ended the paragraph. Tears were brimming the edges of my eyes. Eventually I began crying hysterically, which caused my new mother and father to run into the room, which I had unlocked. "What's wrong!?" They asked in unison. I didn't look at them. I just hear crying. "I think she misses Aph and all of her friends.." Dad said sadly. Mom whimpered. "Kawaii Chan is sorry... are you okay? We could adopt one of your friends too..." She patted my back. I nodded slowly. "My brother..." I whimpered. "His last wish was for me to live a happy life with my friends." I offered a fake smile. Mom covered her mouth with her hands. "I didn't know..." She whispered, almost talking to herself. (I'm tired of writing "Kawaii Chan this, Kawaii Chan that" every second, so it's "I" now, and you aren't changing my mind!) "It's okay mom, I'm not too sad about that anymore. Anyways, 'Happy Life' ring a bell?" I smiled for real this time. "Group hug?" I asked. Mom hugged me immediately and Dad- although
reluctantly- joined in. "Lets go get Squeakers." I said, naming my closest friend at the orphanage, then naming the other two kids needed. "Kayla and Erica too. Then they can choose one friends to come, if they want to. Their friend can't though." I smiled evilly. Mom and Dad laughed and started questioning me a few things about them. Then we made cookies. After eating, we got packed to go to the orphanage, when the ground shook severely.

Lol cliffhangers...

Have a great day, thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave a vote! Peace out Pets!!

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