Chapter 2: Protective Asher

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Hey everyone!!

Well I have a new boy update. And this will be the last one.

We have broken up. I know a lot of you guys shipped us. But sometimes men can be lying, cheating, assholes.

I dumped him because this was his second chance and now I'm single.

So a word of advice ladies. Once a cheater...always a cheater.

So now I am single and ready to mingle!! But not right now. Because we were dating for 6 months. And I know this is stupid to say, but it really sucks because he is the first one I actually truly loved. And it sucks because he turned out to be everything he said he wouldn't. And I know I will probably never stop loving him. Because with him, I felt something that I have never felt about a guy before. But it's all in the past, and now I need to move on.

But anywho. Finals are next week for me! And then I have a full month off of school for Christmas break!! Hell ya!! Haha.

And Sexy Greek God Kidnappers is at 30 MILLION READS!!!

Now on with the story!

"How was school princess?" My dad asked me as I walked in through the front door.

"It was awful!" I said glaring at Asher.

"Oh my goodness. What happened?" My mom laughed.

"He's being the over protective brother again!"

"It's not my fault. That guy had it coming!" Asher defended.

"He was asking me a question!" I yelled getting annoyed.

"No. He was flirting." Asher said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Real mature!" I said sticking my tongue back out at him.

"Children." My mom laughed. "Now what did he ask you Alex?"

"What the math assignment was." I said giving Asher a pointed look.

"He tried to hug you!" Asher growled. "You have a boyfriend."

"He said thank you and walked away."

"Well...." Asher paused. "In my mind he tried to hug you. Now I'm tired. So uh. Bye." He said as he ran upstairs.

"So he didn't try to touch you?" My dad asked suspiciously.

"No!" I yelled throwing my hands in the air.

"See. I knew I shouldn't have married. Never ever date a guy. You'll probably be better off living with a bunch of cats." My mom said walking into the kitchen.

"Hey!" My dad yelled laughing.

"She's got a point." I said walking to my room.

"I feel the love!" My dad yelled from downstairs.
"I hate math." Jamie complained hanging upside down on my bed.

"Don't we all?" Sapphire asked.

"Seriously. Who ever invented math needs to be hacked up into pieces with a machete.

"Ya. That's logical." I laughed.

"I'll help ya Jamie." Sapphire said.

"I need new friends." I said.

"Girls!" My dad yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yelled back. "Come on girls."

As I walked down the stairs, I saw my dad getting into a heated argument with my brother, Levi, and Spike.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"The pack is coming tonight." My dad explained.

"And?" I asked not getting why it's such a big deal.

"The alpha is coming tonight to talk to Asher about the treaty."

"Ohh." I said my voice trailing off.

Ya. That could be bad.

"So I want you three to sleep somewhere else tonight." Asher demanded.

"Okay fine. Don't have to be so bossy." I said crowing my arms over my chest.

"Not a good time Alex." Asher growled.

"Don't growl at me. Because I growl right back!" I growled at him.

Asher was about to say something but Levi pulled him back.

"Come on bro. We have bigger things to worry about." Levi said taking his hand off Asher's shoulder.

"You're right." Asher said sighing.

"I know. When am I not?" Levi laughed.

"Wow. Someone's humble." Spike chuckled.

Levi glares at Spike and the girls and I laughed.

"Boys. Never gonna be able to understand them." Jamie said.

"Hey!" The boys yelled.

"It's the truth." Jamie giggled.

"That hurt." Spike laughed.

"The truth hurts." I said hifiving Jamie.

"Just go stay at Jamie's house or something." Asher said waving me off.

"Okay. Tootles." I smiled and ran upstairs with the girls.

I groaned as I got out of my truck with my beta and my third.

"Come on man. Let's just get it over with." My beta, James, said.

"I know. But I don't want to meet this cocky little alpha here." I said walking up to the pack house.

"Just keep that head up and put a smile on that little werewolf frown face." My third, Bo, joked smirking at me.

"Shut up." I growled trying not to laugh.

I knocked on the door, and a second later an older man opened the door.

"Hello. You must be Alpha Kaydon." He said smiling as he stretched his hand towards me.

"Hello." I said smiling and shaking his hand.

'Only if his son was this nice.' I mind linked James and Bo.

"My son will be down here in a second. Him and our beta and third brought their sisters to another house for tonight."

My ears perked up at that.

"I didn't know Alpha Asher had a sister." I said confused.

"Oh yes." Axel laughed. "Her name is Alex."

A shiver went up my spine as he said her name.

'Alex.' My wolf, Dimitri, said slowly. 'I like it.'

'Why?' I asked him.

'Uhh. No idea.' He laughed.

"Her name is Alex?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled. "She's my little princess."

He was a very good dad. Every time he said her name, you could see a sparkled in his eyes.

"I would like to meet her some day then." I said with a smile.

The smile left his face and was replaced with a frown and a hard glare.

"Why?" He asked lowly crossing his arms.

"I don't know. Just to be nice I guess. If my pack will be living here and I've already met your son, I just thought meeting your daughter would help with the treaty." I said trying to act normal.

"Well. You won't be meeting her." I heard Alpha Asher say.

Axel turned around, and there stood Alpha Asher glaring at me.

"I was just trying to be nice." I said keeping my anger in check.

"That's a little too nice." Beta Levi said.

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry for trying to be nice."

"Whatever." Alpha Asher growled. "Let's just get this over with so you can get off my land and away from my pack."

"Asher!" Axel yelled scolding his son. "You guys signed a treaty for a reason. So start acting like it."

"He's right." I said.

"Whatever. Let's just talk." Alpha Asher said as he lead the way to his office.

I zoned out most of the time.

I just couldn't help focusing on Alex the whole time. I wondered who she is.
How's the 2nd chapter so far??? Anyway. Keep voting and commenting. I love reading them :)

Love you all crazy faithful shifters!!

Momma Shifter out!!

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