Chapter 25: Sapphire's Birthday

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Ello everyone!!

If you are feeling sad or depressed, here is a picture of my dog upside down!

Got some good news!

This book is #67 in the Werewolf catagory. Let's get that towards #1 shall we Faithful Shifters? ;)

I got a new laptop. It's a dell one and it has a touch screen so it can be turned into a tablet. And I love it!

Excpet I'm having problems on getting the stupid Microsoft shit to download.. :( Oh well.

And you all know my friend Wolfheartcp right? Well he is writing a story called The Alpha Project, and even though I have only read the prologue so far, it is pretty good. You guys should go check it out.

And also.....I have gotten all the pictures for the characters in The Fox and The Alpha! Isn't that great??

And that awkward moment when your ex boyfriend still wears the couple necklace...oh well.

Okay....on with the story!

(And please excuse any mistakes. I'm not use to this keyboard just yet. It is completely different from my last laptop lol.)


"We have to be quiet." I whispered to Jamie as we snuck into Sapphire's room.

"I'm trying." Jamie giggled. "It's so hard."

I rolled my eyes. But I also understood.

Jamie had the idea of waking Sapphire up by yelling happy birthday. But we also might have the help of whipcream. Which I may or may not have put a generous amount of it on my hand.

I looked at Jamie and nodded.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAPPHIRE!" Jamie and I yelled at the top of our lungs.

I smashed the whipcream in her face and made a dash towards the door and down the stairs.

"I'm gonna kill both of you bitches!" Sapphire yelled running after us.

"Help us! We are being chased by an angry monster!" I yelled as Asher, Levi, and Spike came into the living room.

"What the hell is going on? Are you okay?" Asher asked worried as I hid behind him.

"Umm, Jamie and I might have woken up the beast." I said quietly.

"Please tell me you did not wake up Sapphire this early." Levi asked scared.

"I'm gonna skin you little rats alive and eat you for dinner!" Sapphire yelled running into the living room.

"I take that as a yes." Levi sighed.

We heard a growl and turned to the living room entrance.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing.

Sapphire's face was covered completely with whipcream.

But she was angry enough that I actually think the whipcream is melting off.

"Jamie did it!" I yelled quickly and hid behind Asher.

"Wow. Way to throw me under the bus." Jamie laughed and backed up behind Spike.

"Hey." I laughed. "Every girl for themself."

"Hey baby sister." Levi smiled taking cautious steps towards Sapphire. "Don't you look like you're glowing and so happy on your birhday."

"I'm not pregnant dumbass." Sapphire growled.

"Well I would hope not." Levi scowled.

"Wait." Sapphire said looking around confused. "Do you smell that?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. All I smell is Asher's B.O." I said scrunching my nose and moving away from him.

"I don't smell that bad." Asher defended.

"No." Sapphire said shaking her head. "It smell like pine cones and a fresh meadow."

I was about to open my mouth when Kaydon, James, and Bo walked through our front door.

"Mate!" Sapphire yelled.

James' head popped up. "What?"

"Mate." Sapphire said smiling.

"What the hell?" James asked getting pissed and throwing the flowers on the ground. "You're MY mate. Only mine. Who the hell are you talking about?"

"I was talking about you smart one." Sapphire smirked.

"Oh." James said as his face flushed with embarassment. "Then uh these are for you and happy birthday baby." He said bending down and awkwardly picking the flowers up.

"No." Sapphire said after taking one look at the torn and smashed flowers.

"Get new ones?" James asked while Sapphire nodded. "Get new ones." He repeated to himself.

Kaydon and Bo both had to hold back a laugh that you could tell they were dying to keep in.

"I'll meet you guys at school." James sighed as he walked back out to his truck.

"Hey babe." Kaydon smiled and pecked my forehead.

I smiled and snuggled into his chest.

"Oh my gosh. Dear what happened?" Jasmine asked as she took one look at her daughter's face.

"I decided I wanted to wear whipcream as makeup for today and go to school like this." Sapphire said after her mom came back with a wet towel.

"Very funny." Jasmine smiled as she wiped all the cream off.

"Alex and Jamie thought it was a good birthday present."

"Girls will be girls." Jasmine laughed and walked to the laundry room.

"Oh ya." Bo smiled. "Happy birthday."

"Happy birhday Sapphire." Kaydon smiled.

"Thank you guys." Sapphire smiled back.

"Come on birhday girl." Asher laughed. "We should all go get ready for school."

The girls and I groaned. "Do we have too?"

"Yes!" Our brothers yelled back at us.

"Go get dressed. I'll drive you and Sapphire to school." Kaydon said.

I nodded and walked upstairs.










"Yo Blue!" I yelled towards Aiden.

Aiden turned around and smirked at me.

Aiden and I both gave each other nicknames. I gave him Blue becaue of his hair, so he decided to call me Brownie because of mine.

"Heads up Brownie!" He yelled as he threw the basketball towards me.

I caught it with ease and dribbled down the court and made the lay up.

Aiden ran down and picked up and twirled me around.

"Nice shot Brownie." Aiden laughed.

"Nice throw Blue." I laughed back at him.

"Okay enough touching." Kaydon said sternly ripping me out of Aiden's grip.

Aiden smirked and walked away.

"No!" I yelled towards Aiden. "Don't leave me alone with him!"

"Sorry Brownie. I'm getting dressed. Tootles!" Aiden laughed and continued walking.

"How could you!" I yelled. "And hey! Tootles is my word!"

"Don't care!" Aiden yelled back before he disappeared into the hallway towards the lockerroom.

"Damn. Am I honeslty that bad?" Kaydon asked me.

I gave him an innocent look. "Not at all."

"Meany." Kaydon laughed and put me down.

"Ready for math?" I asked walking with him towards the lockerrooms.

"No. That math is so easy." Kaydon scoffed.

"Then why did you sign up for that class?" I asked laughing.

"To keep an eye on you."

I groaned. "I can take care of myself."

"I know you can." Kaydon said looking at me as we stopped in front of the girl's lockerroom. "I just don't want any hormonal boys thinking they have a shot with you."

I rolled my eyes. "I can tell them no."

"I know you can. It's just I want to be the one to tell them no." Kaydon smirked.

"You mean throw them into a wall. That kind of no."

"Precisely." Kaydon winked and walked down the hall to the guy's lockerroom.

I laughed to myself and quickly got dressed for math.

I took my seat towards the back of the room with the girls, their mates, and our 'bodyguards' and waited for class to start.

We all jumped when the door slammed open and Kaydon's worried eyes found me.

He looked relieved and strolled over to where we were.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he took the seat behind me.

It was actually kind of funny.

Our mates sat behind us, the girls sat on each side of me, and our 'bodyguards' sat in front of us. The guys called it 'protection'. Us girls called it 'weird'.

"I couldn't find you after p.e. I thought I told you to wait." Kaydon growled.

"No you didn't." I said confused. When did he tell me to wait?

"Well I did in my mind so I thought you knew." He replied taking out his math book.

I was dumbfounded. "How the hell was I suppose to know that?"

He only shrugged. "Read minds."

I groaned and turned around in my seat.

I can already tell this is gonna be a long ass day.


Still not use to this keyboard lol.

Anyway, hope you guys liked the chapter.

And remember. Keep the comments and votes coming.

I love reading your emails, twitter replies, direct messages, wall posts, and comments. They make my day :D So thank you for taking your time and talking to me!

Love you faithful shifters!!

-Momma Shifter

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