Chapter 30: Jamie's Birthday And The First Attack

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Ey!! Wud up my peeps??

Ha. Jk jk. ;)


Anywhore, I'm pretty sure I passed my test, so that's good.

And my Updates book is #22 in the Random category, which is kinda cool :D

So on with the story!!

I have decided to make my dog Zeus the mascot for the Faithful Shifters! He got really excited when I told him that and he started to wag his tail really fast lol.

(Don't forget to check out my other books because you love me!!!)



I opened the fridge to find some cream to put in my coffee.

"Good morning!" Someone yelled next to my ear.

I screamed and jumped back to see Jamie laughing on the ground.

"What the hell?!" I growled at her.

"That was priceless! Did you see your face?" She laughed even more as she got up.

"I hate you." I growled.

But I stopped once I sniffed the air.

"When did that happen?" We both yelled at the same time.

"Last night." I said. "You?"

"This morning." Jamie said blushing.

"What a birthday present." I winked at her.

She smirked. "You know it."

"So you are fully marked and mated, and I'm only marked. Damn." I laughed.

"I'm neither." Sapphire growled as she walked into the kitchen wearing James' shirt. "Because somebody's mate called my mate to go fix a rogue problem last night."

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly. "We were kinda uh..busy."

"I can see that." Sapphire laughed.

"So, it's a Saturday. What do you girls want to do?" I asked.

"Hmm." Jamie hummed looking around. "How about a movie."

"Which one?" Sapphire asked.

"I heard Cinderella is still playing."

"Oh ya." I said nodding. "I heard today was the last day."

"Let's go see it." I smiled grabbing my phone. "I'll call Kaydon. We can drag those boys along with us."

We all laughed and grabbed out coats

"Luna! Beta Female! Third Female!" A guard yelled running into the kitchen.

I jumped as I heard growls coming from outside and dropped my coat out of shock.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

What is going on?

"Rogue attack." He breathed out.

I gasped.


"Get everyone who can't fight to the safe house. And then get everyone who can fight, bring them to where the battle is." I ordered.

"Yes Luna." The guard said as he ran out of the house.

 I turned back to look at the girls. "Ready to put our training to use?"

"Hell ya. These rogues ruined my birthday." Jamie growled.

"Let's do this." Sapphire said with a wicked smile.

The girls and I shifted when we were outside and ran with Aiden, Ryder, Jason, and a couple other guards to where the rogues were at.

'Alex? Are you sure you want to do this?' Aiden asked as we ran to the battle.

'Yes I'm sure. I'm the Luna. I'm gonna fight.' I mindlinked him back.

Ever since Kaydon marked me, I can now mindlink everyone in his pack.

But I can't mindlink my pack anymore. Only my family.

Speaking of Kaydon, where the hell is he?

'He was on patrol with James and Bo. He's handling rogues down at the south border. So that's why I'm here.' Aiden explained.

'Ohhh.' I said as I ran faster.

I could see the rogues fighting with my pack members.

My pack. That sounds nice.

I quickly ran behind a tree and changed.

"Oh. It's the Luna." A rogue teased.

"Oh it's a rogue." I teased back.

"Wow. Real mature." He shot at me.

"Wow. Real mature." I mimicked in a deep voice.

"Stop that!" He growled.

"Stop that!" I growled back.

"Do you want your head ripped off?"

"Do you want your head ripped off?"

I laughed as I watched his face turn a lovely shade of red.

"I mean it!" He yelled taking a step towards me.

"I mean it!" I yelled back as I took a step towards him.

"Okay. I know we are suppose to capture the Luna, but this is really entertaining." A younger rogue laughed.

"Shut up!" The rogue that I was copying yelled.

The younger one put his hands up and chuckled.

"Shouldn't a Luna be more adult like and not act like a child?" The rogue asked.

I thought about it. "Probably. But I don't really care."

"Why not?"

"Because that's not me. I'm immature and I like it that way." I smirked getting into a fighting stance. "Now are you ready to get off my territory?"

He laughed. "In your dreams."

"Bring it baldy." I said jumping in the air and shifting.

He growled and did the same.

'Let's end this.' Star growled.

I let her take over and she ran towards the rogue.

The rogue went to go bite at me, but Star quickly dodged and rammed her head into his wolf's gut.

He whimpered out of pain as he fell to the ground but before Star could get him again, he jumped up and knocked us over with his head.

He was about to jump our way, but I saw Jamie's wolf tackle him to the ground.

I got up and was about to help, but a giant dark brown wolf caught my eye.

I turned towards him and we just stared at each other.

He finally broke the eye contact after a couple minutes and howled before turning away from me and running.

Everyone in my pack stood still as we watched the rogues retreat.

We all shifted back and stood there dumbfounded.

"What the hell happened?" Aiden asked.

"I don't know." Ryder said looking at Aiden. "Wait. Where is Jamie?"

"Right here." Jamie called out walking over to us with Sapphire.

"We need to get you girls back in the house. The guys are on their way." Jason explained after he was done mindlinking whoever.











"Are you alright?" Kaydon asked worried as he checked my body for any signs of damage.

"Yes." I smiled as I stood up but regretted it when I put pressure on my leg.

"What happened? Are you okay? We need to get you to the pack doctor." Kaydon rambled on.

"Dude." I laughed as I grabbed his face. "I only landed on it wrong. A rogue knocked me over and I must have twisted my leg when I landed on the ground."

"We need to get you to the doctor." Kaydon said as he ran to grab his phone.

"Are you alright?" My mom asked sitting next to me.

Aiden called my mom as soon as we got to the house a couple hours ago.

Kaydon arrived shortly after my mom did because he was so close to the south border.

Kaydon said that a bunch of rogues were trying to push through patrol that was down there and Kaydon and James went as back up. But Bo went to the north border because they too had a rogue problem.

"Yes." I smiled up at her. "I'm fine."

"I should have never let you leave." My dad sighed as he sat down next to mom.

"Dad." I laughed sitting up on the couch. "I'm fine. Seriously."

"I know." He chuckled. "I miss you."

"I miss you too." I said hugging him. "Oh by the way. I think I might have seen Kyle. But I don't know if it's him."

"When?" Kaydon asked coming back into the room.

"Oh boy." Kate said leaning into Mitch.

"During the fight." I said.

"What happened?" Mitch asked wrapping his arms around Kate.

"When I stood back up, I saw a huge dark brown wolf standing in the tree line. I was about to go over to him, but he howled and ran away. Then that's when all the rogues retreated." I explained,

"That might have been him. But I've never seen him in wolf form before." My mom said looking at all of us.

"Well, this was a crappy birthday." Jamie sighed as she leaned against the wall.

"I'll do something to make up for it." I smiled.

She smiled back at me. "Thanks."

"We need to do more training." Kaydon announced.

"I'm gonna tell Asher to start more training as well." My dad said.

Kaydon nodded in agreement. "We need to be ready for the next one. This first was only a warning."

"I can talk to Lou and ask him more about Kyle." My mom volunteered.

"Oh I miss toilet." Jamie laughed.

Bo let out a small growl and pulled Jamie into his chest.

Kaydon rolled his eyes at Bo's silly behavior.

'You'd do the same thing.' I smirked at Kaydon.

Kaydon only stuck his tongue out at me and walked towards our office with his dad.

"We better get going." My mom said sadly as she stood up with my dad. "We need to warn everyone."

Kate nodded. "I'll get some guards to go with you to the border to make sure you guys stay safe. I'll also pack some snacks for you."

"Thank you Kate." My dad smiled.

"No problem Axel."

Well. This has been a fun day....not.


Sorry if this is crappy chapter lol. Wrote this at 1 in the morning. XD

Love you faithful shifters!

-Momma Shifter

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