Chapter 39: Everything Is Explained

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What did you guys think of the summary for my new book?

Cool? Boring? Stupid? Awful?

Let me know what you guys think of it!!

We are getting closer to the end of the book. Only 2 more chapters :(

I'm gonna cry.

Anywhore, let's get on with the story. Shall we?



I stood dumbfounded.

I continued to stare at Lou and Kyle.

What they said didn't make any sense.

"What?" I asked in a whisper.

Lou laughed. "Kyle and I are brothers."

"Since when!" I said practically yelling.

"Since birth dumbass." Kyle said rolling his eyes.

I took a deep breath.

"But you said Kyle killed your mate." I said looking at Lou.

Lou smirked. "That's true. But Kyle is not the one that killed her. Your pack did. It's the same story I told you but it was your pack."

"But what about you getting beat up?" I growled getting pissed.

"Silly Alex." Lou laughed shaking his head. "We did that to make the plan more believable. I made it seem like Kyle was catching onto me. So I had him beat me up."

"And I'm guessing he shot you with a silver bullet?" I asked annoyed.

Kyle looked at me confused. "What silver bullet?"

"When we were fixing your idiot brother, our pack doctor found a silver bullet in his side." I explained.

"We don't use silver bullets." Kyle said looking at Lou.

"Then who shot me?" Lou asked confused.

Kyle shrugged.

"I hate you Toilet." I growled. "Wait. You don't deserve to be called Toilet anymore."

"Toilet?" Kyle asked while Lou laughed.

Lou nodded. "Her friend and her brother called me Toilet because that's what British people call a lou."

"Actually." I smiled tapping my chin. "You can be called toilet. Because toilets are full of shit, just like you."

Lou growled and went to go lunge for me, but Kyle stopped him.

"Silver bars idiot." Kyle said rolling his eyes.

Lou growled at me and left with Kyle.

I sighed as I slid down the cement wall.

'Aren't you forgetting something?' Star said.

'What?' I asked.


'Why am I so dumb?'

'Hello? Any one home?' I asked through the link.

I yelped as I heard a bunch of voice at once.

'Guys!' I yelled and they all stopped. 'One at a time please. Don't give me a headache.'

'Darling?' Kaydon asked.

'Kaydon.' I linked as I started to smile to myself.

It was so nice to hear his voice.

'Where are you? What happened?' His frantic voice sounded through my head.

'Welp. I'm having a lovely picnic in a cellar and the meal is dirt.' I said trying not to laugh.

'Alex.' Kaydon growled.

I sighed. 'Okay okay. I was only trying to lighten the mood. Well. Lou knocked me out and took me to Kyle. And it turns out Kyle is his brother. And now I'm sitting in a cellar with silver bars.'

'I'm gonna fucking kill both of them.' Kaydon growled.

'Oh. And Kyle beat up Lou to make their plan look more believable. But he didn't shoot Lou with the silver bullet.'

'Then how did it get there?' Kaydon asked.

'No idea.' I said shrugging to myself.

"Are you talking to yourself?" The rogue across from me laughed.

"No." I said.

His eyes went wide. "Are you mind-linking your pack?"

I gulped. "N-no."

He gave me a sad smile. "Don't worry. I won't tell. But don't let me them catch you doing it."

"Why?" I asked. "What can they do?"

He looked away and looked at the ground. "They will inject wolfsbane in you."

I gasped. "Can't that kill you?"

He nodded. "It can. But he has his pack doctor do it. They only put enough in you so you can't link anyone, talk to your wolf, and shift. It also drains your strength."

I gasped. "That's awful."

I watched as he tried to shrug.

"Did they do that to you?" I asked.

He nodded. "They caught me talking to my mate yesterday. I've been so careful about it too. But I wasn't expecting them to come down when they did and they saw my eyes fog over."

I gulped.

Just great..



Why isn't she answering me?

"What did she say?" Sapphire asked me.

"Lou did all of this?" I said sadly.

"Toilet?" Jamie growled. "What the hell!"

"It's gonna be okay." Spike said.

When we found out Alex went missing, we called everyone.

Asher's warrior wolves are here and so is his mom, April even got her fighters from her pack to come along with Sam, Lee, and Lee's mate Kimmy.

I sighed. "Kyle had this entire plan planned out. He even beat up Lou to make it look more believable."

"He's going down." Jamie said.

"And another thing." I said meeting everyone's eyes.

"What's that?" James asked.

"Kyle and Lou." I said taking a deep breath. "Kyle and Lou are brothers."

Everyone's eyes went wide.

No one talked for a good solid 5 minutes.

"That fucker!" Jamie growled as she paced around the room. "They're brother? Oh hell no! Hell to the fucking no! They are both gonna pay for this."

Bo shook his head as he tried to calm Jamie down.

"I don't remember anything about Kyle having a brother." Skylar said.

"Maybe he hid him?" Caleb suggested.

"But why would you hide your own brother?" Axel asked.

"Maybe he was away on something? Or Kyle just never mentioned him." Mark added.

"Oh. That's another thing. Kyle didn't shoot Lou with the silver bullet." I said.

"Then who did?" Axel asked. "Could it be hunters?"

I shook my head. "Alex would have said something if they teamed up with hunters."

"Then who shot Lou?" Skylar asked.

"Does it really matter?" Jamie asked. "I'm just glad the bastard got shot."

Bo shook his head laughing.

"What else did Alex say?" Asher asked.

I shrugged. "She just stop linking me. She didn't say why."

"Maybe they are talking to her. Or she's talking to her wolf."

I saw Skylar shake her head. "I don't think that's the case."

"What is?" Axel asked placing a hand on her arm.

"I remember something. When I dated Tyler and his dad was the alpha. Tyler and Kyle would always go with him down in the cellar and question the wolves there. Tyler told me a method that his dad had. If his dad caught a wolf linking when he was in the cellar, he would have the pack doctor inject wolfsbane in them." Skylar said.

"Doesn't that kill them?" April asked worried.

Skylar nodded. "It can. But Tyler's dad only had the pack doc put enough in that it would stop them from shifting, linking, and talk to their wolf. It also cut their strength more than 50%."

"How can a person have that sick of mind?" I asked.

"That's why no one wanted to set foot on his land. He might not have been the biggest pack, but he was one of the most cruelest alphas." Skylar explained.

Jamie snorted. "Now Kyle is walking in his best friend's dad's footsteps."

I groaned to myself.

Great...just what we need...


One more chapter left :(

I'm gonna cry.

Soooo.... who do you think shot Lou?

I'm gonna let you in on a secret.

I guarantee none of you guys will guess it right *evil smirk*

The next chapter is the very last chapter. And it also has a very big surprise in it.

I'm just gonna let you guys know that.

Love you all!!!!


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