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I was tagged by Kennedy. She dosnt have a wattpad but she wanted me to do it anyways.

Real name: Kylie Elizabeth Shushu Welton Stefanko....I know
Nickname(s): shushu train
Favorite color: Marron
Male or female: Confused (but I go by female pronouns for less confusion
Elementary school: our lady of peace
Middle school: St. Micheals
High school: Jackson
College: California institution of the art. I wanna be a animator
Hair: dark brown. It's long and it's parted to the side
Tall or short: tallish. 5 '4
Shorts or jeans: Jeans duh
Phone or camera: Phone duh
Health freak: ha no . I will lick the ground
Orange or Apple: Apple. I call oranges the devil fruit
Do you have a crush on someone: Yup. I have only had 3 crushes in my inter life. You have to be special to win my heart.
Guy friends or girl friends: I have both.
Piercings: Double pierced ears
Pepsi or coke: Coooooke
Ever been on a plane: like 2 times every  month. I hate it
Been in a relationship: Currently in one
Been in a car accident: yes, 3 times
Been in a fist fight: yeah I broke the dudes nose for calling me gay
Best friend: I have 3
First award: for basketball. They kicked me out later because I was so bad
First crush: 6th grade. Beautiful Bridget.
Talents: drawing, eating food, piano, saxophone, acting, coding, singing, guitar, writing, and Oboe
Last person you talked to: Jojo
Last person I texted: Jojo
Last person you watched a movie with: Jojo Last thing I ate: Yogurt and 29 sugar cookies
Last thing I watched: James Bond with my dad. It was crap
Last song I listened to: cigarette daydream by cage the elephant
Last thing I bought: a pie at a bake sale
Last person I hugged: My dad
Food: noodles
Drink: mango nectar
Bottoms: jeans. High waisted
Flower: hibiscus
Animals: okapi or dragon
Colors: marron, black, teal
Movies: wolf children, the color Purple and spirited away.
Fallen in love: yea I have
Celebrated Halloween: HEÈL YEA
Been broken-hearted: yes
Went through texts on phone: yes...some pretty sad times
Had someone like you: surprisingly yes
Hated how someone changed: yes. That's the reason for the heartbroken
Got pg: got parental guidance...I don't get this question
Had an abortion: WHAT?!?
Did something you regret: HAHAHhahahaaa ahhhh that's funny. Yes. Everything
Broken a promise: yea probably when I was like 5
Hidden a secret: yea for 3/4 of my life
Pretend to be happy:  yes for my friends
Met someone who changed your life: Yea oh yes oh yes yes yes
Pretend to be sick: no [update] yes
Left the country: sí
Did something you normally wouldn't and liked it: why yes I have
Cried over the silliest things: that's all I ever do people make fun of me for it
Ran a mile: I did it ounce and then had to go to the nurse because I passed out. And it was a half mile .
Gone to the beach with a friend: Yea a lot. There was a beach where I used to live
Gotten in an argument with a friend: yes I have. We arnt friends anymore.
Dislike someone: oh course I am human
Stayed single for over a year after bf: no I have never had a bf. But I had a gf.
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Thinking about: Jojo
Eating: I wish.
Drinking: Nope
Listening to: the muddled sound of a golf channel and the air conditioning.
Sitting or laying: laying
Plans for today: to go to bed a 11 and talk to Jojo
Waiting for: my eevee to evolve
Wants kids: of course! But I would have to adopt
Wants to get married: yessssss there is someone right now that I really want to marry
Want to travel: i do it all the time
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Lips or eyes: eyes . Preferably brown.
Shorter or taller: taller...I like tall people
Younger or older: as long as the person isnt 2 years older or younger.
Romantic or spontaneous:
Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant (I am such a freaking trouble maker)
Hook up or relationship: relationship. I could never just hook up with someone
Looks or personality: always personality
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Killed someone: yes!
Been in love: yea
Broken a bone: never, nor have I been stung by a bee
Cried when someone died: yup it was at a funeral. I didn't even know he dude. I was just alter serving.
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Yourself: i wish
Miracles: no
Love at first sight: NO
Heaven: I try
Santa Claus: Ha no
Aliens: yes there is life but not the creepy green dudes who built pyramids
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Have you ever really hated someone: Yea. Everyone hates someone
Is there someone you wish you were here with right now: yes Jojo
Do you know who your real friends are: oh course
Do you believe in God: I...should but I just don't. And I am Catholic so I have to pretend I do
Are you going to tag 20 people including the person who tagged you: probably only 5 this is long
Did you answer these questions truthfully: oh course
Did you enjoy this?: no it look so long
Post this as a hundred truths: no


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