Summerslam Becomes Hotter Than Hell. A Birthday Party Fit For The Devil.

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It's so good to be back in WWE after a year-long break. When I made my return in my hometown of Las Vegas, I never would have believed that I would find love on the same night as my return. In the audience in the front row was Kylie Jenner who was with her a couple of friends and sisters. When I saw her in the audience during my return, after the triple-threat match between Lashley, Theory, and Rollins. I was knocked for a loop, figuratively speaking, and after Money In The Bank was over, Kylie finagled her way backstage and found me in catering. We talked for a bit and I took her to Champagnes and we talked until last call. I escorted her to her hotel, and the following night, in San Diego for Raw, she introduced me to her daughter, Stormi, and for the next few weeks, we talked on the phone, texted, and FaceTimed. And this week is the go-home shows for Raw and Smackdown before Summerslam. Tonight is the contract signing for my United States Championship match against Theory.

I woke up to Kylie's smiling face, "Morning baby." She kissed me.
"Hey, honey." I grinned as I kissed her back and sat up, just in time for Stormi to come in and crawl into bed with us. "Hey, princess. What's the word in the dining room?"
"Grandma wants to know when you and mom will wake up?" Stormi said.
"Of course, any later and she'll have to send a search party to look for us." I joked making Stormi and Kylie giggle.
"Let's get showered, and dressed, and head down to breakfast, baby." Kylie said.
"Agreed." I looked to Stormi, "Looking forward to spending the day with Uncle Daniel and mommy?"I asked her. She nodded and hugged me.
Kylie smiled seeing her daughter hugging me, "Okay baby girl. Uncle Daniel and mommy need to get showered before grandma gets impatient and comes up to see what's keeping us."
"Okay, mommy." Stormi kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly, making me grin as she did the same to Kylie before making tracks out the door.
"She's a real sweet girl. You should be proud Kylie honey." I smiled as I stood up and stretched.
"Ohh, I am. But since I broke up with Travis. You are the very first guy that's made her giggle and grin." She replied.
"One is glad to be of service." I grinned as she got up from the bed, approached me, and pulled me into a very deep and passionate kiss.
"Let's get cleaned up and go to breakfast." She told me.
"After you, my exotic beauty." I smirked as she led the way to the suite's bathroom.
We took a quick shower and it took everything I had to keep from having my way with her, right there. However, she noticed me struggling to keep my hands off of her and decided to tease me by shaking her ass at me, and caressing her hips, ribs, and breasts. "Enjoying the view?" She asked.
I just smiled and shook my head, "Remind me to kill you later." I grinned as I kissed her cheek.
Once we were done, we dried off, got changed into clean casuals, then headed to the dining room, where Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kendall with Kris sitting at the head of the table.
Stormi grinned as she ran up to us and Kylie picked her up.
"Nice of you to join us." Kris said with a grin.
"Sorry, we had a late night." I told everyone present.
"No kidding, we all could hear you through the walls. We're happy for Kylie, though." Kourtney said.
"I'm amazed that I wasn't sent packing when I first met Kris." I replied.
"I may have been a little wary about the fact Kylie broke up with Travis and was dating a wrestler a couple of weeks later. But it's her life and I've never seen her and Stormi as happy as you make them." Kris explained.
I couldn't help but smile, "Thank you. I think."
Everyone chuckled at my response as Kylie, Stormi, and I sat down for breakfast and discussed what we had planned for the day.

Kim and the girls were going shopping, Kris was going to be interviewing caterers and decorators by phone. I didn't know what for but Kylie told me not to worry about it, so I let it slide.

Kylie, Stormi, and I were driving through Manhattan, New York. Stopping by every store within a mile or so of Bloomingdale's.
As we were coming out of Macy's. Travis walked up to us, and I pulled Kylie behind me with Stormi in her arms. "What are you doing here, Travis?" Kylie asked.
"Just wanted to see my daughter. And meet your new man." He stared at me.
"And what makes you think you can see Stormi?" I asked.
"She's my daughter, that is why I think I can see her." He replied with a smirk.
I looked at Stormi, "Want to see daddy?" I asked her. She shook her head nervously. "Anything else?" I asked calmly.
"Yes. Watch your back tonight. You might just lose your shot at the United States Championship before Summerslam." He replied.
"If I do. I'll know who to come after. And you won't see me coming." I replied with a chuckle. He walked away and we got to the SUV and headed to the arena for Raw.

When I was getting ready for my contract signing for my United States Championship match against Theory at Summerslam.
When a knock came to the door Kylie answered it and found Hunter at the door.
"Hunter. Come in." She stepped aside as he walked into the room. Stormi was helping me tape my wrists.
"What's going on Hunter?" I asked as Stormi tore the tape after wrapping it around my wrist three times.
"Tonight we're going to have your contract signing. After you'll take on Miz." He told us.
I grinned as Stormi tore the tape after wrapping it around my wrist three times, "Thank you, Stormi." She smiled as she ran to Kylie's side. "Good. I've been dying to shut him up again." I chuckled.
He left the room and I finished getting prepped for my contract signing and match right after.

After I was ready, Kylie got up and approached me, "Good luck out there." She straightened my tie, palmed down the sleeves of my jacket, and kissed me. "And be careful."
"I always am." I replied as I kissed her. Crouched as Stormi ran up and hugged me.
"Be careful, Uncle Daniel." Stormi said as she kissed my cheek.
"I will. Watch over your mom while I'm out, okay?" I asked as she nodded. "Alright." I stood up and headed to the gorilla.

When I disappeared from sight, Kylie asked Stormi, "You like Uncle Daniel?"
"Yes, mommy." Stormi replied with a grin.
"What would you think if he became your stepdad eventually?" Kylie asked.
"I'd like that." Stormi told her. As they sat on the sofa and watched me on the monitor.

Pretty soon, in the ring was a table, three microphones, and the contract. Adam Pierce took the center microphone and started, "Well, lets get the participants out here." Theory was first out to the ring. Then I went out to the ring and sat down opposite Theory who had a smug look on his face like he had already beaten me. "Okay, gentlemen. This Saturday, at Summerslam. It will be 'The Devil' Daniel Boyce vs Theory for the United States Championship. The contract is ready to sign. So let's make it official."
Theory signed it and picked up the mic on his side of the table, "Just so your aware. When I beat you this Saturday. You won't get another chance at this Championship while I'm United States Champion."
I grinned, stood up and 'tried' to sign it. When Theory's hand was close enough I buried the pen in his hand which made him scream as I pulled out the pen from his hand and signed it. Pulled him over the table onto my shoulders and set him up for Original Sin and performed it, sending him through the table and picked up the microphone, "Theory, Theory, Theory. One thing you should never do is underestimate The Devil. Your daddy's not here anymore. So no one will be able to help you when you lose my Championship to me. This Saturday. And you should have read the fine print. It says if I win. You don't get another shot at a singles Championship for two years. Choke on that Mr A-Town Down." I tossed the microphone and made my way to the back as they got the ring cleared of debris.

I was interviewed by Kathy Kelley while I was waiting for the ring to be cleared, on my reasons for what I did and my thoughts on my United States Championship match this Saturday. "Thanks, guys. I'm with The Devil himself Daniel Boyce." She said as I came into frame.
"You called?" I asked with a smirk.
Kathy grinned as she knew I was loyal to Kylie, "You just obliterated the ring with Theory after you both signed the contract for your match at Summerslam this Saturday. I'm sure the WWE Universe would like to know why?"
"The truth?" I asked as she nodded. "Theory thinks that he's untouchable even though out of touch McMahon isn't here anymore. I just reminded him that he's got nobody to help him anymore. Cause this Saturday in Nashville, Tennessee. I'll leave United States Champion. He'll just be leaving with no chance at a singles Championship for two years. So the most he can hope for is someone to stand him long enough for a tag title reign. But I do have a couple of girls who I can celebrate the Championship win with."
"I bet Kylie and Stormi are proud of you." Kathy said.
"I'd like to think so." I chuckled.
"Back to you guys." Kathy giggled. "Thanks, Daniel." She said as she left with the camera crew.

Then after the ring was cleared, the Miz went out to the ring first and it was my turn as 'Facing Hell' came again over the speakers, and I walked to the ring to the biggest pop of the night, slapped hands of some fans along the way.
When I entered the ring. I took off my jacket, and shirt and pulled the tear-away trousers going up my legs.
When the bell rang Miz and I collided in the center of the ring, I whipped him into the ropes and leveled him with a back elbow. I picked him up and tossed him into the ropes and when I went for a lariat but he ducked and leveled me with a knife-edge chop to the chest.

25 minutes into match, Miz and I traded the lead of match repeatedly. Pretty soon, we were both tired and worn out. Miz set me up for Skull Crushing Finale, he performed it only for me to kick out at two and a half. He was surprised and started arguing with the ref. As he did so, I got up, set him up for The Devils Deal and performed it, and got the three count, after the match I went to the back and went to the trainer's office and got checked out. When he found nothing broken or torn. I headed back to my locker room and the moment I walked into the room, Stormi ran up and hugged my legs nearly knocking me over.
"What's wrong, Stormi?" I asked.
"I was worried about you." She replied.
I bent down and picked her up and held her, "You have nothing to worry about sweetheart. I'm not planning on retiring anytime soon or leaving you or your mom without a fight."
She smiled as she hugged me tightly as Kylie got up, approached us, kissed me, and kissed Stormi's cheek. "Thank you, Uncle Daniel."
"No problem. So what would my girls like for dinner?" I asked.
"We'll let you know when you get out of the shower, baby." Kylie said as she gently took Stormi from me as I kissed her cheek and Kylie's neck as I got showered, and changed into clean casuals before packing my arena bag as we headed to a pizzeria before heading to the hotel suite.

When we arrived at the hotel, we were met by Travis.
"What do you want now Travis?" I asked with a growl.
"None of your business." He replied.
"If it involves Kylie and Stormi, it's most definitely my business," I said as I kept Kylie behind me and Stormi in her arms. "Let them go into the hotel. You tell me what you have to say and I'll decide if it's worthy of their attention." I stepped up to him, "So step aside." I growled. He did as suggested and Stormi and Kylie headed inside at a dead run. I grabbed the two pizzas and handed the keys to the valet. I headed inside and waited at the bank of elevators. "You have until the elevator arrives to tell me what you want to tell Kylie. If that's too short. Leave."
He leaned in and said, "Tell Kylie she has two months to drop you and come back to me."
I replied, "Are you that desperate to keep her from being happy that you'd threaten her? And how about, you stay away from her and Stormi, and I won't break every bone of your body?" He looked at me shocked, "Unlike you. I actually love them. So, scram." He couldn't leave fast enough.

The elevator door opened, I walked in and made my way to the suite, the moment I walked into the main room. I set down the pizzas on the coffee table and sat between Kylie and Stormi as Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kendall, and Kris were still out to dinner.
"So what did Travis want to say?" Kylie asked.
"He wanted to threaten that you had two more months before you had to drop me and go back to him." Stormi hugged my arm.
"Knowing you, you gave him a counter threat." Kylie said as I pulled Stormi into my lap and rubbed her back.
"You know me so well." I chuckled as I continued, "I did. I told him that if he stayed away from you and Stormi, I wouldn't break every bone in his body." Kylie giggled as Stormi grinned.
"Does that mean you won't be leaving us?" Stormi asked.
"Wild hellhounds couldn't take me from you two." I told her making her smile. "Now let's eat. I'm starving."
We ate the two pizzas, I took Stormi to her room, laid her in bed, tucked her in, kissed her forehead, and said goodnight.
When I went to me and Kylie's room, I noticed that there was steam coming from the room's bathroom. I peeked inside and found Kylie in the shower. So I slid into the room, closed the door gently, undressed, slid behind Kylie, gently glided my hands up and down her arms, and wrapped my arms around her waist making her smile, "Stormi, asleep?"
"She is," I replied kissing her neck. "I have one more person to put to bed."
"Mmm, what did have in mind?"She asked.
"What would you like?" I asked in reply.
"Hmm, maybe a quickie or an hour round in here, then maybe we take it to the bed, and really let loose." She smiled and bit her lip as I thought about it and smiled myself.
"Deal." I said making her laugh as I kissed her neck and shoulder. She turned in my arms and kissed me passionately before I slid my hands to her ass and gave it a nice, hard squeeze.
"Ooh, naughty boy." She grinned.
"I'm even worse on my birthday." I said with a wink. She giggled as I kissed her, kicking off a real hot and intense makeout session that bled into a wild hour round in the shower. After we washed the fresh layer of sweat and dried off.
"So should we continue in the bed or should we save it for your birthday?" She asked.
"I think save it for my birthday. But I wouldn't say no to a round or two once in a while." I grinned as I kissed her lips and neck.
"I think we can arrange that." She giggled.
We soon slid into bed and fell asleep.

For the next few days, we spent some time in, Boston, Philadelphia, and Charlotte. Thursday night when we arrived in Atlanta for Smackdown. We went out to a nice restaurant that Stormi picked out. It was a quiet, romantic place. We had our suspicions about why Stormi chose this particular place.

After dinner, I paid the bill and we went to the hotel for the night. On the way, Kylie asked, "Stormi?" She looked at her mom. "Why did you choose that particular restaurant?"
"I just thought you and uncle Daniel would like a real classy place for dinner." She explained.
"Ah ha. And the fact there were a few people on romantic dates had nothing to do with it?" I asked in a teasing manner.
She shrugged with a smirk on her face, "Maybe."
I grinned as I looked at her in the rearview mirror. "Your mom and I will get there soon, Stormi girl."
I reached over and gently grabbed Kylie's hand, pulled it to my lips, and kissed it. Making her grin.

When we checked into the hotel, went to our suite, and settled in, I went to put Stormi to bed. I sang her a lullaby, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead before saying goodnight, and heading to my and Kylie's room.
"Well, she's asleep." I said with a grin.
"That's good." Kylie smiled. "You know, I've never seen Stormi take to someone as fast or as well as she has with you."
"She's a sweet kid, baby. Your an amazing mom." I told her as I stripped down to my boxers as I felt the jetlag would be overtaking me soon. I slid into bed and Kylie slid closer to me, and I wrapped an arm around her as we fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to a still-sleeping Kylie, I grinned as I kissed her before getting out of bed and dressed into a pair of sweats and a black t-shirt, and sneakers. I walked to Stormi's room to check on her, and found her asleep still, so I left the hotel room and went on a run courtesy of the fact I had to appear on Smackdown tonight and deliver a message or my final thoughts heading into Summerslam.

Upon returning to the hotel, I went directly to the room and found Kylie, and Stormi awake and eating breakfast.
Stormi smiled as I walked into the dining room of the suite. "Morning stranger." Kylie said making her daughter giggle. "Must be hungry after your run?"
"Oh I am." I chuckled as I got a plate of food and sat between Kylie and Stormi, and started eating. Before noon Kylie and me took Stormi out for some shopping and just to look around Atlanta. After lunch, we headed to the arena for Smackdown. The moment we got out of the car, Travis ambushed us, or more specifically, me. He attacked me from behind as we were heading to catering. A couple of his boys held Kylie and Stormi back as he proceeded to kick the shit out of me. Hunter, Braun, Lashley, and a few friends accompanied by some referees and Adam Pierce chased Travis off. I was helped to my feet by Miz. After Travis was escorted from the building. I was taken to the trainer's office and got checked out. The moment I walked out of the trainer's office, Stormi rushed to me and hugged my waist.
"Hey, I'm alright, little one," I said as I rubbed her back gently. "It'll take more than an act of a coward to put me down." Kylie approached me and kissed me.
"You sure your okay?" She asked.
"I am, baby," I replied, reassuring my girl. "I'm going to go out and do something. I want you to go to Seth and Becky's locker room. I'm going to the ring and challenging that sorry excuse of a man to a Crossroads Match at Extreme Rules." I kissed her and bent down and kissed the top of Stormi's head before heading to the ring and I interrupted LA Knight and tossed him into the ropes and locked in the cross-face chicken wing and I didn't let go, when I did everyone in the arena and the back was stunned as I picked up the mic he dropped, "Theory, tomorrow night at Summerslam. That's what's in store for you. That United States Championship belongs to me. And to the coward, Travis Scott, you want to attack me from behind, in front of your daughter. Let's see how brave you really are. At Extreme Rules. In a Crossroads Match. That's if you can pull your head out of your ass long enough to do it. Cause after I'm done with Theory, my focus will be solely on you. You want me to leave Kylie just because you don't like the fact she's moved on to, let's be honest, a better class of gentleman, who listens to her, gets her what she wants, gives her what she needs, and how you are the father of an angel like Stormi. Is beyond me. But don't worry. I'm taking good care of them, since you won't. I don't really like taking a fellow superstars tag line or saying. But. TICK! TOCK!" I picked up LA Knight and performed six Devils Deal in succession and tossed him out of the ring near the announce table cleared it off and set LA Knight for Original Sin and drove him through the table. I then made my way to the back. I went to Rollins and Lynch's locker room and found Kylie and Stormi enjoying themselves. Stormi playing with Rollins and Lynch talking with Kylie.
"Hey, babe." Kylie smiled.
"Hey." I grinned as I approached her and kissed her. "Looks like Stormi's enjoying herself hanging out with Seth. And how are you two getting along?"
"Pretty good, Dan. She's fun to talk to, and is a pleasure to be around." Becky grinned.
"Good to hear. Well, let's get going girls." I said as Stormi hugged Seth before running to me as I picked her up in my arms and Kylie hugged Becky before we left the arena for the hotel.

Once we got there we all got changed into some sleepwear, sat on couch cushions on the floor, ordered some room service, and watched a few movies.

After the last movie ended, we looked and found Stormi asleep, laying against my chest, "I'll take her to bed." I grinned as I picked up Stormi in my arms, took her to her bedroom, laid her in bed, tucked her in, and kissed her forehead before leaving the room and turning off the light. "She's a sweet kid."
"I know. And the fact she clicks with you. Just makes me so happy." Kylie giggled as I sat next to her, "She absolutely loves you. And I can't say I blame her."
"Thanks, honey." I laid on the cushions and she cuddled close to me as I kissed her before falling asleep.

The next morning, we woke up early to pack our bags, straightened out the living room, checked out of the hotel, and made our way to Nashville for Summerslam. We just went directly to the arena. Stormi grinned as Becky came and got her to hang out with her, Carmella, Alexa, Raquel, Bayley, and Maryse. I got ready for my match which was scheduled towards the end of the night. Every match was a real barn burner. Moments before my match, Kylie was by my side as we walked to catering and saw Stormi talking, laughing, and playing with the girls. I grinned as I walked over and she smiled at me, "Having fun with girls, sweetie?"
"Yes. I am." Stormi replied.
"Can I have a hug for good luck?" I asked and she sat on Becky's lap as she hugged me.
"Good luck." She grinned as she kissed my cheek.
"Thanks, darling." I replied as she went back to chatting with her new friends, while I walked to the interview area where Kathy Kelley was waiting.
"I'm here with Daniel 'The Devil' Boyce." I came into frame. "Daniel, tonight you go against Theory for the United States Championship. Any thoughts going in."
"It's curious as to how much Theory's been saying that he's the greatest champion of all time. Whoever he can brag to. He tells them. But little Theory should keep his mouth shut. There have been better, greater, more legendary champions. Sting, Tully Blanchard, Vader, Cactus Jack, Dusty Rhodes, the list goes on. Even I'm a better United States Champion than him. And tonight. I bring that Championship home, I bring some class and dignity back to the United States Championship." I walked away and went to the gorilla with Kylie. We saw Theory in the ring waiting for my music to hit. "Well, the time has come."
"Your gonna win, babe. And tomorrow for your birthday, I have a very big surprise for you. But you'll have to wait until we get back home to see what it is." She grinned as she bit her lip as she kissed me. "Go get that gold babe."
"As you wish, my Kylie." I chuckled as I kissed her neck and when my music hit, I headed to the ring, and when I entered the ring, and the introductions were made, Theory and I went at each other like wild dogs. Hitting our most powerful tosses and holds right out of the gate.

30 minutes into the match...
We were both tired, and had collided with a double lariat which was why we were on the mat. I was crawling to the ropes and pulled myself to my feet as Theory slowly rose to his feet. I set him up for The Devils Deal, and performed three of them in a row. Then went for the cover and got the three count, making me the new United States Champion. I clutched the championship and left the ring, once I reached the stage and hoisted the title over my head and smiled before heading to the back.

Once the trainer checked me out and didn't find anything broken or torn, I left his office and went to my locker room, changed, and headed to catering with my arena bag, my new United States Championship, and sat with Kylie and we watched Stormi interact with the women of Raw and Smackdown. Stormi grinned as she played peekaboo with Roux.
"She looks so cute, playing with little Roux." I said.
"Very true." Kylie giggled as she slid into my lap and wrapped an arm around my neck. "By the way, babe. Why didn't we go to a hotel?"
"I thought we could catch a flight home so we could celebrate my birthday in our own home." I replied.
"Sounds perfect." She grinned.
"We'll leave after Summerslam's over." I suggested.
Once Summerslam went off the air, we collected Stormi and headed to the airport to catch a flight home to Los Angeles.

We arrived home early the following morning, we got our bags from the overhead bin and at baggage claim, the moment we left the airport, we were met by Kris, "Hey mom." Kylie said as she kissed her mom's cheek.
"Hey, sweetie. Looks like the match went well." She grinned noticing Stormi clutching my United States Championship tightly in her arms as she slept.
"Yeah. She's made a lot of friends and is very popular with the women's divisions of Raw and Smackdown." I said putting Stormi in the back seat as Kylie and Kris put our bags in the back. I got in the other side of Stormi and buckled up, only to fall asleep after. Kylie sat in the passenger seat as Kris drove.
"You know, I heard through the grapevine that Daniel challenged Travis to a match?" Kris asked.
"Yeah. It'll be a Crossroads Match at Extreme Rules after Clash At The Castle. I think I might join Dan if he goes to Cardiff, Wales for Clash." Kylie smiled seeing Stormi and I asleep in the back. Then changed the subject. "So, is everything ready for Daniel's birthday party?"
"Yes. Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kendall arranged everything." Kris smiled.
"Good, I want everything perfect for my Champion Devil." She smirked as she looked back at me.
"I hope you don't mind me telling you. Judging from the way Stormi has latched onto him and how much he makes you happy. I think he's good for you and Stormi. So when he asks you to marry him? Do it." Kris grinned.
"You sure mom? I thought you hated the idea of having a professional wrestler be part of our family?" Kylie asked.
"I know how much Travis hurt you, and I know that being with Daniel makes you and Stormi enormously happy. So I'm not going to stop you if you want to be with him. I'm happy for you." She patted Kylie's knee. "Your sisters are happy for you too."
"Thanks, mom." Kylie said.
A moment or two later my phone went off with the roar of the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. I woke up and quickly answered it, "Hello? Oh, hey, ma." I grinned. "You'll be in town for my birthday? Yeah, yeah, sure ma. I'll pick you up personally. I might bring along a future step-granddaughter." I chuckled looking to a sleeping Stormi next to me. "Yeah, alright ma. Love you too. Bye." I hung up and grinned.
"Who was that, babe?" Kylie asked me.
"That was my adopted mother. She'll be in town for my birthday. She's already on her way. Should be here at ten in the morning, so later this morning, I'll be taking little Stormi to pick ma up from the airport. Which I'm sure she'll love." I replied.
"I think so too." Kylie said.

When we arrived home, Kylie gently took Stormi inside with my United States Championship still clutched in her arms and I carried our bags inside. Kylie smiled as she put Stormi in her bed, tucked her in, kissed her forehead before leaving the room, and joined me in our room as Kris drove home after I got the last of the bags inside. We immediately went to bed and fell asleep.

A few hours later, Stormi was getting ready to meet my adopted mother, I, as always dressed to impress. One thing ma always taught me, was that you always look your best. Even in casual clothes. Kylie smiled as she hugged both of us, "Okay, babe. Meet me at Kim's for your birthday party."
"You got it, baby." I replied.
"Be good for Uncle Daniel." Kylie reminded her.
"I will mommy." Stormi replied happily.
"Ready?" I asked her. Stormi nodded as we headed to the airport via my 2021 Dodge Challenger.

When we arrived at the airport we got out and sat on the hood. The moment ma came into view, "There's Grandma Catherine." I said as Stormi ran up to her.
After she picked up little Stormi. I approached her and hugged and kissed her cheek, "I see you met Stormi." I chuckled.
"Yes, she's a sweet girl. Happy 33rd birthday my boy." She smiled.
I put her bags in the trunk, and we loaded up the Challenger and drove her to Kylie and I's home, dropped off her bags inside the front door then drove to Kim's place. Stormi was enjoying her quality time with Grandma Catherine. When we arrived the Challenger was mobbed by Khloe, Kourtney, and Kim's little ones. I smiled as I slowly got out of the car and closed the door. "Hey, guys. Let's let Grandma Catherine out of the car, please." The kids backed up as Catherine and Stormi got out of the car, and we headed inside. Kylie smiled seeing Stormi leading ma into Kim's place.
"Mommy, look who's here." Stormi smiled.
Kylie stood up and approached Catherine, "Your my Dani's adopted mother?" Kylie asked.
"Yes. I met him in New York City close to six years ago. I was a little tipsy, coming out of the Emmy's after-party. He escorted me to a cab, got us to the hotel, and didn't leave my side the entire night." Catherine said with a grin.
"I'm guessing Dani was out for a walk?" Kylie asked.
"Yeah, Daniel lost his mom due to a plane crash." She said remembering every detail. "He told me the story many times." She said as she and the girls watched me wrestle around with the kids."I've never seen Dan as happy as you make him, Kylie."
"We make each other happy," Kylie said. "Stormi's crazy about him and she absolutely adores him. Ask my sisters, they haven't seen her take to anyone as fast as she has with Daniel." Stormi went to join her cousins in wrestling me to the floor.
"I'm so very proud of him. Going back to WWE, becoming United States Champion again. This leads me to ask, are you interested in having a family with my boy?" Catherine asked.
"I most definitely am." Kylie smiled.
"Have you spoken to him about it?" Catherine asked.
"Not at length." Kylie admitted.
Catherine smiled, "Maybe have Stormi stay over with Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, or Kendall. And maybe after you give Daniel his birthday present or presents." She smirked, "You should bring it up with him."
Kylie looked at me as North, Psalm, Stormi, and the other kids mobbed me, as I was laughing and smiling as they had fun overwhelming me. "I will."
"Good. And if you want. I can take Stormi for tonight." Catherine said.
"I'd appreciate it." Kylie replied.
"Alright." Catherine smiled.

Pretty soon, we had my birthday dinner, pasta puttanesca, eight layer lasagna, chicken parmesan, etc. I looked around the table and smiled. Mom was here, my girlfriend, her family, and her daughter. I couldn't believe how lucky I had been or become.
After dinner, Kylie stood up and gently tapped the glass with a fork, "Before Kendall and Kourtney bring out the cake. I wanted to toast the birthday boy." She smiled as she looked at me. "When I met you at Money In The Bank. I had no idea that I would find love after Travis. But when I saw you. But you were so handsome, polite, charming, and caring. I thought gentlemen like you were extinct. But our first night out for drinks in Vegas. I'm quite convinced, that I have the last true gentleman as my boyfriend. But the one thing that convinced me that you are the perfect guy for me. Was when I introduced you to my daughter, Stormi. She immediately liked you. And the fact you make her and me happy every day. Makes me proud to call you my boyfriend. My Devil." Kylie smiled. "To Daniel."
"To Daniel." Her sisters, mother and Catherine said.
"Thanks, guys." I grinned as the lights went out and everyone including Stormi, and her cousins sang the birthday song to me. The cake was a devil's food cake with a graphic of me sitting on the throne of hell with Stormi and Kylie standing on either side of me. "Very cute ladies." I chuckled as I blew out the candles and the lights went on a second or two later.

After the cake, I opened the gifts. Kim's kids got me a replica of the Intercontinental Championship, which I found extremely cute. Khloe's kids all gave me a drawing or a story by them. Kourtney's kids sang a rather adorable version of 'Shot In The Dark' by Ozzy Osborne. Kris filmed it as it was happening. I was so overwhelmed by what they did just for my birthday. I nearly broke down in absolute joy. Stormi gave me a very special t-shirt. 'The Devil's My Dad.' It said on the front. On the back, it said, 'And My Mom's His Queen'.
"Are you trying to tell me something, Stormi?" I asked.
"I want you to be my dad." She replied as she hugged me.
"Ohh, thank you, sweetie." I  hugged her back.
Mom and Kylie exchanged looks.

After the party, Kylie and I went home, and Catherine took Stormi to her hotel for the night, and Stormi was excited to spend the night with Grandma Catherine.

When Kylie and I arrived home, I packed every gift into the house and put them in my office. But I was excited to see what Kylie had in store for me. I walked into the bedroom and found Kylie in the bathroom changing into the lingerie Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, and Kendall bought her for a wild and sexy after party. I stripped down to nothing and sat on the edge of the bed as I waited for her to come out of the bathroom. It didn't take her long as she opened the door, and turned off the light. My jaw hit the floor, she looked good enough to eat, she was wearing a midnight blue lingerie set. She grinned as she walked up to me and straddled my lap.
"How do I look, baby?" She asked as she ground her hips into mine.
"Deliciously intoxicating, honey." I replied.
"Good, that's what I was aiming for." She giggled as she kissed me, which kicked off a passionate makeout session that bled into a heated, unbridled, and savage five to six hour round.

When it was all said and done, Kylie and I were smiling from ear to ear, our bodies caked in sweat, and I looked at Kylie, and she looked at me. "Fuck, now that was a wild end to a birthday." I grinned as I kissed her forehead.
"Well, I want to talk to you about something." Kylie said as she sat up as did I. "I want to know if you want to start a family with me, give Stormi a brother or sister."
"Of course I do. I was actually going to ask you the same thing after Extreme Rules. But I didn't know if you would want to start a family with someone you met barely a few weeks ago." Kylie grinned at my concerns.
"Well, like you, I'd love to. And the fact you didn't want to rush into things like starting a family says a lot about your character. And it makes me love you all the more. I know that you'll never hurt me or Stormi or disappoint us. And you'll be an incredible father to our kids when we do have them. Because your so good to Stormi. And when we decide to take the final step in our relationship. Stormi and I will be the luckiest girls on earth." She kissed me passionately. "Happy birthday, babe. I love you."
"Thank you, honey, and I love you too." I smiled as we both fell asleep.

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