5th Tag

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I got tagged again & this time by 3 people in a row !! They are 123Eleen , Munmun_May & _ElmariaJin_ . Woah !! Thanks guys !!

1. My full name is Kyoto Kumkum. ( My Wattpad name )

2. Yep ! I've got a lot of hobbies . They are reading books , watching animes & listening to songs . They are my most favourite hobbies!! Love 'em !!

3. Is it a question? I love soooooo maaannnyyyy sooonnngggssss !! The hardest & stupidest question ever !! I love all the songs of Taylor Swift, One Direction & Why Don't We. There are more too but the list will only keep going on & on & on.


5. * sigh * I never remember what I dream at night ! * sighs again * Anyways my dream is to go to Japan & have a world tour !!! I wanna explore !!

6. Nope . Not at all !!

7. I have so many friends. I can't count it ! I've got friends in real life & also in Wattpad!! Thank you so much my friends for being my friend ^_^

8. Nope .

9. Idk ! Only love reading novels .

10. I'm from Milkyway Galaxy .

11. I used to when I was kid . There wasn't even a single day when I didn't make my school dress full of muds ! So my mother was always pissed of because of it !! But I haven't really played any games or sports in last 2 years . But thanks to my bunny friend  14moon05 for taking me to the play ground a lot of times last year . So I love playing whatever she wants me to play whenever she wants !

12. I guess I am . Aren't I ? 🤔🤔

13. I am not at sale like @_ElmariaJin_  !! Money isn't worthy of me !!

14. Yess ! Taylor Swift, One Direction & Why Don't We !! Can't decide one !! I also love Rabindra Sangeet .

15. Yepp . I have . A big sissy Munmun_May & a lil brother .

16. I guess I can draw lines & make shapes!!

17. Depends on my teachers .

18. I've crush on soooooo manyyyy fictional charactersss !!!

19. Single .

20. I wanna take all WDW boys at my home !! Tsktsktsktsk !! Won't spare any of em !!

Now tagging.

Tbh , it took me 2 hours to finish this simple little tag !! I was talking with so many friends while writing it !!😏😏😏

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