chapter 1

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Kyro wailed as a wolf carried him away he wanted his milk giver. Kyro suddenly felt and cold chill brush his underbelly and he stopped wailing. Why was he being taken away? he didn't know all he knew was that he wanted to go back. suddenly the grip on his neck was released and he was all alone again. the world was a dark place Kyro decided. he tried to open his eyes when finally they opened he was alone  in the snow. Kyro looked around cautiously and he saw there was nowhere he wanted to go. Kyro tucked his tail in and dug into the snow a little bit then curled up. he fell asleep frightened of this place. He woke up and poked his head out of his fur. he realized how cold he was and shivered Should he try and stand up? He pressed on his front paws and heard a small crack and began wailing then he rolled down from the mound of snow he was on. He decided it was a bad idea to try and stand up he closed his eyes and shivered alone in the snow. Well Kyro was in the snow Two Coyotes came along the first coyote tripped over Kyro shivering. "oh what do we have here?" the first coyote said. it picked up Kyro by the scruff. the second coyote said " Dinner now let me have it!" it snapped at Kyro. the first coyote swivelled so he missed biting Kyro. he barked at the first coyote " what was that for?" the the first coyote responded " I want to keep him!" the second coyote barked his laughter " why would you want to keep such a deformed thing no wonder the wolves didn't want him!" The first coyote felt hurt " Aren't you supposed to be my friend please! I'll get some food for you after!" the second coyote rolled his eyes and breathed out heavily " FINE YOU CAN KEEP HIM!" The first coyote sqealed and ran off the second coyote ran after the first one.

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