I won't bite, love

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Name: Wesley Matthew Anderson 

Nickname: Wes

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual (he will flirt with everyone- and I mean EVERYONE)

Species: Human


Personality: Wes is a massive flirt. He loves to tease others. He always tries to get anyone to fall for him, just to see if he can. Wes has a laidback and wisecracking personality. He rarely gets truly angry and always goes with the flow. He uses his wit and charm to weasel his way out of bad situations. He never really cares about anything, just going through life with little ambition. He jumps headfirst into everything, never thinking it through. Wes is charismatic. He's highly intelligent and calculating, but he doesn't usually show that. He can never sit still. He has trouble expressing his emotions, preferring to crack jokes and defend himself with humor. Wes is very dramatic. He's a little competitive and is a huge sore loser. However, he is good-hearted and always tries his hardest to help others. He's extremely loyal, but that can make him too stubborn

- flirting
- joking around
- doing what he wants
- having fun
- video games
- sweet foods
- music
- his guitar
- children

- country music
- mornings
- strawberries
- being forced to do something he doesn't want to
- being alone
- cats

- partying
- cooking
- playing music on his guitar

- loyal
- intelligent
- witty
- quick on his toes

- no ambition
- impulsive
- always says the wrong thing at the wrong time
- competitive

- biting his lip when he's thinking

Backstory: Wes grew up in a small town all his life, with his parents. His father was very controlling over Wes. He was an only child, so he spent his childhood alone. He always felt lonely, even though he was surrounded by friends. He moved out into the city when he was older for college, studying to go into business because his father forced him into it. Wes doesn't want to be a marketer, he wants to go into the music industry, but he's too afraid to confront his father.

Mother - Hannah Anderson (alive)
Father - James Anderson (alive)

Other: Wes wishes he had a brother or sister.


Scenario 1
You're a college student who's very ambitious, always studying to get good grades. Your friend drags to this party, and you don't want to be there. As your drinking alone, a boy slides up to you in the darkness, a smile on his face. "What's a person like you doing here all alone at one of the biggest parties of the year?" He asks.

Scenario 2
You've been childhood friends with Wes for as long as you can remember. You've crushed on him secretly for years, and it hurt you to see how Wes was always so oblivious, flirting with other girls and guys. You were walking home when you got a text from one of Wes's friends.
'Hey, can you come pick Wes up? He's had a little too much to drink...'

Scenario 3
Make it up!

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