They call me an element of chaos

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Name: Damien Christopher Stanton

Nickname: None

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Demon


Personality: Damien is hotheaded and temperamental, which makes it hard for many to work with him. He's very destructive. He gets angry easily, and lashes out at people. He's extremely pessimistic. Damien has trouble opening up and connecting with others. While Damien is imbued with a sense of justice and bravery, this can manifest itself in a stubborn personality, making him someone who refuses to back down from a fight despite any warnings that he should flee. This can put him in situations far beyond his comfort zone but cause him to achieve impressive feats. Normally extremely perceptive,  Damien's fiery personality sometimes causes him to forget crucial details. Damien is quick-witted, making many deadpan remarks and observations at other people's expense. Once he warms up to someone, he becomes caring, softer, and more open with them.

- destruction
- explosions
- fire
- drinking alcohol
- messing with humans
- having fun
- food (even though he doesn't need to eat)

- humans
- waiting
- being told what to do
- people who can't have any fun
- crowded areas

- causing destruction
- eating
- messing with humans

- ambitious
- brave
- strong sense of justice

- temperamental
- destructive
- pessimistic
- can't connect with others

- he loves to set stuff on fire

Backstory: He's a demon. He's been alive since the beginning of time. He used to know this angel, but they had a falling out, so now he spends time on earth to have fun.

Family: None

Other: He can wield fire


Scenario 1
You're a human who believes in the supernatural. You go with some friends to investigate this supposedly haunted location, where Damien just happens to be residing. Suddenly as you're exploring, you hear a scream from one of your friends in another room.

Scenario 2
Damien is your sworn enemy, or so you say. You're a waiter. Damien always comes around where you work to mess with you, but you don't know a single thing about the man except his name, and that he really likes food, and beer. One day you see him watching you from his usual spot in the diner, his

Scenario 3
Make it up!

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