le fantôme

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When I look at myself—I mean, really look at myself—I am not sure what I feel. Je ne suis pas heureux, pas satisfait, avec les yeux fatigués qui me fixent. But I'm not unhappy with them. I'm not dissatisfied. I think, perhaps, that I'm saddened by them, or even angry with them. Et je pense que c'est peut-être parce que je sais qu'ils ne devraient pas être fatigués. They should be alive and bright and ready for the world. The eyes that watch and criticize me from the other side of the mirror should not be weathered and dull. They've no reason to be—I'm still young and dumb, je n'ai pas vécu. I haven't made mistakes. I haven't been hurt. I haven't gotten my dream job. I haven't loved anyone. I haven't lost anyone. I haven't made a difference. Je n'ai pas encore fait mon nom - Le monde ne sait pas encore qui je suis. I haven't even started yet.

So why is it, when I look in the mirror, do I already see a ghost of someone gone and forgotten?

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