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I am so relieved to have finally found a new journal! Mon last journal was lost somewhere... I do not even remember.

Oh! I need to remember my old tradition, silly moi. Write about how my day was, oui!

I explored the streets of my beautiful and so lovely city of Paris today, seeing how love is alive and in the air. Je t'aime, Paris ! My people are always so in passion whenever I explore these streets.

Sometimes, it almost relieves me of my horrible stress from those other countries! Oui, I can imagine a relaxing break now. Just me, mon amour, a glass of wine, and the night stars dancing above us is all I would need.

A random proverb came to mind. One of my people once told me it, "L'habit ne fait pas le moine ."

It is a weird proverb once I heard it, since it meant roughly that 'the clothes the monk wears are not the monk.'

I was told that it means, you cannot judge something by its appearance! I love it so much and agree. Personalities are the main part of what makes a person so lovely, even though everyone is already so beautiful!

Maybe someday they will all learn how beautiful each and every one of them truly are, inside and out.
Bientôt j'espère!

Beaucoup d'amour,
Francis Bonnefoy.

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