My Tall Italian (Carisi)

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Dedicated to @Sara_Singer



As I walked into the Special Victims Unit, I received strange looks from most of my coworkers, which was understandable as I had been gone for almost a year on a sting operation to take down one of New York's most dangerous and ferocious pimps.
   But that wasn't important, what was important was getting to Carisi so I could surprise him with my arrival.
   Carisi was my best friend in the whole wide world and over the course of the sting operation, I had realized that I missed him way more than I should have (to the point where I almost quit my mission) and actually considered the idea that I loved him, and that idea made too much sense to not be true.
   Anyways, when I reached about five feet from said man's desk, I saw he was sitting down and staring the opposite direction. Great, I thought.
   I walked over to Carisi and covered his eyes with my hands.
   "Guess who?" I asked, lamely.
   "Oh, I love guessing games!" he said with fake excitement. "Is it Fin?"
   "Nope, not Fin," I answered, giggling.
   "Um, let's see, how about Rollins?" he questioned.
   "Nope," I said, popping the "p."
   "Hmm, what about Sara?" he turned and stood at that and gave me a bone-crushing hug.
   "You guessed it," I answered.
   "I missed you," he whispered.
   "I missed you, too," I whispered back.
   "Oh, get a room you two!" Rollins laughed as she walked by.
   "Shush, you! I have to see you and Dodds do this every freaking hour, you can deal with it just this once!" Carisi shouted at her retreating figure.
   He finally pulled away from the hug and invited me to meet him for dinner at a fancy restaurant and, of course, I accepted the invitation.
   I left after reporting to Liv and saying a quick "hello" to everyone I liked. (I originally wrote limed, she limed them.)
   I walked out of the building and to my apartment without any incidents to report - after being in a situation where constantly being on edge and looking over your shoulder is normal, it becomes a hard habit to break.
   Once inside my new apartment, I went to my bedroom to see all the unpacked boxes I had laying around. Still have to do that, eh, it can wait, I thought.
   I rifled through the boxes to find a nice enough dress to wear to a dinner with the guy I liked yet sexy enough that he might think I look good. It took me a good part of an hour to find the box that actually held my dresses and then I had to find the perfect one to wear. Overall, I spent an hour and twenty-ish minutes to find a dress and another hour to get ready to go on the actual date. But dammit if I didn't look nice!
   I left the house for the restaurant at seven and got there right on time.
   When I walked in the first thing I noticed was Sonny Carisi sitting very uncomfortable at a table for two in a dapper looking suit.
   "Hey, Sonny. You been waiting long?" I asked as I sat down in the seat across from him.
   After he didn't answer for a full minute and just sat there staring at me I snapped my fingers in his face to get his attention and asked my question again when he broke out of his trance. It seems the dress was doing its job exactly as I had planned.
   "Hm? Oh! Um, no, no, I haven't been waiting too long," he finally replied.
   "Good," I smiled.
   We made light chatter until we got our food we had ordered earlier. I told him about the lighter side of my undercover mission, leaving the heavy stuff out for now, when we had finished our food.
   "You really did that?" he laughed.
   "Yep, I bitch-slapped a pimp just last week," I amswered.
   "God, this is why I love you," he said.
   As soon as those words had left his mouth, both our faces paled.
   "I-I mean-" he started.
   "Do you mean it?" I quickly interrupted.
   He looked anywhere but my eyes as he said, "I do."
   I paused for a moment to take everything in. My crush, the guy I love, actually loves me back. Holy crap! Yes! Finally!
   "Sara? Are you gonna say anything?" Sonny asked, sounding terrified.
   "I love you, too, Sonny," I said. "I love you, too!"
   He smiled brighter than the sun and put his hand in mine.
   The rest of the night was filled with laughter, funny stories, and an "I love you" every once in a while.

Heyyo! Bear_Blankets here back at it again with the one shots.
Hope you enjoyed this one!
Oh! I just want to remind you that it would help my wife immensely if you'd put any request you have, big or small, in her personal messages and not in the comments (although comments are appreciated). Please help her out! This is the 70th chapter and she can't scour every chapter's comments for a request! Please and thank you!
That's all from me! Bye!

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