Pampering (Amaro)

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Dedicated to @Son_Gorin


Warnings: cursing, violence, light smut, fluff


"Are you willing to do it?" my boss asked me, "You are his type."
"I'll do it."
"You sure?" my husband asked, worried for my safety.
"Nick," I grinned, "I'll be fine. I can perfectly handle myself."
"I'm just worried he will not be able to handle himself. You could be seriously injured."
"We just need a confession. I'm sure he would confess if I put a little bit of a strain on him."
"Okay well be safe baby."
   I simply smiled at him before opening the door to the interrogation room. I put on my poker face and sat down in front of the vicious man responsible for more than forty deaths of working girls. He stared at me coldly. His hand tapped a soft beat on the middle of the table.
He spoke,"Did you know that The Hemlock Water plant is a poisonous plant that leaves the victim with a smile on their face when they die?"
"No, I did not know that, Mr. Harper."
"Please doll," he smiled, "Call me James."
" did we get here?"
He furrowed his brow, "What do you mean? You are the one who arrested me sugartits!"
I stood up out of my chair and got right in his face, "Call me that again bastard."
He stood up hunched over because his hands were cuffed to the table, "You arrested me...sugar...tits!"
I slapped him across the face, "You listen to me you little bitch-"
Harper suddenly escaped from his hand cuffs. I saw his wrists, and they were all bloody and raw. My heart was racing; I put my hands up. He chased me around the room before lifting up the chair he was sitting in.
"I'm going to slaughter you!" he yelled before swinging the chair at my head.
I tried ducking and I was able to successfully avoid most of the blow, but I was still hit in the side of my head. I fell to the ground. Moving out of the way and dodging was completely out of the question. The room was becoming dizzy, and I felt extremely nauseous.

Nick's P.O.V.

I busted open the door and nearly choked out Harper! I kept punching his gut and he was coughing up blood. Blood also starting gushing from his nose. My wife could possibly be dead because of this bastard! I slammed him down on the table and lifted it back up.
"Rot in hell!" I screamed and slammed his head down again.
   I felt Finn pull me off of Harper. He slammed me against the wall and started shouting in my face about how I should not have lost my temper and how he would report me if I even spoke another word. I did not care about his empty threats. The thing I really cared about what making sure my wife was okay.
   I escaped Finn's grasp and fell to the ground where she lay motionless. I first checked the spot where she was hit to make sure it was not bleeding on the outside. Luckily it was not, but that didn't mean that the bleeding could not be on the inside. I then checked her pulse and breathing; they were as they should have been for someone in her state.
   Medics rushed in to take my wife and Harper to the hospital. I watched as they carried her body away. Finn picked me off the ground and led me out of the room. Liv looked at me with a pitying and apologetic look.
"Save it," I simply said to her.
Finn gave me a dirty look, "It's not Liv's fault. Don't you dare say anything like that."
I smacked his hand off of me, "But isn't it though? She is the one who sent her in there knowing fully what he was capable of."
"I'm going to go check on her since I seem to be the only one who cares for her deeply!" I ran away before anyone could reply to what I had said.

Y/N's P.O.V.

My vision came back to me, but it was slightly blurry, after some time it came back to me, "W-Where am I?"
"You are awake," said an unfamiliar voice, "How are you feeling?"
"I've got a huge headache, but other than that I feel okay. Where am I though?"
"You are here at a hospital. You suffered a mild concussion; there is no internal bleeding or any serious injuries. You just need to get some rest and do not strain yourself! My name is Jenny by the way. I'm going to leave you for a few minutes, however I will be right back," she smiled as she left the cold room.
A minute or two later I heard a very familiar voice coming closer to my room, "So there's no serious injuries? Just a concussion?"
"Yes. One of my nurses told me she was awake and responding. Here is her room coming up on the right."
   My tall, handsome husband walked in and his eyes looked puffy as if he had been crying. I opened my arms so he could come over and hug me. He nearly tripped over his own feet as he ran over to my bed. He kissed my lips and hugged me tightly.
"Nick. I'm okay baby."
"I'll leave you two alone," the doctor smiled, "Just be careful."
We both laughed.
"I thought I had lost you baby," Nick kissed my forehead gently, "I nearly killed Harper. If Finn hadn't of stopped me, I really would have. The thought of morning kisses, wit-filled humor, and genius smarts being gone was devastating to me. I have never loved so deeply before. For all that love to be taken away in the blink of an eye is the most horrific thought I have had my whole life. I love you so much, and I don't know what my life would be like without you. Who would I hold? Who would I turn to in my darkest time? Who would I care for and love with all my heart?"
"Nick...I really am fine. Thank you for saying that. I feel the exact same way about you. You get yourself into all the dangerous situations just so I won't have to. Now you know how I feel. I love you, and I would not want anyone else's arms wrapped around me in the middle of the night."
"I will stop doing that if you promise me that I will take you home and pamper you after you're allowed to leave. I know you do not like being treated like a sick child, but I want to make sure my love is cared for properly."
"Okay. Fine...I suppose so..." I rolled my eyes.

-A week later-

"Finally!" I shouted as I entered our house, "I am home!"
   Nick shut the door behind us and locked it. He came up behind me and swept me off my feet. Carrying me bridal style, he led me into the bed room and gently kicked the door close once we were inside. My body was laid carefully on the bed.
"You have no idea how badly I have been wanting to have you all to myself these past few days," Nick growled in my ear, "I am going to make you scream my name."
"What happened to all the pampering you were going to do?" I teased him.
   He kissed my lips and tugged on them. My shirt was lifted over my head and my bra unhooked. My underwear and pants were the next to go. I was completely naked while Nick was still fully dressed. He moved towards the end of the bed.
He looked at me with lust-filled eyes, "I never said what kind of pampering, now did I?"

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