Pornstache Part 2 (Carisi)

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"Well since it's 6:30 and the grand opening isn't for another hour, let's go to the park!" I suggested.

"That sounds like a great idea," Sonny wrapped his arm around my waist.

So we walked to the park, which wasn't very far away. We didn't say a whole lot other than "Isn't it cool out?" or "You look good.".

I could hear the crickets in the park chirping. Some of the street lights had been blown out and other were dim. The mood was actually very romantic.

We found a bench near the duck pond in the center of the park.

"You want to feed the ducks?" Sonny asked as he pushed my brown hair back.

"Why not? This is America! The land where we shoot our shotguns and blow shit up!" I cheered.

Sonny laughed, "Well then, I'll sit here and protect you."

"How is sitting down going to protect me?" I put my hand on my hip and stood up.

"I can see who coming," he snapped his fingers in a Z pattern.

I busted out laughing, "I love it when you're sassy."

"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say next!" he stared at me.

"What?" an evil smile crept on my face, "Oh! Your nickname? Detective McSassy Pants? I don't see what's so embarrassing!"

"Gabrielle, I love you, but I don't want to hurt you," he said while getting up.

I started to get frightened. Would he hurt me? Like for real hurt me?

He crept closer and closer to me with him arms forward. I could see a grin on his face in the moonlight.

"Don't you dare! It's too cold!" I shouted, "We have to go to the new Italian place remember?"

Suddenly he ran forward and pushed me into the pond. I knew how to swim, but Sonny didn't know that.

"Y-you idiot!" I stuttered, "I-I'll dr-drown!"

He eyes nearly popped out of his head. He quickly dove in and swam over to me. I let my body fall under the water, which wasn't hard to do because I was wearing a heavy coat.

I soon felt arms pull on me. I lifted my head above the water to get some fresh air, and then I dove back down again.

This better be good because this water doesn't taste good at all!

The crisp cool air hit my face. I started to shiver.

Sonny was freaking out, "Can you hear me? I'm so sorry! I didn't know that you didn't know how to swim! I thought I killed you! Are you-"

I cut him off with a kiss. I grabbed the back of his head and put hand around my neck.

I broke off the kiss, "I could totally swim."

He sighed heavily, "I can not-"

"I love you," I said.

He picked me up, and carried me out of the park bridal style, "I love you too. Do you want to go home real quick to change?"

"I don't even want to go to the Italian place," I felt him mustache, "How do you feel about that?"

"I'm fine with that," he said.

He carried me all the way to the apartment. We were completely silent. The only thing I was doing was playing with Sonny's mustache.

He put me down to open up the door. Sonny picked me back up and set me back down when he had to open the bedroom door.

"M'lady," he smirked.

"Why thank you," I gave him a quick cheek kiss.

He took off my jacket, "Why stop at the door? Let me help you with-"

"You have wet clothes to take off too," I teased him, "I'll go into the bathroom."

I made a mad dash to our bathroom.

I could hear Sonny taking off his clothes. After I heard nothing but silence, I opened the door.

Sonny was standing there smiling down at me, "You thought you could escape."

"That sounds so creepy," I pushed past him.

"You know it was meant to be a joke," he followed me to my side of the room.

"For an SVU detective you're a bit too much of a pervert," I joked.

He became serious, "Are you uncomfortable?"

"No!" I exclaimed, "It's just that you can come off a bit strong sometimes."

"Okay, well, we need to discuss dinner plans," he said.

"Let's just order in," I removed my shoes.

"Goat cheese and sun dried tomatoes?" he grinned.

"Ew, you weirdo, make it half whatever that is and half pepperoni," I put my hair up in a messy bun.

I took off my dress, "Help get the bra off please."

I turned around, "1 Mississippi 2 Mis-"

It was already off, "You're getting better at this!"

"Baby," he said in a cheesy voice, "I was never bad. I'll go order the pizza now. Oh and by the way, why did you touch my mustache all the way here?"

"Because I think it's cute and adorable and it makes me wanna hug you and I get all warm and fuzzy inside when you smile!" I ranted.

"Weird ass," he said while walking away.

I shouted while he walked out of the bedroom,"At least I'm not the one with the pornstache!"


Thank you all for reading part 2 and thank you Kawaii_Esparza for requesting this! I really love Carisi and I thought this was adorable! Anyway, thank you for reading and don't forget to request for more! Behhhh

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