Reunion (Amaro)

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Dedicated to @JessieHarper0


Warnings: none


When I walked into my new precinct I never expected to see the one and only Nick Amaro there. We were the best of friends; it was like we were practically dating. Other classmates asked up questions like "When are you getting together?" or "So how long have you been together?" I wished we were together; I had a major crush that seemed obvious to everyone but him. We both wanted to pursue becoming a police officer, but we were accepted into different academies. Nick and I sadly departed ways, and I never thought I would ever see him again. Now here I was with a dumbstruck look on my face looking at the only man I ever felt anything close to love for.
"Nick?" I was finally able to say something.
He turned around,"Jessie? Are you-"
"The new detective," we said at the same time.
"It's been ages Nicholas."
"You're right Jessica. hello?"
  I set my things down on my new desk and grabbed him. I hugged him tightly and I could hear his fast heartbeat in his chest. I remember so many teenage nights where I would dream of being able to lie next to him hearing that familiar thump thump thump. I heard someone cough behind me.
   It was my new boss Olivia Benson. Most people knew about her from all the work she has done for the Special Victims Unit in Manhattan and all the crazy stuff that happened to her like being kidnapped and accused of murder. She gave off such a towering and daunting presence.
"Hello Lieutenant Benson. I am your new detective Jessica Harper."
"Well hello to you too Harper. You can called me Liv if you would like. Do you and Nick know each other?"
"We were best friends in high school," said Nick.
"Well I'm glad you two are having a celebratory reunion, but we have some work to do!" she turned towards a blonde man, "Carisi, take Harper to go interview Mr. McGinnis in the Bronx. Amanda go see if you can get Ali to talk more. Nick, you are coming with me to go check out this new lead at the morgue."
I started to walk over to the blonde man when Nick grabbed my arm, "After work today we should get some drinks."
"We should?" I smiled.
"Yeah, whole squad."
My heart sank a little, "Yeah...okay..."
-Later on after work-
   I walked into the bar and noticed a hand sticking up and  waving at me. It was Carisi. He chose the place the whole squad would meet up at.  It seemed that I was the third one to arrive at the random city bar. Fin was also there sipping on what I assumed to be beer. I walked over towards them.
"Hey guys. Where are Amanda and Nick?"
Carisi chuckled, "Probably off somewhere pretending they don't feel anything for each other."
"What?" I said.
"Shut it Carisi," Fin rolled his eyes, "Nick and Amanda are not together Harper. They might have a little something going on, but they are not going to end up together. They are too chaotic to be together. Nick has his temper and Amanda has her addiction. It's too cataclysmic..."
"Then what is that?" Carisi pointed toward the opening bar door.
Amanda was practically hanging on Nick's arm. She was giggling and smiling like a teenage girl finally talking to her crush. Nick was smiling back, but he did not seem as into it as her. He saw me and unhooked his arm from hers.
"How are you guys?" he said as he reached our table.
"We are fine. Where were you guys?" I came off colder then I meant to.
"Sorry...we did not mean to. Nick just had a little trouble leaving work. You always do; you are such a dedicated man," Amanda rubbed his arm ever-so-gently.
"T-Thanks Amanda," he shrugged her off, "How was your first day Jessie?"
"It was fine...better than I thought it would be. Carisi is not half bad at playing detective."
"Hey!" Carisi poured before breaking into a small smile.
We all laughed.
As the night continued I could not held, but notice Amanda kept grabbing onto Nick's arm and trying to get his attention away from me. It was clear that she did not like Nick giving me any sort of affection like giving me direct eye contact or holding my hand on the table. She would have to stop because I have known Nick a lot longer than her. I knew his greatest fears and dreams, his thoughts and moral compass, his dedication and love of being the hero. I fell asleep under the stars with him. All she wanted to do is keep him awake the entire night. I wanted him for who he was, but she probably would only get bored and look for something exciting.
"Nick," I was shaking, "Mind if we talk in private outside?"
"Okay...sure..." he set down his drink.
He followed me outside the bar. It was a somewhat chilly night, probably one of the warmest in New York's fall season. I turned around to see his handsome face glowing in the iridescent street lights. He had a gentle expression and held onto my hand.
"You do not know how happy I was to see you again," he grinned.
"I was feeling the same thing...but amplified...Nick I have a confession. I thought I would never see you ever again. When we were accepted into different academies my heart shattered into a million pieces. I could not imagine life without my...excuse my pun...partner in crime. I was never able to say this when I was a young timid teenager. I like you Nick. I always have since day one."
"Jessica...I feel exactly the same! When I saw you walk into the precinct, my heart began beating just as fast as it did when I saw you walk into a class we had together. Let us skip the games...I love you. You know I do. I know you love me too. We have practically been together for four years already if you honestly want to count high school."
"How come we were never able to say this sooner?" I hugged him.
He hugged me back, "I'm not sure but whatever the reason it doesn't matter now. What does is that I have the woman I have always dreamt about in my arms listening to the heartbeat from the heart that belongs to her."

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