Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note

Hahaha! I'm back! (At least I think)



~Claire's P.O.V.~

I coughed quietly as I walked the hallways towards the auditorium where they were holding the entrance ceremony. Of course, with my fantastic luck, I somehow managed to get sick for the first time in many years. At least L and Mr. Yagami didn't notice anything. They had already forced me to wear a dress and just that was tiring enough.


"I am going to go ahead and head to the entrance ceremony." I spoke quietly to Mr. Yagami and L as I began to walk out the door.

"You're not going to wear a dress?" Mr. Yagami questioned me.

"No," I replied as I looked down at my dark baggy jeans and T-shirt. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"It's an entrance ceremony, you're supposed to dress formally." L stated in his bland tone. "There's a dress on your bed, you know?"

Oh, I knew. I just blatantly disregarded it.

"Nope, never saw it." I began walking towards the door again. "Bye."

"Oh no you don't."

"Noooooo, I don't wanna wear a dress!"

Unfortunately, I never made it to the door before I was forced into the stupid dress. I mean, sure, it was simple and all, but I still dislike dresses. What's worse was that they put my hair in pigtails. I'm pretty sure that I'm not some doll to dress up.

*****Flashback End****

So yeah... Here I was in that white dress they made me wear. They literally threatened to not let me come to the ceremony if I didn't wear it. They're just a bunch of meanies if you ask me. I have the feeling that L isn't going to dress up anyways, so he's just a hypocrite.


I looked to my right to see Light come up and sit next to the seat I had just sat in. Stupid dress even made it to where I couldn't sit comfortably.

"Hello Light." I greeted dully.

"Wow," Light smiled. "I never thought that I would get to see the day you actually wear a dress."

"Neither did I." I replied bitterly causing him to chuckle.

"I take it that it wasn't your idea?"

"Obviously not."

"So who managed to actually get it on you?" Light asked.

"My idiot relative." I told him before turning my attention to the front as they started speaking on stage.

The person on stage was quite dull when speaking. So dull, in fact, even I was beginning to zone out, and I have a pretty good attention span. At least when my attention is needed. Hmmm, I wonder when they're going to call up the freshmen representatives. From what I heard, there were to be two others as the freshmen representatives to be going along with me to the stage to make a speech. To tell the truth, I'm just winging it. But, I have a pretty good feeling who the other two representatives are going to be. After all, who else would be able to make perfect scores on the exam?

"And now, our first freshmen representative, Light Yagami." The announcer finally said.

"Yes," Light spoke up before standing up and walking towards the stage.

"Our second, Kuro Rozario,"

"Hello," Was my wonderful response before I, too, stood up and walked towards the stage. I could already hear the whispers filling the room.

"And finally, Hideki Ryuuga," The announcer finished. Of course he would go and choose an alias like that. Hmm, I wonder if he's a closet fan boy or something. *Shiver* Gah, that would be terrible. I already have to deal with Sayu fangirling over that actor guy. It's utterly horrifying.

"Ah, I'm here." L's dull voice rang out as he began to walk towards the stage to join us. And you want to know what else?

He was wearing his regular comfy clothes.....

I officially hate him.

That's right dear stalkers of my life that think I don't know about you. Spread the word. L. IS. A. HYPOCRITE. I mean seriously, he was the one who said you needed to dress formally to an entrance ceremony.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure my eye was twitching in annoyance as I looked at him.

(Author- Ummm O.O)

After that we were told to give our speeches. I didn't really listen to any of them, including my own. Yeah... I pretty much just spouted out some nonsense in my monotone voice. But it couldn't have been that bad. I mean, everybody clapped, and I think there were a few standing ovations. So yeah... Not that bad...

We returned to our seats right after we finished the speeches. Well, actually, L decided to join us this time in the front row. Come to think of it, why did I choose to sit in the front row in the first place? Oh right, I almost forgot. I only sat in the front row because I knew I was going to have to go up on the stage. The less effort, the better. But now I could feel people staring at me with their eyes boring into my soul. Don't they have anything better to do than stare at a short teenage girl that was probably the youngest person in the room. I guess not.

Anyways, L now sat in between Light and myself. Actually, L just stole my seat so I had to sit in the empty chair next to him. Jerk. First he forces me into a dress and he shows up in casual clothes. And now he steals my seat. Oh well, I shall get my revenge. I have a strange feeling, that L will soon be missing a certain favorite dessert of his. Mwahaha. That's right, fear the almighty powerful me.

"... I am L," Wait, what? I feel like I missed something important.

"If that guy's really L, then consider me impressed." The Shinigami cackled. He seems to cackle a lot, doesn't he? I wonder what would happen if I tried to cackle.

Hmmmm..... Well right now, with the cold I have, I'd probably just end up with a coughing fit.

Anywho~, Light was definitely shocked. Though, you wouldn't really be able to tell unless you were really observant. From the looks of it, it would appear he was trying to play it off cool.

"If that's true, then you have nothing but my utter respect and admiration." Light finally spoke after a few moments of silence.

Anybody else find it strange that they're having this conversation where pretty much anybody can overhear them?

(Staz agrees)

"Thank you," L said even though he sounded like he didn't really care. "The reason why I chose to divulge my identity to the both of you is because I believe that you can be of help to us on the task force with the Kira investigation."

Oh, so he was talking to me too? I guess I have to continue with using my acting skills. Man, L's making me use a lot of effort, isn't he?

I could tell Light was confused. And to put my acting skills to use, I raised an eyebrow at him, putting on a façade of confusion. Yeah, raising my eyebrow is how I show my confusion. Light merely shrugged in response as he returned to his confused pondering.

Personally, I actually was a little confused at what was going on. After all, I had been zoned out for most of the conversation. Maybe I can just get L to explain what happened later. Yeah, I'll just do that.

I turned back towards the stage and continued to ignore the world around me for the rest of the ceremony.

I'll deal with whatever L has in store for me later.


1265 words excluding A/N's

...... Sorry?

I know, I know. I haven't updated in forever, and I know this is a bit short. But I hope you enjoyed this little Christmas present. And I want to thank all of you for your supportive comments and votes. Seriously, I never imagined that I would get over 1,000 votes on this story. I remember when I was so happy at just getting over 40 reads. And now, thanks to all of you, I'm almost at 24k reads. I really appreciate every single one of you, even the silent readers. I hope all of you have had a good Christmas. If you don't mind, go ahead and comment something that you got for Christmas. One of the things I got for Christmas was a pair of Bluetooth earbuds. They are awesome. Anyways, Merry Christmas!

Finished at 10:17 PM on December 25, 2016


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