Chapter 20

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Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note

Enjoy ~


3rd P.O.V.

"What is this crap?!" A voice shouted within the Sakura TV studio. "Don't tell me that this your idea of a proposal?! Listen, you people must think that just mentioning Kira's name is enough to get the ratings we need huh?! Well, you're wrong! Our program gets the ratings because we cover the stories that the other stations won't touch! If it bleeds, it leads!"

The man, who was known as Mr. Demigawa, was with a few others within the studio, and the room was filled with smoke. While the rambling man looked angry, the others were just looking like they wished they weren't there.

"What I need is a good freakin' story, not this crap!" He continued yelling. "Now get out there and find me a story!"

"But the police won't talk, sir," One of the other men in the room spoke up nervously. "It's been impossible to get details from them lately."

At this point, Mr. Demigawa finally slammed his fist on the table, effectively startling the others.

"Idiots!" He shouted. "I don't pay you to complain! If they won't give you anything, then get creative!"

A knock resounded throughout the room, stopping the man from yelling any further.

"Mr. Demigawa, sir," A lady stepped into the room. "This is for you."

She gave him the tapes and letter to him as he carelessly through them on the table.

"What is it?" He questioned. "So who is this from? Huh?"

The man grinned to himself as he read through the letter and gave a little laugh.

"Now this is more like it." He chuckled causing the others to lean in in curiosity. "This is what I call a story. It's almost too good to be true! A message to the world from Kira. 'If you do not broadcast these tapes, I will kill your company's board of directors one by one!' Who wouldn't air these?! If this is for real, or ratings will go through the roof! Holy crap, I'm so excited, I feel like I'm having a heart attack here!"


Claire's P.O.V.

"Regarding Naomi Misora's disappearance, shouldn't we open an investigation into this matter?" Matsuda questioned as we all sat about the couches in the hotel room.

"If we do," L started. "It should be coordinated separately from the Kira case. Also, we'll have to use police sketches instead of actual photos."

"We're talking about someone who's been missing for four months already." Aizawa pointed out rather rudely. "Chances are, she's already dead."

"Of you're right about that," L argued back. "I find it odd that we haven't found her body yet. If we did, it might provide us with some much needed physical evidence."

"Ryuzaki," Watari started as he came into the room. "It appears something's happening. On Sakura TV."

I knew I jinxed it! Anything to do with Sakura TV is never any good.

"-In other words, all of the reporters and staff here are Kira's hostages." The TV blared out as the TV was turned on.

Hostages? This can't be Light, can it?

"Aside from that," The reporter continued. "We have a professional obligation to share this message with you. I assure you that this is not a hoax and that Sakura TV is not airing this tape for the purposes of sensationalism."

"Kira's hostages?" Aizawa questioned.

"What is this?" Matsuda continued.

"Four days ago, our program director here at Sakura TV received four tapes." The reporter stated. "After a thorough examination, there can be no doubt that they are from Kira himself."

Curses! Just what is going on right now?

"The first tape we received contained a prediction regarding the death of two suspected criminals who has recently been arrested, and at the exact time Kira had specified, both men died of heart attacks."

"If what they're saying is true, then it's clearly something only Kira can do." L mumbled to the people in the room.

"Unless..." Another Death Note found its way into our world. In this case, it's more of a second Kira than anything.

"Kira has instructed us to air the second tape today at exactly 5:59 PM." This TV station is filled with idiots! "And we do intend to comply with his demands. This tape should offer proof of his powers by predicting yet another death. Beyond that, we understand that it contains a message to all the people of the world from Kira."

"This has to be another fake, don't you think?" Ukita questioned worriedly.

"I doubt it, I'm pretty sure even Sakura TV wouldn't stoop that low." Well... You never really know with them...

"And now, the video."

"I am Kira, if this video was being aired on April 18 at exactly 5:59 PM, as I requested, then the time is now 5:59: 47, 48, 49... Please change the channel to Tayo TV, the news anchor will die at exactly 6:00."

"Change it!" L demanded as everybody else gasped.

As predicted, the news anchor was dead by the time we changed the channel

"It can't be." Matsuda gasped.

"How could he!" Ukita exclaimed.

"Change the channel back." L demanded again. "And I need you to bring us another TV, no, make it two.

My eyes narrowed dramatically as I continued watching. This definitely wasn't Light. This person was just 'punishing' those he deemed against the real Kira.

"-this is punishment." The second Kira continued. "I will present you will another victim. My next target is NHN TV commentator Mr. Seiji Koyazumi who is scheduled to assist in a live broadcast. He too has dared to defy Kira."


"Change it to Channel 24!" L ordered. "... Please change it back."

His voice had grown a bit quieter after seeing another man dead of a heart attack. Unfortunately, I had grown used to things like this a long time ago.

"Now that you've seen proof of my powers, you should have no trouble believing that I am Kira,"

"Gah! So this broadcast-!" L exclaimed causing me to realize exactly what we missed at the beginning of this broadcast.

"We can't let him finish!" I continued on for L.

"Get Sakura TV on the line!" Matsuda had basically ran to the phone while Aizawa pulled out his cell phone.

"It's no good," Aizawa concluded. "I'm trying, but of my contacts at the station have their phones on!"

"They're not picking up at reception either!"

Ukita cursed before running towards the door.


"I'll stop this broadcast myself if that's what it takes!" He exclaimed before running out the door.

"Wait!" I tried to call out to him, but it was no use. This is no good, if this second Kira happens to have the eyes, then he's only going to go there to die.

"People of the world, please listen to me, the last thing I want to do is kill the innocent. I hate evil and love justice." Is it just me, or is this second Kira starting to sound like a fangirl? "I've always thought of the police as allies, not as enemies. I intend to create a new world, one that is free of evil. If you agree to join me in my mission, I know we can make it happen. As long as no one tries to catch me, I promise that the innocent will not die. Even if you don't agree, all I ask is that you don't publicize your views on the media. If you can do that, you will be spared. All you have to do now is be patient. I will create a better world that we can all enjoy. Say goodbye to the world as you know it. Soon we will have a new world, ruled by benevolence inhabited with kind hearted, honest people. Try to imagine it, a world where the police and I will-"

Oh dear Lord, this fangirl rambles more than the first Kira. And that's saying something. Of course, everything the second Kira is saying is absolutely absurd as well.

"Huh? Aizawa look!" Matsuda exclaimed as he sent a glance towards the TV effectively gaining all of our attention.

On one of the TVs, a news channel was playing, and they were airing right in front of the studio. On the TV, it showed Ukita's dead body in front of the glass doors.

"As you can see, someone has collapsed just outside the door." The news reporter stated as if it wasn't obvious. "Again, we're coming to you live from the Sakura TV building."

Curses! This is exactly what I feared would happen!

"Curse it! Kira did this!" Aizawa exclaimed as he began to walk towards the door.

"Mr. Aizawa!" L called out to him causing him to stop. "Where are you going?"

"Where do you think?" He questioned rhetorically. "I've gotta go there!"

"You can't!" I exclaimed. "Please think about this rationally."

"Do you two honestly expect me to just sit here and watch TV?!" He yelled at us.

"If this truly is the work of Kira, then you'll just meet the same fate of you go there." L explained.

"You told us Kira couldn't kill us without a name, so how could this happen?!" Aizawa finally turned around to look at us.

"They probably have the eyes..." I mumbled under my breath, but L still heard me.

"The aliases and fake police IDs were worthless." Matsuda continued. "What are we going to do L? You don't think he already has all of our names already do you?"

"That's a definite possibility," L told him. "However, if that's the case then you would think that it would be easy to kill off the entire taskforce before making a move. Initially, I'd deduced that Kira needed a face and a name to kill, but from what we've seen, if say it's not entirely impossible for him to kill with only a face. All I know for sure is that Kira is in that TV station or he is somewhere close by, a place where he can watch everyone in the building-"

"If Kira is in the area, then isn't that why we should go there?!" Aizawa yelled.

"For all we know, he could have just placed surveillance cameras in the area." L's voice was starting to sound a bit shaky. "If all of us rush down there unprepared all of us will be killed."

"Wasn't it you who said we would have to risk our lives to catch Kira?!" Aizawa yelled as he grabbed L's shoulder.

"I meant what I said, but," L paused. "Risking my life to catch Kira and doing something that I know will cost me my life are two entirely separate things."

"Oh yeah?!" Aizawa yelled before pausing as he finally took a good look at us. Both of us were gripping our ankles to the point we were shaking.

"Please control yourself." L requested in a shaky voice. "We've lost Ukita. I understand that you want to go there, but if something were to happen to you as well..."

Aizawa finally calmed down as we continued to listen to the broadcast.

"I will now explain the response for the police. They must decide whether or not they will help be create a better world for all of us. Please announce your decision on the 6:00 news in four days. I have prepared two videos, one to be aired if the answer is yes and another if the answer is no."

"A vehicle has just driven through the front doors of the station," One of the TV's blared as we watched a police van of all things drive through the entrance.

"Well..." I started.

"That's one way to get into the building without being seen by Kira." L finished for me.

"But who would..." I think I have an idea.

"We're still outside Sakura TV, and as you can see, a police car has just arrived."

"So we're not alone." Matsuda stated. "There are still other officers out there who are against Kira."

"Yes, and there currently being idiots." I grit my teeth as I prepared for the inevitable.

"Mr. Aizawa," L gained his attention. "You know Deputy Director Kitamura's cell phone number, right?"

"Um, yeah, why?"

Once L had Aizawa call him, he quickly snatched the phone and put it up against his ear.

"... This is L, there's something I need you to do for me." He spoke into the phone. "There may be police officers who will see this broadcast and feel moved to act in a sense of justice. If we don't take control of the situation quickly, there will be a disaster."

After a few moments Watari's office rang out for a few seconds.

"Detective Superintendent Yagami," He informed us.

"Call him back immediately," I requested before L could. "And give us the phone."

As we were given the phone, I placed it on speaker so both L and myself could hear.

"I need to speak with Ryuzaki," You know, sometimes I feel really left out...

"Yes, it's me as well as Kuro," I've been remembered!

"So you were the one who was driving the police van." I stated trying to be included.

"That's right," He replied. "I couldn't just sit back and watch. I've confiscated all of the tapes. I'm bringing them to you."

Well, at least he was smarter than the others about finding a way in.

"What about your condition?" L questioned.

"Are you alright?" I too was a bit concerned for the man's health.

"I'm feeling just fine." He reassured us. "To be honest, I don't think I've ever felt more alive."

I wonder if he went in and waved a gun at them or something because that probably would have been quite fun.

"What do you think I should do now?" Mr. Yagami questioned. "I'd say going out the front is too dangerous, but I could always use the police van again."

"Please, hold the line for a second." I told him as L got back on the phone with Kitamura.

"Deputy Director Kitamura," L spoke into the phone. "It was Chief Yagami who just drove into the building, are your preparations complete?"

After a few seconds he quickly switched to talking to Mr. Yagami again.

"Mr. Yagami listen to me carefully," L told him. "In exactly five minutes, I want you to come out the front entrance."

"You want me to come out the front entrance?!"

"Please trust us Mr. Yagami," I requested of him.

"Alright, I'll trust you."

I wonder if we went a little overboard with this plan...

Soon enough, a new report was on TV.

"There you have it," The now make reporter stated. "The police refuse to cooperate with Kira. Instead, they are preparing to fight, and as much as I fear for my own life in saying so, this is right. And it must be done. Kira is a threat to our very constitution, and as citizens we must fight back. I am NHNs Golden news anchor, Koki Takabara."

Huh, would you look at that, a news reporter with actual guts. Good for him... Well, maybe not... Kira does know his name and all that now, so ya know...

We were broken out of our thoughts as we heard the door open and Mr. Yagami entered the room.

"Chief Yagami!" Matsuda exclaimed at the sight of him being supported by Watari.


"Ryuzaki, Kuro," He remembered me! "I apologize for taking matters into my own hands. I have to admit, I got a bit carried away."

Now I'm really curious as to whether or not be waved his gun around at them.

"Here, these are all of the tapes in an envelope," Mr. Yagami continued. "Everything Kira sent to the station is in here."

I quickly grabbed the bag and took a peek inside. These tapes should be highly useful.

"We can't thank you enough Mr. Yagami," I told him quietly.

"I think I'd better rest for a minute." Mr. Yagami groaned as Watari helped him walk to a chair.

L and I both took a look at one of the tapes as we were probably thinking the same thing. We wouldn't let his work go to waste.

After taking a look at the tape, we examined the envelope. It was from Osaka. Though, for all we know, this second Kira could have controlled one his or her victims into sending it.

"Mr. Aizawa," L got his attention as he placed the envelope back in the bag I was still holding. "Can you please take this to the crime lab right away?"

"I still have friends down there." Aizawa said as I handed him the bag. "I'll make sure they go over every inch of this."

"Yes, please do so," We agreed.

"While you're doing that, Kuro and I will watch these tapes and see if they can tell us anything."


And so, we all started working on separate things. L and I were going to be in for a long night.

2838 words excluding A/N's

This is a record for me. Three updates in less than 24 hours. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Oh, and also, I have a book called 'BORED!' on my profile. If you want to check it out, it gives different updates/info for my profile since I don't really like writing them on my message board.

Finished- 11:54 AM on January 28, 2018

Bye ~

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