Extra story: 02

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He doesn't feel anything.

Not even pain.

Or numbness.

That's weird. He pondered since he was pretty sure that someone stabbed twice should be feeling at least either of the two.

The ground suddenly feels soft, that's weird. Another thought in his head as he realised the feeling of a soft mattress underneath his fingertips. A foreign scent also slowly entered his nostrils, he scrunched his face more, this isn't the smell of the detergent he uses at Seokjin's. This smell is more like a... hospital? Yeah he should be in a hospital, but there was something distinctively different 

He let out a groan as he opens his eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the white and dark blue combination of the room he's in. Namjoon sits up slowly, expecting to see bandages around him and maybe an IV connected to him.

Instead, he's in a blue outfit, that even looked like sleepwear, he was wearing matching coloured slippers, he looks around the room, expecting to see a bedside draw with a vase like the usual hospitals. But once again, he just found... walls. It confused the hell out the man. In front of him was a large drape of white curtains, he slowly grabbed the edge and yanked it aside.

And was met with an empty bed. Neatly made, with just a single pillow resting on top. There wasn't even a blanket. Namjoon turned his head, back to the bed he woke up on, the thing almost matching with what was in front of him.

The same smell he smelled earlier slowly came back to his senses. He looked around the room more, expecting to see something else, something. This plainness is going to drive him crazy.

Then he heard a sound, coming from one of the walls, and then a small part of it slides to the side, light seeps in through that small box, and Namjoon looked over. He then heard a muffled voice from the other side, it seemed like two people having a conversation as the first one crouched down and slid open another box, this time near the floor of the same wall, and then he pushed in something that seems to be food.

"What is this...?" The mint haired male murmurs, staying on the side. Then, the same person who pushed the food in spoke, near the box so their voice was clearer. "...in, eat this for fuck's sake. We don't want people to think we're mistreating you and not letting you eat." Even from just the voice itself, Namjoon could tell the taunting tone in the voice that reached his ears.

There was a brief silence before the two people outside suddenly stood up and slammed the 'doors' shut.

Namjoon looked down on the floor, looking for the container of food that they pushed in earlier, but instead he saw a bunch of feathers and cotton scattered variously on the place, he blinked twice and looked back towards the second bed, the pillow on top of it that was neatly placed earlier was now nearly falling off the side, cotton spilling out.

Then he noticed something, some feathers looked like they have been flattened when they were stepped on. So he followed them around the huge room and it stopped in front of a wall, one that looked like it used to have a window on it.

A sound reached his ears, he whipped back around to the bed, and he nearly felt his heart stop when he saw Seokjin. Yes, the Seokjin he knows. His hair may be black and back may be hunched as he sobs, but Namjoon recognizes that figure anywhere.

"Hyung..?" He called out softly, but it falls into deaf ears as Seokjin sobs more, the same brown journal he's always seen clutched in his arms. Namjoon's gaze flitted to the back for a second, and he was sure he saw a knocked down lamp and dresser, but it was gone the next instant.

Seokjin whimpered as he laid sideways on the bed, cut off words were leaving his mouth but Namjoon managed to understand most of it.

And it just breaks his heart to see his friend like that.

He had unconsciously spoken to himself, sad eyes remaining on the older. "How can I help him?"

Then, he felt another person in the room, looking away he was surprised when he saw Woojin.

"Where the hell were you Woojin hyung?!" But he, once again, got ignored as Woojin answered the earlier question.

"Do you want to help him?"

"... what?"

"Do you want to help Seokjin get better?"

Namjoon looked to the side, to the Seokjin who had fallen asleep with the journal still held tightly. Woojin saw a soft smile slowly show on Namjoon's facial features so he interrupted.

"Well, do you?"

Namjoon looked back, nodding firmly.

"Then I have a deal for you, Namjoon." He started as he sat down on the floor, feathers moved gently to the side.

"In an exchange with helping Seokjin get over this event. I'll offer you something you need." He looks up as Namjoon sat on the bed beside his hyung. "I don't really want the offer. What's the event that left Seokjin like this?" He asked back, brushing the older's hair away from his face.

"That's for you to find out." Woojin tuts, "so? Do we have a deal Namjoon?"

He lets out an impatient sigh. "Deal then." Then he spares a glance towards Seokjin at the same time Woojin spoke.

"I'll let you live until winter."

His head turns to the oldest immediately. "What? But I'm not dead!"

Woojin laughs lightly. "Namjoon, you got stabbed. Twice. Both critical hits. You were supposed to die ever since you woke up in this room." He gestured before his face changed as if he just remembered a minor detail. 

"You're already dead, Namjoon."

"I... have until the end of autumn right?"

"You have all the time until the first signs of winter fall down the sky."

"I'll take it then!"

Namjoon groaned, his trashed his head around as he fell a dull throbbing at the back of his head, his neck felt still and his abdomen hurts so much. He then felt hands gently grab his arm and a calming voice reached his ears, he knows this voice, yet it's the first time this voice spoke at this tone.


Namjoon almost smiled, until he remembered that he only has literally a whole season to do whatever he can and fix his Seokjin hyung.


La-Di Da-Di: END

a mini sequel chapter maybe?

august 13, 2017

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