Main Story: 12

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"Hyung, you have a visitor." Namjoon knocks on Seokjin's bedroom twice before letting himself in. He sees said male resting on his bed, in his sleepwear, but he wasn't tucked in.

Namjoon sighed. This guy. If Seokjin catches a cold again, he might just let the guy suffer. The last time Seokjin fell ill was like this, Namjoon found him on top of his covers, laptop open, battery half empty. The older had stayed up very late to finish a manuscript and ended up falling asleep with his work done to a quarter and with a cold the next day.

But this time, Seokjin didn't have his mouth open and no ragged breathing escaped his mouth with a fever. Seokjin, his facial expression was peaceful, and a brown journal clutched in his arms as he was curled up like a fetus.

It's probably been some time since Seokjin slept like this, Namjoon thought, but then he remembered that someone came to visit Seokjin, and even though he'd like for the older to get more rest, he walked towards the bed.

He crouched down and rested his chin on his hand as he looked at Seokjin's sleeping face, the older's cheeks seem to be not as chubby as it had been the past week. Which means he's not eating properly again.

But what could it be that made him so worked up? His nearest deadline is still next month, he has a lot of time and if he remembered correctly he was nearly done anyway.

Namjoon noticed the older's eyebrows slowly twitching, so did his mouth, it tried to form words. The younger debated on waking him up, hey, it could be a nice dream he's having.

But his instincts told him otherwise, so he did what he was originally going to do, he placed a hand on Seokjin's and gently shook the other awake.

"Jin hyung... wake up."

Almost as if he was waiting for someone to wake him up, Seokjin jolts awake into a sitting position. Hands flying to Namjoon's wrist.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon grew concerned, it was the first time he had seen the other like this, and it surprised him.

Seokjin opened his mouth to answer, but his throat felt dry, so he just nodded and then gestured for his tumbler on his work table. Namjoon understood and passed him the thing, then went to the doorway.

"Someone's looking for you downstairs. Come down to the living room when you've fixed yourself." He said, leaving the older alone.

"Oh, hey Yoongi." The brown haired male greets as soon as he met eyes with his visitor. The pink haired guy was seated on his couch, phone in hand.

"Hey," he greets back, saying a thank you when Namjoon gave him juice. "You ready to go out? You said you'll help me pick a gift for Jungkook today." He says before taking a gulp of the juice.

"Did you forget?" Only when Seokjin raised his head again did Yoongi notice his eyes, they were puffy but aside from that nothing else was quite suspicious, "Were you crying? Or were you just trying to match the amount of sleep I can get? Because I'm already telling you, you can never catch up on me." He chuckles, making both of them laugh.

"I didn't forget and wasn't planning on catching up. In fact, if you had too much sleep last night, I didn't get to sleep much." Seokjin admits, checking the kitchen where Namjoon was in, pouring himself a glass of milk. "Namjoon have you seen my phone?"

The mint haired male looked up from the kitchen counter, a soft smile on his face. "Yeah, you left it beside your tumbler last night, it's on your table."

Seokjin smiled back, shouting a thank you before telling Yoongi to stay and running up his room to change.

The two walked side by side, just looking around shops they've already gone to, on each of their hands were two paper bags that have their gifts for Jungkook inside.

Yoongi opened his car door and settled in the driver's seat, Seokjin in the passenger's seat, they gently placed the paper bags on the backseat and then pulled out of the mall's parking lot.

"Hey, Seokjin hyung." Yoongi started as soon as they were on the road. "Hmm?"

"Is it just me, or ever since Namjoon got out of the hospital he seems... different." Yoongi spoke, eyes calmly checking the road.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is.. I remember the last time I went over before he got into the accident, he was calm and collected when he greeted me. But earlier..." He drifts off, same time as the car slowed to a stop at a red light.

"Earlier?" Seokjin repeats, urging the younger to continue.

The mint haired male chewed on his bottom lip, he seemed to be really uncomfortable with whatever happened earlier. "I felt him glaring."

"Huh?" Was all Seokjin could say, whatever the occasion he can never picture Namjoon acting like that.

Especially since he seemed to be in a good mood when he asked him about his phone.

"Oh but don't get me wrong it's not like I'm digging up dirt on your dummy but," Yoongi paused as he turned a street. "something seems wrong with him." He finishes.

"And I don't know if you noticed, but even Woojin seemed a bit fidgety when he opened the door while talking to Namjoon."

Though he didn't announce it, Yoongi's words made the older a bit uneasy. Was Namjoon acting different towards him, or was it just that he didn't notice the change in his attitude?

"We're here." Yoongi announces, snapping Seokjin out of his inner thoughts. He grabbed the paper bag from the backseat, but Yoongi grabbed his wrist before he exits the car.

"Maybe you should bring the subject up when you can talk with Namjoon." Yoongi simply said, and Seokjin nods back.

"Bye hyung."


I had too much fun in this one

april 22, 2017

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