Chapter Eighteen

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As Lori was waiting with Luna for news about Sam, the paramedics rushed in with a badly injured Bobby Santiago. Multiple bones were broken and he was rapidly losing blood. The sight would break most people, but unfortunately for Lori...they rushed past her with her boyfriend near the edge of death.

"Bobby?!" Lori shouted. She tried to get to him, but the nurses held her back.

"Ma'am, the patient is too unstable for any physical contact right now and has to be prepared for surgery." A doctor says as she struggles to get to her beloved Bobby Boo Boo Bear. She had tears streaming down her face which is ruining her makeup.

"But..." Lori said before one of the nurses rushed in and whispered something to the doctor. 

"Ma'am we'll tell you about his condition later, right now we have to save him from the verge of death." The doctor said as he rushed into the room leaving Lori and Luna alone. When he closed the doors, Lori collapsed and fell onto the floor. She started to sob as this is becoming the worst day of her life.

"Lori?" Luna asked. Lori didn't answer her sister and just kept sobbing. So Luna patted her back while waiting to see the conditions of their loves. Hours later, the two were still in the waiting room and were on edge. Luna was informed that Sam was okay and was just resting after her traumatizing ordeal by the doctors a while ago. However she made no move to see her since her sister needed her more than Sam did. Just then a doctor walked in with a somber expression on their face.

"Are you Lori Loud, Bobby's girlfriend?" The doctor asked.

"Yes. How's Bobby? Is he okay or...." Lori started to say before the doctor continued.

"We have done all we could, but your boyfriend is in a coma. If he wakes up then he will need the support of all of his family and friends to make a recovery." The doctor said. Lori collapsed and started to cry once again. This was a nightmare and to make it worse...her boyfriend was in a battle of life and death. Speaking of which....

Bobby woke up in a black void and couldn't see anything around him. He was confused until he remembered how that ghost basically tore him apart. To make matters worse, she used the voice of Lori to basically trick him.

So you remember?

That voice sent a chill to Bobby and he frantically looked around for her. When he found her, he tried to run, but his legs were basically glued to his current spot. 

Why are you doing this to me?  I haven't....

Valak started to giggle and smiled with malice. A smile that didn't make Bobby feel better about his current situation nor his sister's. 

I'm just doing a favor for my friend. You see, the Louds have done a great injustice towards her son so they have to be punished. 

You're lying. The Louds are great people and don't deserve....

Bobby couldn't finish his sentence since his chest felt it was about to burst. He slowly turned to look at Valak who has lost her smile and just looked down at him with disgust.

Great people?! People who kick out their own eleven year old son and leave him to face the elements alone are great people? 

Well, he was bad luck so....

Stop your pathetic excuses for their behavior. You are a lost cause if you can't see how disgusting and revolting they are. Though I do have hopes for that six child to turn a new leaf after a little punishment of course.

What are you going to do to me?

Once he asked that, Valak looked at him like a predator. She slowly approached him and reached out her hand as he started to black out, he heard something that caused his body to shiver:

We're going to "play" with each other of course. 

Meanwhile, Ronnie Anne sat in the living room before she felt like something was wrong with her brother. Almost like, he was in great danger. Before she could voice on it, La Llorona spoke.

If you're wondering about your brother, he has been chosen as a current target by one of my friends. 

"Will he be okay?" Ronnie Anne asked.

Maybe. If he doesn't say or do anything stupid then she may let him live. If not then...

Ronnie Anne didn't need to be told what could happen if her brother did something stupid. She already knew that he would since he was so in love with Lori that he could hardly see the truth right in front of his eyes. 

"So what do you plan to do to me?" Ronnie Anne asked.

I was hoping that you could stay here for a bit.

"Stay here? I can't just leave my mom alone." Ronnie Anne asked.

Well, I planned to turn you into a ghost and once you're done learning to get used to your new body and can visit anyone that you want.

"I see. Did you also do that for Lincoln and Lily?" Ronnie Anne asked.

I only did it to Lincoln. Lily was far too young for it and if I turned her now then she could've stayed her age for centuries.

"Can I think about it?" Ronnie Anne asked.

Sure. My son will be home soon and you both can catch up with each other. Meanwhile, I'll see how things are going for the Louds.

Ronnie Anne nodded and started to read a book while Lily was fast asleep in her room. As she did this, La Llorona wondered when Harriet would visit. Never knowing that she would add another Loud to her newly found family. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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