Chapter One

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I don't own the belongs to their creator

It was a dark and eerie night in Royal Woods and Lincoln knew that if he had a choice, he would be back at home in his nice warm bed surrounded by his loving family. A family that decided to treat him like a pariah just for one bad game of Lynn's. He knew that it was a bad choice, but he didn't see any other option since "family supports family". 

"Family supports each other. Yet when it comes to me...that statement goes out the window." Lincoln said to himself as he kept walking down the forest. It was a nice change from the backyard despite how scary it was with the moon high above him. But that couldn't stop the tears from running from his face due to his family's actions. Before he could continue...he felt a rain drop falling down on his face and looked up just in time to see a big storm starting. 

"This is just perfect." He said bitterly to himself before he heard something in the distance.

Where are you my precious child? Come home...please. I won't let you out of my sight again...just come home.

When Lincoln heard this, he couldn't help...but sympathize with this unknown woman. Someone who lost her children in the dark forest and was searching for them despite how dark it was. But..something felt off about it. 

"Keep it together Lincoln. You need to get past this forest then you're home free." Lincoln said as he felt tears coming to his eyes again. He quickly wiped them off and started to walk..only to keep hearing the same voice over and over again. She was saying the same things over and over again...which made Lincoln run. 

"AHHHH!" He cried since he tripped over a branch in the dark. As he started to get up...she turned around and saw a woman wearing a white dress. He couldn't see her face, but that didn't stop Lincoln from shaking at the sight of her.

My child. Come home with me.

She stated as she slowly reached down to pick up Lincoln who was too stunned to move. This was it...he was never going to see his sister, friends or Pop Pop again. All because of a stupid decision to run away from the forest. 

"I'm sorry everyone. I just wish that I could've lived with a family who actually loved me." Lincoln said when the woman stopped and looked surprised at the white haired child. She  knew him...he was almost like her lost child. A child that she regretted losing sight of due to the actions of her handsome husband who left her for another woman. 

You...You're actually my child. I've been searching for you for years. Now you can finally came home.

"W..What?" Lincoln asked before the woman gave him a hug. Something that he hasn't experienced for a couple of weeks thanks to the members of the Loud family believing that he was bad luck.

Why are you out in the rain? And why were you crying?

Lincoln sighed before telling the woman about his tale...and by the end she was livid. How dare those people treat her child this way?! She should get even with them and teach them a lesson. But for now...she had her child to take care of.

Come with me..child. I'll provide you with everything that should've been given to you a long time ago. 

"But who are you?" Lincoln asked before he grabbed the woman's hand. The woman looked down at Lincoln...smiled and said:

I'm La Llorona. 

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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