Chapter Ten

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As Lincoln, Lily and their mother walked around the haunted amusement park, Lucy was sitting in her room quickly looking through another book before slamming it shut. This was the fifth book that she looked through and she still didn't know what force was after her family. Speaking of which, her efforts on contacting her great aunt have been unsuccessful. It was like she was avoiding her presence which didn't make sense.

She must've known that Lincoln was bad luck...yet instead of being proud like she wanted her aunt to be. Harriet seemed disgusted and ashamed of their actions. But why? Was it wrong for them to kick out their son for their own survival? Was it wrong to treat them like a pariah so they could continue using him for their own needs? 

Lucy didn't know and didn't care. The same could be said for the others since they only wanted their son/brother back for their own uses. Especially Lynn who was anxious since he wasn't around to help her win an upcoming game. Sighing..she quickly tried a sixth book and tried to figure out an answer while Harriet and the other ancestors looked on with ashamed and angered faces.

I see what you mean Harriet. Our descendants are really beyond redemption.

Sadly, out of everything that has been done. This was just the tipping point of how their dishonored us. For years, these sisters have treated their own brother like their own personal slave which often left him embarrassed and hurt. They decided who he could or couldn't date and what kind of punishment that he gets whenever he does something that they don't agree with. Their parents saw this and instead of stopping it...they just let it continue and unjustly punished him for whatever his sisters did without evidence.

Then they deserve whatever's going to happen to them. Hopefully they will learn something from this because if they can't then they will surely be sent to hell for their sins. 

After that, Harriet and the ancestors quickly vanished. Just as Lucy looked around and tried to figure out who or what is coming for her family. Meanwhile, Lincoln, Lily and La Llorona were eating some delicious food that was being served at stand.

"This is delicious." Lincoln said as he continued to walk through the park. 

It truly is. It's nice to be able to come down here without the fear of one of those so called ghost hunters coming around.

"So called ghost hunters?" Lincoln asked with his eyebrow raised. 

Those pests have always gone into homes and "tried" to find evidence that we exist. Which we sometimes provide if we feel some sort of pity on them. Other times, they mistake noises as signs of us when it was really some animal or anything random. Like one time. I saw one of them jump when they heard something crash in the distance which was caused by the wind  yet they all cried that it was the work of us. But despite me saying all of this, those ghost hunters have often gotten into trouble.

"Like heading to the wrong location or something?" Lincoln said as La Llorona nodded.

Yes. Like I said before, There are good ghosts or bad ghosts. They haunt locations where they just want to cause trouble and would be fine if these ghost hunters left them alone. Instead they barge into their homes and poke their noses where they don't belong. Which means that they will either get hurt or killed by those spirits. But what you don't realize is that sometimes these spirits had tragic backstories which caused them to become evil. For example, There is a ghost named Kayako Saeki who was murdered by her husband along with her son. Instead of going to heaven they became vengeful spirits who have often dragged people away to their deaths. 

"I see what you're saying. Spirits don't become evil just out of the blue..they become evil if they suffer through tragic pasts or deaths." Lincoln said.

Exactly. We are defined by what happened to us in our past lives and until recently..I was an evil spirit as well.

"But what caused you to change to a good spirit in the first place?" Lincoln asked.

I met you. Listen, in my past I made a huge mistake. And until I met you, I was a mess. For too long...I wondered around and caused lots of misery for the living. But when I discovered that you existed, all of that changed.

"I'm glad you changed Mom." Lincoln said as the small family went towards a nearby ride as a group of four continued to talk among each other about Lincoln. This was a magical time for everyone and this wouldn't be the last. Which brings the question:

What would life be if La Llorona didn't find Lincoln?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, Bye 👋

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