Chapter Twenty Two

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After seeing how Lori and Luna treated their younger sister, La Llorona turned her attention to the parent's bedroom. Even though, she started haunting the family after rescuing her son and later daughter...something about them struck them as odd. She knew that they weren't good parents, but she couldn't stop herself from thinking:

Why would they willingly kick their son out of the house?

Sure, some would argue that they did it because of bad luck...however, she felt like it was something more than that. Not to mention how those sorry excuse of parents basically worshipped their daughters hand and foot. After getting this thought, a couple of voices came closer to the room so she quickly hid in a mirror. Just in time for Rita, Lynn Senior and the second youngest child, Lisa walked in.

"Lisa, we need you to increase the dosage of the drugs." Rita said. La Llorona stared at the scene with some confusion. Drugs? What drugs? Before Lisa opened her mouth to reply to her mother.

"Why? I tested the dosage several times and Leni hasn't shown any issues after consumption of them..." Lisa started to say before her father cut her off.

"We just need to be sure that she wouldn't get any ideas from drinking those special smoothies. Besides, we also need to discuss what to do with Lana." Lynn Senior said.

"For one, there is no need to worry about the dosage since she hasn't stopped consuming them. Secondly, why did the conversation swift to Lana? She hasn't really done anything to..." Lisa began before her father continued.

"She has started to crack under the pressure of keeping the public from discovering what we've done. Lola's blackmail isn't even affecting her anymore so...." Lynn Sr. Said. The man's words made La Llorona's blood boil in rage. Not only have they made their own son suffer and leave their youngest child alone in the house....they also made some of the other's suffer for selfish reasons. Only for those thoughts to be confirmed when she heard Lisa speak again.

"Then I'll think of a way to silence her. At the moment, keep a close eye on her and make sure that she doesn't tell any other people about what occurred here. We have too much at stake at the moment and we can't have people sneak around our house." Lisa said. Hearing this, La Llorona quickly went home and waited for another visit from Harriet...since she was the only ancestor who spoke out to her.

Meanwhile, Bobby awoke to see that he was floating around in his mind once again. It was a welcome change to what that demon has put him through for the last couple of days. Or was it weeks? As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he quickly grew depressed knowing that he was stuck in here for who know's how long. 

"I wish that I could go back to my body?" Bobby said to himself. He was close to it yet at the same time...he was too far away to reach it. He was sure that his mother was devastated to see his sorry state and Lori...

Lori was probably kissing some other....wait, why did that thought come into his mind. Bobby knew that Lori was loyal to him and would never betray him. So why would he think that she would actually move on and be with someone else? It must be the work of her...that no good demon. Speaking of the demon, she appeared right in front of him with an unnerving smile on her face. 

Having fun?

Bobby could tell that she was mocking him and knew that saying anything would lead to more problems. However, he couldn't help himself from scoffing before speaking to her.

"What do you want now? Getting tired of trying to break me?" Bobby said with a snarl on his face. 

I would never dream of losing any interest in you. Besides, I haven't even broke you yet.

"Like that will ever happen. I will escape here and...." Bobby said before Valak started to laugh. When she was finished, she started to speak to him once again.

I see. So anything that I do wouldn't break you? How disappointing.

"If you know that then you should let me go and reunite with my mom and girlfriend." Bobby said.


Bobby looked at Valak with shock on his face. Did she really agree to let him go?

"Really? What's your catch?" Bobby said with an eyebrow raised.

Despite my interest in you...I realized that it would take time for me to break you. Time that I don't have since I have some others to torment as, I'll let you go. 

Bobby was still confused, but saw a light in the distance. A light that started to become brighter and brighter before it surrounded the entire area. So bright that he never saw the evil smile on Valak's face. When the light disappeared, Valak was standing alone while thinking;

That fool truly believed that I would let him go after our games. Ha! He will soon realize that I set in motion the greatest torment that he will never recover from. Get ready fool, cause your will  surely be shattered by the time that I'm through. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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