chapter one

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"chapitre un"

The young princess stared in her mirror, watching the maid standing behind her. The maid was making the final touches on Chéri's makeup. Normally the princess would do it on her own, but tonight was a special event, and her maid had pretty much begged Chéri to let her do the makeup.

Chéri smiled up at the other girl as she stepped back. The princess stood up, slowly spinning in a circle. "How do I look?" She asked with a wide grin.

"Beautiful, my lady," the maid replied.

"Thank you, Joli." Chéri turned back to the mirror, examining herself. Her eyes wandered to the clock, and her eyes widened. "I'm gonna be late! I'm supposed to walk in with Charmant!"

"Alright, I'll get your shoes. I'll be right behind you, princess." Joli laughed as the giggling Chéri hurried out of the bedroom and toward the ballroom.


Charmant d'Éclat was not one for nerves but as the ticking sound echoing in his room grew louder, so did the beat of his own heart within his ears. To say the teenage prince was antsy and anticipating the events of the evening, was saying the least. Yet as he stood in front of his mirror, staring at his reflection, Charmant watched as sweat beads slowly formed on his upper lip, causing a swift hand to wipe it away.

Brandishing his handkerchief, Charmant's personal butler gave the boy a sympathetic smile as he replaced the silk piece into his pocket,

"Ah, the look of fear. Fear of love and a future out of your control," The elderly man chuckled, shaking his head in a nostalgic sort of manner, "I remember it well."

Giving him a soft laugh, Charmant took a seat in front of the vanity that was in his room,

"Mon amie.... how will I know if she is the one?" Charmant questioned, his voice quiet as he looked at his long time friend, hoping for a wisdom filled talk.

Once again, silence filled the small room as the butler smiled softly and looked to his feet,

"My lord, all I can say is let your heart decide who she is and not your eyes. Sight can be deceiving and no girl deserves to be given no chance at all just because she is not the prettiest." The man replied, gently patting the prince upon his shoulder.

Glancing at the time, Charmant swore gently in French and grabbed his suit jacket,

"Chéri is going to kill me," He groaned, swinging his bedroom door open. Before leaving he turned to look at the man once more, "Jacques, I am trusting you to make sure I make the correct decision and not some testosterone guided one." And with a laugh, the prince rushed down the hall, towards the ball room, in hopes of a future beyond this Selection.


The royal family spared no expense. The ballroom was decorated to perfection with food and drinks tables around the edges of the room.

The Selected were ushered into the room. They were all wearing the same dress and shoes, though they were permitted to have different makeup looks and hairstyles.

Moments later, the doors opened, and the twins entered the room together, both smiling. The king walked in moments after.

"Welcome," he began, looking at the Selected. "We are pleased that you all could have this opportunity. Please enjoy yourselves." He nodded to them, even smiling a bit. "But please do not leave the room until dinner is over." He paused, then said, "Let's eat!"

(Make your own chains!
•Speak to the prince
•Speak to either the princess or another Selected
If you have not turned in your form, you cannot roleplay until you do.
Have fun!)

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